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Alexzandra locked herself into her room the moment Clay left. I had heard her crying and sobbing, praying to a God that I didn't know she believed in. She repeated her daughter's name over and over again.

I understood about half of her pain. Zach wasn't my child but, he was still the closest person to me. I read him bedtime stories. And now I may never see him again. So I could only imagine how she must feel. Her daughter was ripped from her.

"So Mike N Ike's or Starbursts?" Colin asked holding up two boxes of candy, a giddy grin spread across his face.

I shrugged. "Either one is fine by me." I replied easily, deciding not to pick a side. I was too distracted to care about trifles such as what candy to get.

If the kids are in Quebec how are they going to get them out? Could that group of people take on an entire coven of witches. I knew the Qubecian witches weren't that powerful but... they must have had someone on their side because they still got the kids.

He narrowed his eyes suspiciously at me. "You're agreeing with me?" He threw both boxes into the cart and then grabbed a box of Nerds, throwing them into the cart too. "Both boxes it is plus more because someone is in a mood." He said and widened his eyes dramatically.

I turned my face to him quickly. "I'm not in a mood." I snapped and then caught myself. I was in a mood.

After we got back to the house, Colin realized we had no snacks and/or actual people food. Because vampires don't need snacks and/or actual people food.

So, the next best thing was to go to the local supermarket and buy food. Because, I am not a vampire and even though my appetite is basically non existent, really I can last a week off of one sandwich and be good, I still wanted snacks. So here we are, Colin pushing a cart, me riding on the side of the cart, going through Walmart.

"Okay so I'm in a mood. I'm sorry. Well... not really because I have a right to be in a mood. But still... I..." I paused to think my thoughts through. I always had troubles opening up to people. Especially people who had betrayed my trust. But Colin was different then other people. "I'm just worried about Zach, okay? Every little problem in my life feels like it's coming at once." I admitted.

He relaxed and stopped pushing the cart to envelop me in a hug that ignited my body like a thousand flames. He rested his chin on my head and sighed. "He'll be fine. My dad and your family will find him. My dad won't stop looking, they have Sophia too."

I tended to forget about other people's problems when I had my own. I knew it was wrong of me, but it was hard to focus on other things when my life in itself is overwhelming.

"I know but... I'm a pessimist. Nothing has ever gone right for me so I just kind of automatically assume the worst." Not the best mind set, I understand, but in a world where your literal job is to fight to the death all the time, that becomes a great mindset.

He frowned and kissed my forehead, licking his lips. "Everly, that's not the best way to think about life."

"Well it's not the worst. Think about it—"

"EVERLY DAWN!? AND COLIN GOLD!?" Someone yelled from down the isle.

I almost immediately got into defense position but Colin stopped me, safely and smartly putting me behind him. I don't think it was so much as to protect me as it was to protect someone else.

I looked to whoever called my name, ready to attack if necessary, and then sighed out loud dramatically.

Are you kidding me? Of all days for this to happen it just had to be today.

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