Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 = Snake of Clearing Eyes

Marry's P.O.V

I just woke up from our new apartment that the Hokage gave us. He said that we'll training with team Guy agaon today, but this time summoning.

I just got out of the bathroom and decided to wear the clothes that Tenten gave me yesturday, it was off the shoulder blue sleeves with white linings at the collar and at the tips, white shorts, black stockings, and ninja shoes. It also have a white scarf and black fingerless glooves, but I don't feel like wearing it.

I got down stairs and saw Hibiya in the kitchen cooking our breakfast and he's in his clothes yesterday, which I found out that you can but multiple copies of the exact same clothes. I'm the only one who has to change because I can't fight if I'm always in a dress, right?

After we eat, we head to the training grounds with Team Guy waiting.

"Good morning."

"Morning." We greeted and they greeted us back

"Does the clothes fit you well?" Tenten ask and said yes

"So, um, did you guys already know?" Hibiya ask

"Yes, Guy-sensei already told the story." Lee said

"Let's continue on your Kekkei Genkai then, shall we." Neji said but I already have something in mind, hehehe.

What? I can also be like Kano. Sometimes. We all have our devilish side, right?

Hibiya's P.O.V

"Neji you'll teach them how to use their Kekkei Genkai since you're the only one who has it in our youthful team." Guy-sensei said but there's no answer "Neji?"

Lee wave his hand to Neji's face and started poking him until he fell downwards, luckyl Lee catch him. "Guy-sensei, Neji is frozen." Lee said. Wait, frozen...

"Marry, unfroze-" I look at Marry, but she isn't there.

What eye did she use? It's either Conceling or Deceiving eyes, if it's Conceling, pysical contact will break the effect, if it's Decekving we can't tell where she is, and as for Neji, he'll be like that for at least five minutes unless Marry breakes the effect. Great, Marry's a ghost know.

(I don't know how long can Marry freezes someone so let's just say 3-5 minutes until the effect wore of or she'll break the effect herself)

"So that means we have to find Marry then." Guy-sensei said

"Wait did I said that out loud?"

"Yup." They said. So we randomly swing our arms and heard a thud, I turn around and it's Marry. I covered my eyes 'cause her eyes are red and I don't want to be like Neji.

"I'm not a ghost!" She blurted out "I-I'm sorry. D-don't look into my eyes."

"Marry could unfreeze Neji." Guy-sensei said and Marry did so, I uncovered my eyes and Neji is his fighting position.

"What happen?" Neji ask

"Marry froze you and turn into a disappeared." Tenten said

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Marry kept apoligizing

"Let's just try to control on your Kekkei Genkai." Neji said

=== time skip === after controling properly ===

Marry's P.O.V

"Well that's done." Hibiya and I said as we collape to the grpund

I sat down under a tree, I took out my MP3 player that Ene hand me while we were playing hide and seek, before she got caught, and play a randome song.

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