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"Clay, I really must hold you on anything you have to say." Clay rolled his eyes as he began to speak, interrupted by Alpha Rylee. Rylee growled, his voice carrying through the small circle of Supernaturals gathered. "Feli—Kasparov Dawn and Leslie Towers are not even here to help decide any decisions. Plus, I'm only filling in because Alpha Arlis just met his mate." Rylee wanted all the head supernaturals to be there and Clay couldn't make that happen. Not for what he had in mind.

The group of five mumbled agreement, and Clay nodded, understanding where they were coming from but at the same time not caring. "I wish to withhold this information from them." He held is breath as supernaturals stood up in anger, shouting rude remarks in his way. "I wish to hold this information from both Hunters and Witches alike."

A woman stood up, flaming red hair like fire, and gestured to Clay. "Let the man speak!" She said, sitting next to her son, the fae Prince.

Clay nodded respectfully to Seralphira, Queen of all fae. Clay always liked her, she was more open minded than the rest of his fellow supernaturals.

"Thank you, Queen Seralphira." He smiled kindly at her, playing everyone into thinking he was just a humble man. "I have come to you on matters of grave urgency. And I would love to have your silence not only in the room, but outside. Please, I beg, do not relay this information to anyone outside of this conference."

Everyone raised their hand, swearing secrecy and it made Clay's stomach tingle with joy. Maybe his plan would work after all.

"I have to ask, do any of you have signs of the prophesy coming to truth?" Clay asked.

To Clay's surprise Alpha Rylee stood up, raising his eyebrows and everyone in the room sat shocked into silence.

"Alpha Arlis's mate is a human. Er— was. He's changing her into a werewolf in a couple days. Constance Dawn took care of it." Rylee assured.

"Make sure she doesn't turn. Not fully. Hybrid is fine." Clay ordered, and everyone gave him a dumbfounded look. "I understand you all must be confused—"

"You bet your ass I am." Queen Laurelei, beautiful on the outside ugly on the inside, snarled at Clay. She was, as Clay called, an abomination. Mermaids, nasty creatures. It made Clay hate her just for existing.

"My son thinks he is smart, that he's played me. But he has fallen in love with a Hunter." Clay smirked, thinking about all the ways he could use this to his advantage. "And I want a War of the Species." He added to the rumor that he was in fact mentally insane.

The Mermaid leaned back in her chair, shrugging. "Doesn't affect me."

"Well it does affect me, why would you want another WOTS!? Are you insane!?" Alpha Rylee stood up so fast it knocked his chair down.

Clay nodded. "Mental. But listen. We have suffered at the hands of the Hunters for far too long. It's always the Hunters that kill us, it's always them who decide who lives and who dies, and quite frankly I'm sick of it."

Nobody seemed to agree and Clay realized this was going to be harder than he thought.

"They do that because it's their job." Queen Seralphira replied. "They protect us."

Clay stomped his foot and spun in a circle. "But it's not right!"

"You're only saying this because the Hunters attack your species." Clay hated the disgusted looks Rylee was sending him. "Allowing another WOTS just to kill of the Hunters has to be your worst idea yet."

"Hunters have taken everything. They speak of protection and laws, but maybe it's time for the Humans to die! They are destroying our earth and the Hunters protect them! They control us. Rylee, why can't you agree? Didn't Hunters kill your parents?" Clay asked in a gentle manner.

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