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I've been in sitting in my car thinking about walking into the cemetery for ten minutes. The time was now twelve twenty two and I had never felt more confused in my life.

What if it was a trap? What if he did this entire thing so he could kill me with a surprise attack? Which was worse: thinking that he was going to do it and then me knowingly putting myself in the position for him to do it: or not thinking that that he would it, trusting him, and then me unknowingly putting myself in the position for him to do it?

But the things I felt around him. The electricity we had when he touched me. The warm feelings I got when I thought of him. He wouldn't do anything to hurt me, right?

"If it is a trap. I guess I deserve to die for keeping this from my family anyways." I mutter to myself and step out, shutting the car door with an uncomfortable slam that echoed in the sky.

I walked up to the gate of the cemetery, pulling my jacket around me. It was winter now, but normally I was resilient to the cold, all Hunters were. Yet, for some unknown reason being here gave me the chills.

I pushed open the black, gothic styled gate into the cemetery, and when I walked in I could feel him. He was here, and I didn't need to see him to know that. It was the same feeling I got the moment I stepped into the classroom yesterday.

Did I even want to get rid of this? I knew I had to, but did I want to?

"You came. I was beginning to think you were gunna pull out of the parking lot and I would have to chase you down." A familiar, warm voice said.

I stopped in my tracks, looking around for Colin but I didn't see him.

All around me were trees and the sun hidden behind clouds.

"Show yourself." I said, biting my lip.

"Dear, you really shouldn't do that." He said, appearing in front of me, wearing a red hoodie that accentuated the red flecks in his eyes that you wouldn't notice unless you were looking for them. "Biting your lip is a terrible thing and gives you mouth sores." He shook his head lightly, smirking in the deadliest way possible.

I shrug him off, the beginning of a laugh forming in my throat. "Are you sure you're not just saying that because it's hot and you can't handle the heat?" I ask, smirking at him and tossing my hair over my shoulder.

He narrowed his brown eyes at me. "Keep doing it and you'll find out." He said tauntingly.

I rolled my eyes. "Did you find out how to get in contact with Leslie?" I ask, clearing my throat, looking anywhere but directly at his face.

He shrugs. "Didn't ask anything. Did you find anything out?"

I shake my head. "Nope. Too busy dealing with the fact that your father kidnapped my sister." I rushed at him and pinned him against the tree. "Where is she?"

"What are you talking about?" He contorts his pretty face into confusement. "I thought she was in the U.K or something." He sighs. "Here we go again." He mutters. "We've been here before, remember?"

"Don't play stupid. You know she was in Ireland. Your dad kidnapped her last night." I say, pressing my arm further into his throat, not letting him change the subject.

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