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Hi! I like to keep my songs related to the book of chapter— so the song for this chapter is You Can Run by Adam Jones. Hope you all have an amazing day!

He had her pressed against the wall, and all his nerves told him to drink. Every piece of his body wanted her, all of her.

Colin's mother had always taught him to breath through his mouth when fighting, because otherwise they would smell the blood and lose focus.

So when he breathed through his nose, finally catching a waft of his own vampire toxin, everything stopped. Her blood was what made red roses look pale and dull.

He heard a soft gasp come from her and he leaned back, enjoying the taste of her.

He had drank from a lot of people, but this was different. Earlier she asked why vampires drank blood, and now he knew.

Because of this feeling. Her blood was his ecstasy.

He caught one look at her, her eyes pleading for him to continue so he did. His teeth sank into her throat again and she moaned at the feeling. Colin smirked when he realized that he wasn't the only feeling the pure energy.

Her hands tangled in his hair, pushing her closer. She started sinking, lowering herself to the ground.

He didn't let her go down alone.

He followed her, slowly letting his body lay on top of hers.

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and one hand found its way to his neck, pushing his teeth deeper into her throat.

And then she went limp.

He pulled back, exhausted, and fell into a heap next to her, falling asleep on the ground.

He looked at the doors, and smiled to himself. There was a metal bar going through the handles. Nobody was going to walk in on the mess of the locker room.

I woke up to the sound of someone breathing next to me.

Wait— where was I?


I turned and saw Colin blinking his eyes open, barely recognizing where he was.

When we made eye contact my mouth dropped open as his eyes widened.

"You bit my neck!" I yelled, moving my hand over the area. Two small bumps lied where his teeth sank in the first time, and two more from when he drank more the second time.

Oh my god. I had vampire sex.

"You're no longer a vampire virgin." He laughed, as if the subject was something funny.

I shook my head. "No no no. I can't get— did... how does that EVEN WORK? I'm not a vampire! I'm supposed to hunt— I know, I'll tell my dad and then he'll kill you. Or— KASPAROV! I'll tell Kasp," I breathed out, trying to get a grip on what I did.

Vampire mating. Who knew they had a different way to— "Oh my god. I'm not a vampire now, am I? Am I going to have a tiny vampire baby!?"

Millions of things went through my mind at once. I never studied Vampire mating. Although, I wish I had now. I never found it important.

Colin smirked at me. "No. You're not going to become a vampire and you're not pregnant."

I sighed, a little more relieved. Although, I didn't feel any less stressed. What I did— what we did. That was something that would get us both killed.

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