Chapter 17

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Chapter 18 = The Forest of Death

Marry's P.O.V

We followed Anko to where the second part of the exam is being held, also known as the Forest of Death. After that, Anko began explaining the rules and disqualifications of the exam and stuff. Basically, survive and get either a heaven or an eath scroll and be at this tower within five days.

"But, since there's an odd number of teams, there are two scrolls hidden somewhere in the forest. If you're lucky, you might get the scroll that you're looking for." So there's an extra scroll, might as well go for that.

"No, we shouldn't look for the extras. People had already thought of that." Hibiya said in my mind. Nevermind.

Then Konohamaru and his gang came in and said that they will interview us. Konohamaru is interviewing Naruto and his team, Udon with Neji's and Moegi with me and Hibiya.

"Marry-neechan, can you tell me about you and your team with Sasuke-kun?" Moegi aks with a blush when she mentions Sasuke's name.

"Well, Sasuke is a emoish type of guy that dosen't want anything in his path, I guess, but once you crack his shell he can be a nice guy. Sakura is smart but she's sometime oblivious and pointing out the obvious, but when it comes to fighting, I thinks she would be better at the sidelines. Naruto is the hyperacttive knuckle head that never gives up on anything, he's also the best person if you needed someone to comfort you." Moegi nodded and write on her note book.

"Hibiya-niichan, is it true that you and Hinata-san are couple."

"Wha- No, where would you get that idea? And besides she already likes someone else."

"I notice that you and Hinata-san are kinda acting like a couple."

"I'm was only trying to help her with her stuttering problem and that's it." Hibiya confirmed.

"Okay for the both of you, what's life like with the Mekakushi clan?"

"It was fun hangging out with everyone from our clan."

"Though there are some ups and downs every now and then."

"Thank you for your time." With that Moegi left along with Udon and Konohamaru back to the village.

"Okie dokie maggots, I need you to fill out this form for a while." Anko said and handed us a paper.

"For what?" Someone ask.

"Why? Well didn't you hear the name of this training ground?" Anko asked jokingly and continued to distribute papaers. "It's a death form, so I wouldn't responsible if any deaths were to happen in the Forest of Death. And a permission to gather your corpes."

That was weird, it reminded me of someone. Anyway I fill up the things in the that's in the death form. I'm a little bit nerveous about this though, and we might not get out alive. A hand tapped my shoulder snapping me out of my thoughts, I turned around to see Hibiya holding his form and motioning me to sit next to him under a tree.

"Hey, what's with the worry face?" He ask

"I'm just unsure that we'll even come out alive." I said.

"Of course we'll come out alive."

"Well, how can you be so sure?" I ask as my voice cracked a little of unsureness. The reason I'm worring is because we might not see our friends again, and to top it all off, we're in another world.

"I mean, we've already died the first time in our lives when we got our Eye powers, right? I'm sure the second one won't be as hurtfull as the first." Hibiya then gave me an assuring smile and looked at the form. "In fact I think I can handle seeing my death again. After all, I was dying for ten years with.. Hiyori." The mood suddenly changes when Hibiya mention Hiyori. I forgot that Hibiya had been stuck in a time loop.

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