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"I want a happy ending! I really do. And that's why I can't do this with you. Not anymore. It's over. My happy ending is somewhere else." His eyes filled with tears, sadness overcame him like the way a tidal wave fell over cities. He was practically shaking.

"Please... please don't do this." He muttered out to the girl, reaching up to touch her face. "I love you."

Colin through a piece of popcorn at his TV as the girl walked away, her heels clicking on the sidewalk in the movie. "This is malarkey! He loves her!" I laughed as Colin got absorbed into the movie, mad over the breakup between the two main characters. "I'd stay with him." He declared.

I raised one eyebrow. "Are you gunna start playing for the other team now?" I asked, joy in my eyes.

He licked his lips as he watched the TV, too intrigued for his own good. "Have you seen Zac Efron? He's a good looking guy, I'd be the entirety of the other team ." I swatted his chest and he pulled me up onto his lap, holding my hips in his hands. "But only if you weren't in my life, and you are so... no need to worry."

I leaned forward, pressing my forehead against his. "I can't blame you. I'd hop on the Zac Efron train too."

He pulled me closer to him, kissing my lips slowly. "I never expected to be here." He whispered. "But I'm glad you went to kill me that day."

I kissed the tip of his nose. "Yeah me too."

His lips trailed my jawline, leaving little kisses. "I never thought I'd say that." He laughed, his breath minty and fresh.

I chuckled, running my hand through his hair. "Yeah, well me neither." I slid off his lap and smirked at his whimper of emptiness.

I glanced at my watch and sighed. It was four in the morning. I wasn't the least bit tired, I've been days without sleep, but I was ruining my sleeping schedule that I worked so hard to fix. "I think I'm going to hit the hay."

I stood up and padded lightly across the room to the TV and turned it off (he lost his remote). It was dark in his room, there were no streetlights like there were on my road, so his room was just an endless abyss. I loved it, sleeping in pitch was my favorite way to sleep.

"I'm not a horse, and neither are you." Colin laughed as I slipped under the covers, blanketed by not only silk, but Colin's arm as he wrapped it around me. "So really, hitting the hay isn't something either of us should do." He rolled over and held his body in a push up position over me.

"Okay, no. I'm not making out with you, I'm tired." I said, and pushed him off, turning away from him. I wasn't tired, he probably knew I was lying considering the fact that he was a vampire, but he didn't push the subject any further.

His hand found mine and held it lightly, the comfort warming me up like the sun in winter. "Goodnight."

I didn't reply besides squeezing his hand and closing my eyes, falling into a blissful darkness.


"You would like the darkness." A chilling voice chuckled from next to my ear, freezing air blowing against my neck.

I whined, squirmed but I couldn't move. My hands were tied down in chains so strong I couldn't even break them. They smelled like Lotus Flower, the weakness to all Supernatural species. I had broken chains before, but these? These wouldn't even bend. Fear rose in my chest but I buckled it down. Fear led to weakness and weakness led to death, I would not falter or break.

"You can't... you can't leave." The voice said, laughing, and I finally recognized the voice, but it was... older.

I shut my eyes. "Becker, what are you doing?" I growled out, pinpointing that voice.

The Hunter and the Hunted ✔️Where stories live. Discover now