Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 = Introducing

Marry's P.O.V

As I eat my lunch under a tree, the memory of awhile ago keep repeating in my head, why does this have to happen, my cheeks are still hot.

"Is it because you liiike him. Or is it just he looks like that Seto?"

"Maybe it's because he look like Seto when I met him in the forest. Where did came from awhile ago Tsubasa?" I ask the snake in my lap.

"Is it alright if I stay here for awhile." Tsubasa said "And also Hibiya deceive you by telling that Kiba."

I groan as I pack my lunch "Why must he tease me."

"My queen look at teamates." Tsubasa said, I look at a wooden window where Naruto is sneak attacking Sasuke.

My inner fangirl is tingling, are they going to make out?!?

Sadly they didn't. 'Sasuke' got out scratchless with a smirk and run off to somewhere, might as well check if Naruto is okay. Tsubasa crowl into my arms and I went to the window to only see a tied up Sasuke.

"Need help, ducky?" I ask teasingly


"I'll take that as a yes." I said and cut the rope with a kunai

"Why are you here?" Sasuke ask

"I came to check on Naruto since you two were probly making out but you didn't and to my guess, he sneak attack you, tranform into you and run off to somewhere." I answered "And also we're teammates now, we should looking out for each other."

"Hn." =well thanks anyway

"You're welcome."

"Did you go where he went?" He ask

"Dunno, are you going to make out again?" I suggested as we went out the window

"We were not making out! And I'm not gay!" Sasuke protest

"I didn't say anything about being gay." I giggled, then he walk off "See you back at the class room!" I shouted before he went any further.


We're at the classroom waiting for our new sensei. Naruto was getting bored and seem to have an idea of pranking the guy. He sets up an eraser on top of the door, tring to get the perfect angle, while he's doing that, Sakura was scolding him but inside, her inner is cheering for it to work, and yes Stealing Eyes was activated but I didn't realize it was, after Naruto done that, he went to a seat tring to look that he's innocent.

The door flew open and revealed a blur of gray hair as the eraser hit it.

"Perfect shot!" Sakura's inner cheered

"How should I put it, my first impression of you.... well you're a bunch of idiots." Our sensei said and we mentaly sulk "Meet me at the roof." He said and disappeared in a puff of smoke.


We sat at the steps of the roof, Sensei was on the edge of the fence, I was in the middle, Naruto to my left Sasuke was a step behind me and Sakura to my right.

"Alright, now that everyone's here care to introduce yourselves." Our Sensei intructed, makes sense

"Introduce ourselves? What are we supose to say." Sakura ask, and here I thought Sakura was a smart girl.

"Don't your teammates know the word introduction?" Tsubasa said but no one can hear

"Your name, stuff you like and dislike, hobbies, goals for the future."

"Why don't you start first Sensei." Naruto said

"Me? I'm Kakashi Hatake, I don't fell telling my likes and dislikes, I have many hobbies, and my goal for the future are none of your buisness." Our Sensei, who we now know as Kakashi, said. He only just tell his name "You on the right, you start."

Naruto was the first one and telling that he like ramen more that anything in the world and being Hokage is his goal, then Sakura was next and all she does was talk like a mouse 'blah eek, blah squeek squeek', while kept looking at Sasuke, yesh does she want to rape him or something, then Sasuke was being all emo-ish and dark and wanted to kill someone while restoreing his clan. And now it's my turn.

"My name is Marry Kozukura Mekakushi, I like books, sweets, the colors red, pink and white, yaoi, snakes, music, and my friends. I don't like seeing people hurting other people without a reason, spicy food, and not controling my Kekkei Genkai properly, my hobbies are training, writing poems and stories, listening to music, and hanging out with my friends. I don't really have a goal for the future but if anything did happen, I'd rather spend it with my friends."

Everyone was silent at first then I heared Tsubasa hissed and Kakashi fake cough to get his attention, he probaly heared Tsubasa.

"Now that we knew each other, we'll do a test that all five of us can do." He pause as Naruto and Sakura complain, "Meet me tomorrow at training ground three, five am sharp and skip breakfast or you'll puke. Dismiss" He said and disappeared in a puff of smoke and we just walk back outside

"Jeez ninjas these days are always on a hurry." I heard Tsubasa say as my team turn their heads towards me in curiosity, I sigh in defeat and rolled up my sleeves to reveal Tsubasa

"Y-you have a purple snake!?" Sakura stuttered ask

"What? Never seen a purple snake in your life?" Tsubasa said sarcastically

"So, uh Naruto where were you saying we're goin to hang out." I chuckled changing the subject

"How 'bout Ichiraku's it's my treat, you guys can come too if you want." Naruto said

"Hn?" =so wait you we're going on a date with him= Sasuke said

"Hn." =Hibiya will be there, why'd you ask?= I ask

"Hn." =Nothing

"Hn?" =Jealous?

"Hn." =No

"So are you guys done hn-ing?" Tsubasa ask

"Yeah sorry, we'll meet you at Ichiraku Naruto."

"Sure, see ya!" Naruto then runs off, Sakura was tring to get Sasuke's attention when Naruto leave, but she got ignored, me on the other hand Conceled myself and tried to get away and go to my apartment.


As I was about to walk inside the apartment, the door flew open, revealing Hibiya.

"You ready to go to Ichiraku?" He ask

"I was about to get you, and yeah I'm ready." I replied. We went to Ichiraku to see Naruto waiting at one of the stolls.

"Order anything it's my treat." He says and I didn't hesitate.

I order a miso beef ramen with shrip, Hibiya ordered an all meat ramen and Naruto ordered a jumbo pork ramen with eggs on top. Once the chef gave our orders we all chow down, not long after Kiba and Sasuke appeared out of nowhere and wanyed eat along with us, but of course they have to pay for themselves.

We did have some small talk add little bit of music while we're at it, and random snakes appearing from my sleeves, but we did have a great time. When it was almost sunset we head back to our respective homes. End of story.

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