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Dedicated to xcinnamonrolls for commenting and being involved and letting yourself be know that you're enjoying this book 😊👏. And honeybookgeek for all the votes and sharing the love 💕


Becker was tired. He wanted to shut his eyes and wake up when his life was better. He scoffed, the sound echoing through the dark room.

"My life? Be better?" He thought out loud.

But his friends were happy, and that's what mattered to him. Arlis finally had a mate, and Constance was... well she seemed happier than normal even if she wouldn't admit it. Constance had the same thought process he did, "As long as my friends and family were okay, I was okay."

Becker closed his eyes and leaned against the brick wall, sighing loudly. His body hummed with power, his chest thumping loudly. He had grown used to his power, his radiance. But most others hadn't. He would catch when people stiffened when he entered the room. The only people who never faltered were Arlis, he had his own power, and Konrad. Supernaturals had a weird kind of automatic Alpha-Omega thought process, whether you were werewolf or not.

Your ambience, your aura, bowed and surrendered itself when a higher power entered in. Most Supernaturals didn't even really feel it, they thought it was a respect thing. But Werewolves felt it, they felt their inner wolf recoil in an Alpha's presence.

Becker was in some sort of old dungeon cell type thing, despite his power. Three mossy brick walls covered the sides and the small window let in little to no light, covering the stones in shadows. The concrete floors were slick with water that leaked from the ceiling. In the cell there was nothing, no bed, no toilet, just emptiness. And then there were the bars. The bars that made Becker feel like an animal at a show. He tried to move the bars, but it was useless. Anything doused in Lotus was was a weakness to anyone but Arlis. When Arlis's ancestor killed the first Salem Of The Old Witch, an evil one that was not Konrad, his blood became tainted, cursed with a blessing. The very weapon that was used to kill the Salem Of The Old Witch would never hurt a Barron. But the rest of them... well... they were weakened by Lotus.

Down the hall Becker heard people talking, people who he hated so much, he wanted to destroy them until hell seemed like heaven to them.

A man with slick back red hair walked to the cell and unlocked the cage, his tall body filling the doorway. A man who he once called dad. A man who once held him on his shoulder and laughed as they ran through the yard holding hands. Someone who splashed him with water as they played in the sprinklers back home.

Becker remember the simpler times. Times when people didn't fear him. The good times when he was small and innocent. Not this... monster...

Becker took a deep breath. "Why are you doing this?" He asked defeatedly. "You know Arlis, the Dawns, shoot even the Golds, are going to rip you to shreds."

Konrad smiled, his teeth shining and white. Konrad always was perfect, not just physically but mentally. Becker's mom fell in love with Konrad's mind. "With you by my side? They wouldn't make it two steps." Becker hated the cocky attitude, the feeling of complete control that Konrad had. How right Konrad was.

Becker was happy, however, that he was here first of all his friends. He couldn't imagine Arlis being alone in this hell hole. Arlis was his best friend, a werewolf who had saved his ass more than Becker liked to admit. And he couldn't imagine Constance sleeping on a wet and moldy floor without fighting a fight she would lose. He felt in a way, as if he was taking their spot here. And if they did somehow get taken like he did, at least he knew he'd be here for them.

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