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Colin met my eyes wildly and scared, as the front door slammed.

"Back door?" I mouth.

Colin shook his head. "They'd see us." He mouthed back.

"Colin!" A male voice boomed through the house, and I shrank into myself like a Rolly Polly.

Clay Gold was home.

"I have an idea. I don't know if you'll love it or hate it." He smiled slightly, and I slapped his shoulder. This was not the time to be smiling.

He picked me up and suddenly I was on the couch, Colin covering me. "You don't even have to kiss me. Just act like you are. Wrap your legs and arms around me. When my dad comes in... hopefully he won't ask."

Worst idea he's ever had. Well... second worst. Coming to his house definitely held the top spot.

But I did what he said anyways. He smirked at me and I saw him holding in laughter.

I smacked the back of his head, glaring at him. "Do not give me away." I said between clenched teeth.

"Dear, I could never give you away." He smiled sweetly and then the door opened. Colin pressed his face to mine, just smiling against my cheek.

"Are you kidding me, Colin! Get the hell out of my office with that." Clay's faintly familiar voice sounded absolutely nothing like it did when he begged my family for help. "NOW!"

Colin jumped up and smiled at his dad, I was still laying on the couch, praying to whatever god was real that Clay didn't catch me in his house.

"Sure, Dad, interrupt me. That's fine." Colin smiled mischievously and looked down at me, "I'm lying to you." He said, an evil look to is face that made my stomach turn in the worst way possible.

His eyes turned red and his skin turned wrinkly and veiny around his eyes.

He was going to eat me. I knew it. I shouldn't have trusted him. With vampire speed he picked me up, causing me to thrash and scream. Some trick, I was actually beginning to like him.

I landed on the bed with a hard thump. My body bouncing on the cold dark red silk. I looked up to see a gold canopy falling around me like sunshine.

Was this his bed?

I pulled out my blade and looked to Colin who was bent over a sink, choking and gagging.

"Colin?" I muttered, putting my blade away, now realizing that he wasn't going to eat me and was just playing his dad.

He stuck a hand out in my direction. "No." He said weakly, spitting something black into the sink.

I walked closer anyways, putting my hand on his shoulder, causing him to tense up.

"I said no!" He turned back to me and I stumbled back.

His face wasn't just like any vampire I had seen. Black liquid dripped down his mouth in a terrifying way. His entire face was covered in red veins and every single part of his iris was blood red, and the whites of his eyes had gone pitch black. He didn't just have 2 fangs, he had 4. 2 on top and 2 on bottom.

He wasn't Colin in that moment, he wasn't the smirk filled boy who somehow wound himself around my finger. No, he was the enemy. He was the monster that threatened our existence.

His head snapped to the side, studying me like he didn't recognize me.

"Colin?" I whispered, pulling my blade out again. I wouldn't kill him, but maybe this would signify a warning to him.

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