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Third person P.O.V (A/N: play media for better effects)

It's been a feew monthes after the Blindfold Gang had defeated the snake of Clearing Eyes, as if nothing happen. All of our actors have been hanging out more often at their hide out and things have return to normal. Or so they thought.....

"Nee minna, what are we going to do today?" Ask the pop idol, Momo

"To the beach?" Kano suggested

"It would be such a drag." Shintaro said

"Roam around the city?" Ene/Takane said (whichever you prefer)

"We've already done that like a billion times." Hibiya said

"Tea anyone?" Mary said with a tray of tea and puts it down the table

"Thanks Mary." Everyone said and grab a tea cup

"Continue. How 'bout the park?" Seto said

"Posibly." Ayano said taking a sip of her tea

"And then maybe play hide and seek." Konoha suggested

"Heck yeah!" Ene yelled

"So to the park and hide and seek it is." Kido, the leader of the group declared as everyone went to the park.

=== a 'lil bit of time skip === to the park ===

So the gang is now at the park, the 'it' is currently Hibiya, and so far he has found Shintaro and Seto at the most obovious spot. The local park was queit big, so it's enough for them to hide anywhere.

Hibiya's P.O.V

Let's see who's next, maybe leader or Momo. Then I heard someone yelp and music, I tried to locate the sorce of it. The music came from Leader and Momo.

"Found you!" I said, well more like yelled

The both of them were surprise then groaned as they walk to where the others are. Eventually I found Kano, Ayano, Ene, and Konoha. By the way, did I mention that I'm a great seeker? No? Then I am.

Now it's left is for Marry.

Marry's P.O.V

I was with Ene awhile ago, she took a peek but then she was found by Hibiya, so I crawl away before he could saw me. I didn't know where I end up crawling to, and I know I'm still near the park but definetly no where near Hibiya can find me.

"Found you." I spoke to soon, Hibiya found me. "C'mon, let's get back to everyone." He said, I quickly stood up and dust myself then I followed him.

"I shall grant your wish."

While walking, something just swoosh from behind us, we turn around and there's this weird looking portal that appered. Me and Hibiya were hesitating to go in, like teens we are, we're just curious on what's inside or the the other side.

"I shall grant your desire."

Then the portal strated sucking us in, we grab onto the tree trunk but it was stil sucking us. Hibiya has losen his grip, I reach out my hand and grab his hand then my hand started to lose it's grip.

"I shall give you the fantasy you desire,"

We started to yell for help, but then, my hands slip off the tree trunk and the last thing I knew, is that me and Hibiya were calling for help, the gang was running towards us and being sucked by the portal until everything was black.

"A world that can make that possible."


{I do NOT own Mekakucity actors or Naruto. They belong to their respective owners.}

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