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Song for chapter - Scene One- James Dean & Audrey Hepburn by Sleeping With Sirens

We sat on the couch in Colin's house. It was Christmas Eve night, lord knows what time it was.

Dallas sighed and wiped his hands on his face. "We need to get ahold of someone. Figure out how to get Fiona back."

I nodded, leaning back. "Yeah. But who are we going to get a hold of? Kora is with them."

Dallas hummed, trying to think of someone. "Do you think Noah is?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Colin licked his lips, confused. "Who's Noah?"

I shook my head. "Kora, a Hunter's, husband," I answered Colin. "I doubt it but he'd do anything for Kora. What about Anna and Markus over in Germany?" I asked.

Dallas shook his head. "I already called them. I've called every single Hunter. They want no part in this.

I smirked. I knew there were 2 Hunters he'd never call. He knew what I was thinking and laughed, shaking his head.

"No! Not even in this situation." He continued chuckling to himself. He muttered out how funny I was, as well as a few insults.

"Call. Them." I ordered.

Colin raised his hand. "Who's they?"

Dallas looked up at the ceiling and groaned. He shook his head. "Nobody."

"His exes." I tried to tease, to laugh, but it just came out sad. I wasn't ready to start laughing yet.

Colin made an "o" formation with his mouth.

"But! They'd help so call them." I slapped Dallas's shoulder a little too roughly.

He glared at me. "Everly, No!" He yelled. "Oliver hates me now. I think he'd actually kill me if I called. And Safina is just the same. She doesn't even turn twenty until the 31st of this month." He huffed. "She's probably been taken by Konrad."

"Wait you're bisexual?" Colin seemed surprised.

Dallas flexed his arm, his muscles bulging. "Yeah you got a problem with that?" Dallas didn't admit his love life to anyone, really. Every time he did something went wrong. He was a very private person when it came to his relationships.

Colin held his arms up in defense. "No. You just don't look like the type."

Dallas glared at him. "And what does a bisexual look like!?" He was really uncomfortable about this subject. It wasn't one he came out with openly. Our parents were accepting but... it still made him uncomfortable.

Colin's eyebrows shot up. "Uh Umm... never mind."

Dallas nodded. "What I thought. Now, Everly," He put his fingers together, leaving his palms untouching. "I'll make you a deal. If you can make me tap out or send me unconscious... I'll call them."

"Deal." I said. "Let's head to Colin's garage, yeah?"


I hit Dallas in the face with a hard right hook. His head turned sideways, his jaw slightly cracking.

He turned and tried to kick my legs out from under me, but I dodged it, taking a step back.

He moved forward, hitting the spot next to my head.

I wrapped my leg around his waist and spun around him, swiftly moving up to his neck.

He fell forward, causing me to roll off of him. I back flipped back as he kicked me. He still nipped my thigh though, throwing my entire body off. I landed on my back.

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