Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 = Training with Azami


Marry's P.O.V

"That's enough for today my Queen. Would you like to have tea?" Yellow said and offered his hand for me to stand up.

It's almost been two weeks and my training isn't easy, I have endless taijutsu and new nin and genjutsus but mostly taijutsu. My body is a noodle before me and Hibiya came to this world, but now I can handle heavy blows, probably like Lee's. I've also had my training regarding with the curse mark, though I haven't fully mastered it yet but I know how to use and control it properly.

"That would be great Yellow." I said as we walk towards to my same old house back in the forest where Seto found me. By the way, we are in Heat Haze so everything here is black with red hues and an endless bottomless pit that we somehow able to walk on.

"Where's Hibiya?" I asked and entered the house with everyone else inside it in their human forms

"He's with Riki and Gray." Scarlet answered, serviving Tsubasa and Red some tea. Scarlet is the snake of Favouring Eyes and Red's girlfriend. "What tea would you like My Queen?"

"Umm, Milk tea please." I said and Scarlet nodded and started making her way to the kitchen. Then the door opened revealing Gray carrying Hibiya on his back and Riki beside them. Hibiya looked tired so Gray dropped him on the couch and him and Riki fell on the floor tring to look dead, if you look closely, you could probably see their soul floating away from their bodies.

"So how did training go?" Yellow ask but didn't get a reply. Footsteps coming from the stairs was then heard as everyone kneeled down, it was Azami my grandmother holding a book while coming down.

I.. have been using Conceling Eyes each time I saw Azami, I don't really know how to talk to her.

"Marry." A hand tapped my shoulder, I look to who it belong to and see that it was Azami. She had a serious face as we stared into each others eyes. I'm so nervous. "I will teach you my style of fighting when I was in the world of ninjas. Now that you are physicaly fit we shall start tomorrow." And with that, Azami left.

Natsu's hand tapped my shoulder, "Don't be nervous Marry, Master is actually a nice person." He said with a smile.

~•~•~ Time skip ~•~•~ The next day ~•~•~

"Marry, do you remember what Awakening Eyes told you about there are other Eyes abilities?" Azami asks as we walk along a red and black checkered road towards the training ground.

"I do. The others also told me about this snake style." I responded. We stop at a black flat area, that is the training ground.

Azami turned around and lifted her hand at me as black snakes went out of her sleeves towards me. My insticts told me to dodge and avoid their bites. I ran to the side and casted a small earth style jutsu at her, in which Azami dodges.

I look at Azami to cast another jutsu, but her eyes glowed red as she disappeared in the shadows. In a blink of an eye, Azami was right in front of me so I punch and kicked her but she blockes and dodges them. Azami stepped back and did a one-hand hand sign turning her long black hair into a head full of black snakes, with Azami's matching red eyes. The snakes launch themselves towards me, trapping Azami and I in a dome with a hole at the top.

My knees started to shake and soon fell to the ground, the curse mark was heating up as snake scales started to appear on my cheeks and my hair started to dismerge, this happens a lot during training when I use too much of my energy. Azami take notice of this and the dome suddenlt disappears. In a flash Azami went up to me and remove my hand holding the curse mark.

"It appears they didn't prepare you enough to handle the jutsu that I created." Azami said and poked her finger at the curse mark, the snake scales slowly disappears and my hair turning back to it's orgininal state afterwards.

"Marry you saw the snake style I've use right?" Azami asks.

"Yes." I answered unsurely.

"I use three Eye Abilities on you when we fought and that is what we are focusing on." Azami stated showing three fingers while I sit in an indian style.

"First is Me o yowameru or Weakening Eyes, as the name suggest it makes the body weak or too fragile to any attacks, it's different to Clearing Eyes because it can only stop ninjutsus but if you combine it with Weakening you can easily win against your opponent. Me no Surizā or Slithering Eyes it increases your movement speed. Me no Kage or Shadow's eyes lets you see in the dark, literally blends you in with the shadows, and be able to control shadows." Azami explains the new Eye Abilities that I have to learn, oh now I see.

"Azami what about changing your hair into a head full of snakes?"

"That will be the second part, for now let's focus on these new abilities you will learn."

~•~ Time skip •~• After one week of training ~•~

"You are a quick learner Marry."

"Thank you." I replied to Azami as I huff of tiredness.

"You have already mastered how to use all three eyes in a week, but you still need to practice on how to perfect it." Azami said and lend me a hand to get up and I took it. "Now let's do the justu you have been waiting."

Azami handed me a bottle of water as I sat down on the ground and listen to what she has to say.

"Have you experence a moment where your hair defended you?" Azami asks.

"Once, when I was at a mission."

"It's quite easy you see. The snakes, when you summon a one like Stealing Eyes, they'll came out from your hair and not like other summoning with a poof."

"So Azami, does that mean if I summon a normal black snake from my sleeves, do they come out from my hair as well?"

"Not exactly, only the main ones. Those normal snakes will only appear in your sleeves because they have poofed up from Heat Haze. The main ones will come out of your hair whenever needed but they cannot communicate with you unless you actually summon them in actual snake form. Enough talk, let's begin shall we?"

I don't get the explaination but I guess I can learn it from how Azami will show me.

~●~●~ Time Skip ●~●~●~

I finally finish my training with Azami. It's only a day away before the final exam and so she gave me a rest.

Hibiya was also somewhat improving but he isn't able to do the jutsus that Azami thought me, but maybe he was thought by Gray or Riki one of the Eye abilities.

Right now I'm just strolling around the village to clear of my mind and enjoying the fresh air and the beautiful sky that's about to set. I'm quite nervous about Dono or whatever the name of the guy in the Sound village.

A snake's head crowled up from my neck and spoke in a formal manner. "My Queen, Hibiya had told me to tell you that you should come back to the house for it is dinner."

"This early? It isn't even seven yet." I said to the snake, as it nodded in response. Then I started walking back towards the house.

"Hibiya I'm back." I took off my shoes and went to the dinnig area. Hibiya has a worried expression on his face as soon as I sat down.

"Marry, I got a feeling that something bad is going to happen tomorrow." Hibiya said as he place the food on the table.

"What you mean?" I ask.

"I don't know, I just feel it. Anyway let's eat, you have a big day tomorrow."

After that, me and Hibiya ate dinner and didn't talk for the rest of the night. I'm starting to feel the eerie feeling that Hibiya said. Oh well, we'll just have to see what tomorrow brings then. Good night people.

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