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Do what you will but never tell a Vampire that he has to go blood celibate. I learned my lesson real fast.

"No! I'll be there in like ten minutes, is your dad home!?" I asked, panicking into the phone as I searched the room for my car keys.

I found them and started to run out the door but a hand gripped my arm. I turned and saw Dallas glaring at me with hateful eyes.

"I'll be there in a little bit." I growl out. I wasn't angry at Colin, I was angry at Dallas

"Where do you think you're going!?" He asked me, still gripping my arm tightly, so tightly the lower half had started to go numb.

I tried to pry my arm away but Dallas was too strong. "A friend's house." I answered.

He rolled his eyes. "You don't have friends." He stated, knowing very well that I went against making friends with humans. Almost all supernaturals did.

"Please, Dallas. Just let me go."

He scoffed. "The Golds think you're dead, don't you think it's wise to stay inside where they won't see you?" He taunted and for a second I thought he knew about my secret, that Uncle Kasparov and my dad were already at Colin's house.

But I just talked to him, so that couldn't be the case, could it? All I knew was that I needed to leave immediately.

"Dallas. Just trust me." Trust was a big thing in our family, it has to be if you were a Hunter. You had to trust yourself and other Hunters to avenge you, to help you, to be there for you.

Just like Kora dropped everything to come help us here. Just like Kaspar and my parents dropped it all to go to Ireland to find my sister and Moira.

Dallas softened his eyes. "What's gotten into you, Everly?" He asked, releasing my arm from his hold.

I looked down and sure enough a bruise was already starting to form. But I hardly worried about it, it would be gone by the time I got to Colin's house.

I sighed. "I started seeing this guy." I say, and Dallas rolls his eyes.

"Seriously, Everly!? A guy!? Ya know what, just go." He starts to walk away and I wait for him to go all the way upstairs before I run to my car and pull out, driving off to Colin's house.

When I reach his driveway I pull in, ignoring that there's another car in the driveway. If someone's here I'll just shove my blade to their throat.

I try the door, only to find that it was locked. I groan and take a couple steps back, looking at the door to see if was metal lined or just old wood. Luckily, the door is as old as the house.

I keep my foot flat as I kick above the lock, hearing the door splinter and fall in.

"Colin!" I scream, and listen for a voice but there is none. "COLIN!" I yell again and run to his bedroom, searching all the other rooms just in case.

I burst into his room, finding him sitting pale and weak against the silk sheets, his head lolling from side to side.

"No. No please. Dad I didn't mean to meet her." He groans, tears streaming down his face like rain.

I rub up to him and shake him lightly, realizing that he's hallucinating. "It's me, Colin. It's Everly."

He's cold, too cold. Too cold for even a vampire to be.

I grab my blade and slide it across my wrists, crying at the sting of the lotus flower. That'll leave a scar and it'll take a long ass time to heal. There wasn't enough poison to kill me, but God did it burn.

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