Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 = A New Act, Announcing The Chuunin Exams

Marry's P.O.V

I got out of bed to hear the sound of birds singings and saying their goodmorings to each other. I did my moring routine and eat Hibiya's cooking, then we head out to our teams. Hibiya's team are training ground 17 and mines are waiting at a bridge somewhere near a stream.

"Good morning." I greeted and they greeted back. "Am I late? Where's Kakashi-sensei?"

"Not here yet, and no you're not." Sakura answered.

"Hey guys. Sorry I'm late, a black catcame across me so I have to go the other way." Kakashi-sensei said as he appeared.

"You're late!!" Sakura and Naruto yelled.

"I said I was sorry, now let's go." Kakashi-sensei said and we begin with our chours

First is we take out the weeds from an Old lady's house. Naruto pulled out most if the weeds and also some herbs which make old lady got angry. Then is we clean the river by picking the trash. When we were almost finish, Naruto slip on a rock and the current took care of the rest, in the end Sasuke save him. Awww, BroMance. And lastly we walk the dogs. Naruto had to choose the biggest one so he had some troubles.

"Hey Naruto, why don't we go to Ichiraku later." I suggest after we did all of the chours

"Sure thing Marry-chan! Sakura-chan you want to come?" Naruto asks.

"No way." Sakura rejected and went to of Sasuke to.. something. What's it called again? Uh, flighting? Friting? No wait, flirting. Yeah that's what she's doing, but Sasuke didn't even talk to her, he just glare.

After that, Kakashi-sensei left to report our choures to the Hokage and we just walk to somewhere. Sasuke had already left to somewhere, then I notice a square rock that following Naruto, he runs around for a while and stopped to shout at it as it revealed three kids. Two boys and a girl.

"Come on boss, you promise you would play ninja with us!" The boy with a scarf yelled.

"A ninja playing ninja, that's so lame." Sakura said in a not so good mood. Sasuke must've rejected her, poor girl.

"My skills are worse than Naruto? Unbeleivable." Sakura said in her thoughts. Shoot, Stealing Eyes again. But Sakura is right though.

"Hey boss is she your girlfriend?" The boy asks referring to Sakura and nudging Naruto.

"Well, you could say." Naruto answered. And as a result, he got smack by Sakura as well as the boy, I think his name is Konohamaru.

"Is she even human?! I mean look at her forehead." Oh dear. Sakura came back and chase after the four, I might as well follow them before they did something.

"I might as well check these idiots out." Someone said coldly, as I followed them. No it's not Sasuke but I could tell he's following us. I thought he already left.

"Oh would you look at that, my idiotic brother is choking a boy, fun."

I snap out of my thoughts and look at the scene befire me, a guy with had purple face paint is choking Konohamaru. Naruto charges at the guy but fall backwards. I sigh and called out a black snake and launch it towards the guy with what it looks like cat ears had.

"What the- Where did you come from?!" He exclaimed trying to pull out my snake but it only hisses at him.

"Please let the boy down." I said to the guy holding Konohamaru.

"What makes think I'll let this punk go?" He smirks as his hand gripped more on Konohamaru as my snake grips tighter and showing it's fangs at him.

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