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I knew it would happen somewhere. If you're reading The Wolf And The Natural at the same time you're reading this, I recommend reading all through chapter 33 of that book before reading this chapter due to spoilers, unless you don't care about spoilers... then carry on. However, if you're not reading The Wolf And The Natural then 1. Go read it!? And 2. Carry on.

I pulled into the driveway and ran into the house, seeing Zach with bags packed sitting on the couch. It was almost shocking that Dallas was true to his word on wanting to run, considering that Dallas was about as Dawn as you could get. He fell in line nearly completely with all the Dawns traditions and unsaid rules. Running... wasn't something Dawns did.

Colin was quick behind me, running up to my room. He came back down with a suitcase only seconds later, not enough time to figure out exactly all that happened while I was... gone.

"Sis, thank God you're okay!" Dallas ran up to me and hugged me, the familial embrace of brotherly protection was much needed by this point. "Someone blew up mom and dad's safe, the notebook is missing." He said, gulping. He was nervous, fidgeting and worried.

I shook my head. "I have it. I grabbed it to call your exes and get help. I've had it." I held it up, pride in my stomach. I did something right without trying.

Dallas sighed out in consolation. "Any luck finding the dagger? Felix's?"

I rubbed the back of my neck, not meeting Dallas's eyes. "Didn't look for it."

"Did you contact Arlis at least?" He asked, biting his bottom lip.

I paused and tapped my foot a couple times. "No. But I'll call him right now." I offered.

"Do it NOW!" Dallas yelled. "The Supernatural Court is being taken down one by one and he is on that court. Call him!"

I pulled out my phone and flipped through the notebook, searching through the Alpha's numbers until I found Arlis's. Every Alpha and their pack, Beta, and number were in this book.

I dialed the number and the phone rang. And it rang. And it rang. Each silent space between the sounds made my heart beat change. From quick to slow, fast... to crawling. Was he going to answer this time? Was the silence from their end or just another break between rings? And then... "The number you have dialed does not currently have—" I hung up.

"If I have it right, the only phone is in the pack office, he might not be able to pick it up." Dallas explained.

And he didn't. Nobody answered. Nobody answered the first time I called.

Or the second.

And when I finally called it the third time, a familiar voice answered.

"Hello?" Chleo, Arlis's friend, practically second in command, asked.

I looked up and silently thanked the Gods. "Chleo! It's Everly Dawn. Is Arlis there?"

"You of all people should know he's not here." And that was that. He hung up and when I attempted to call back, it didn't even ring.

I looked up at Dallas with fearful eyes. "Do you think..."

Dallas nodded. "We need to go, now, Everly. He has Arlis and Constance and Becker and Sophia and the Hunters."

"Where do we go?" I ask. "We can't just give up."

"Sis, we're not giving up. We're leaving." Zach said, opening the front door and walking outside. I heard the car door slam shut.

I looked at the suitcase next to me. "But—"

"No. No buts."

"Where are we going to go!?" I shouted. "If he failed at getting our notebook he probably got someone else's and he knows all the safe houses."

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