Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 = Chuunin Exams Written Test- Take #2

"Alright you scumbags, I'm Ibiki Morino and I'll be your proctor for today. Before we begin the first part of the exams, I want all of you to draw number from this box to determined where you'll be sitting." Ibiki announces and the rest of us did as told. I got the number 73, I'm one seat apart from Kiba. And Hibiya is sitted next to a grass shinobi.

"Alright, I'll be explaining the rules so pipped down and listen...." Ibiki began to explain the rules in which I don't understand. They have so many ways to make you fail in an hour. I might not survive this. I wonder how the others are doing.

"Begin!" I flipped the test paper and I can already see spirals around my head. These questions are so hard. Suddenly my eyes started to heat up and I could hear the thoughts of the people around me.

"Damn it, who on earth created these kind questions?"

"Okay Sakura, just relax and answer the hard question in which I wanted to cheat! Cha!"

"I wanted to help Naruto, but I might get caught."

"I wish we could just get into the real action and strat fighting."

"Come on Naruto use your head! You're the best at cheating back in the academy so why don't you use it!"

"These people are idiots, don't they understand the point of the exam is cheating."

"Blood, blood, blood, blood, bloody hell I want to kill someone! Someone give a person who is is willing to be a sacrifice!"

"What a D.R.A.G!!"

"Who the hell is Iron man?! And what's Marvel?!"

More and more thoughts came into my head. But then Hibiya's voice came into contact with mine.

"Psst, Marry how ya doing?"

"In the daze and confuse."

"Yeah right. Anyway, I'm here to help, see that guy the one with long black hair tied into a ponytail, third row in front and two seats to the right?"

"Yeah I see him."

"Good, now use Focusing Eyes to copy his answers."

"I haven't learn how to use Focusing Eyes, and I don't want to cheat I might get caught."

"Ugh you're too innocent, the whole point of the exam is cheating to see if all of us know how to gather information with out being caught."

"Ohhhh, no wonder Gaara said that."

"Gaara? You mean the Sand dude? Nevermind just use Stealing Eyes after all it's meant to steal information."

"Got it." I did as Hibiya told me too and copy the guy's answer and while I'm at it, I decided to talk with Hibiya. "Hey Hibiya, why did you insist to use Focusing Eyes earlier?" I ask

"It's to see answers clearly but since you haven't learn them just use Stealing Eyes and make sure to cover it with your bangs so you don't get caught."

"Okay, since when have you been so smart?"

"I guess I got some of Shintaro's IQ. Remeber when he said that when he was in middle school his scores are always the top notch."

"Yeah I remeber I kinda miss them. Oh and you forget a dash Ene's sassy attitude."

"Why I thank you for complement."

"It isn't a complement it's statement."

"What's the difference?"

I ended our conversation, deactived Stealing Eyes and just finish the test. I looked at the clock and saw that there's less that 25 minutes left. Right then a kunai flew pass Naruto and it hit the guy behind him test paper siganaling for him and his team are disqualified.

More and more people were called out that they are now disqualified, luckily none of us rookies, including Tenten's groups, were called out. I just sit back and waited for everyone to be finish with their test.

Once everyone was finish, Ibiki had explain the rules for the tenth question that will determine if we pass or fail. Ibiki gave us two options, answer the question but got wrong failed or you can give up and you and your team will also failed. I choose 'or' since it isn't one of the options given.

People began to raise their hands meaning that they give up. Then Naruto raised his hand which surprise Sakura and Sasuke and even me. But why is he raising his hand? He was so excited about this and now he wanted to give it up. Naruto slam his hand and shouted;

"You can act tough all you want but that won't scare me so underestimate me! I am not going to run or quit this exam and I don't care if I fail or if I'm going to be Genin for the rest of my life but know this!" Naruto pointed to Ibiki. "Someday, I'm going to be Hokage one way or another!"

Now that's the Naruto I know. Always determinded. After that speech, everyone got some courage and refuse to give up. Now that Ibiki is about tell us the final question, but instead he said that we all pass. How exactly?

"So those nine other question are just a waste of time?!" Temari yelled.

"If this was a waste of time, then why didn't you just kill the proctor and be over with!!" Gaara's inner human yelled. Is Gaara this blood thirsty? And that inner dosen't even sound like Gaara, or it must've been the second voice that was twasing him when we first meant.

"Why don't you just shut up. Even if I did that, me and my team would be disqualified and you wouldn't be able to bath in blood." Gaara said in his thoughts.

"Oh ho ho, who gave you the right to talk back to me and when?"

Gaara didn't answer his inner human's question and payed attention to Ibiki that I didn't listen to. I didn't realize that Stealing Eyes was activated until I heard Gaara's inner yelled, and so I deactivated it.

After Ibiki explained how we passed, someone kicked the doors open. We turned around to see a woman with wild purple hair tied into a pony tail, she's wearing a fish net shirt and an open jacket over it.

"Sup everybody, I'm Anko Mitarashi, your second proctor for the second part of the Chuunin Exams." She said with a smirk on her face. Anko then looked at us with a 'is this for real?' face. "27 teams ehh, thus atta be fun." Anko smirk as Ibiki began a short conversation with her.

"Alright you maggots, I'll give some time for you guys to prepare yourselves for the second part of the Exams. Meet me at the academy entrance tommorow at 8 am. Babye." And with that we all left the room and went back to our respective homes for tommorow's exam.

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