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I woke up to my phone ringing and the I Will Not Bow song playing loudly. I reached over and answered it as quickly as possible, eager to hear any news.

"Everly you need to do something for me." Kasparov ordered on the other side of the phone. I looked at the time, cringing at the 3am madness I was about to be put through.

"Kasparov, it's 3am, what are you—"

He interrupted me. "Drive to Sovereign Pack Territory. "

I closed my eyes, confused at his request. Why would I want to go to Sovereign? "What the hell? Why? I don't want to walk around with some mutts." I almost snarled like them right there.

Kasparov cleared his throat. "Everly those "mutts" can rip you to shreds. And we need Arlis. I think Becker is going after him next." After him?

I stood up on the bed and ran to the window, opening it and letting a cool breeze blow into the room. I don't know why I did it, maybe I expected Becker to sneak through my window once again like he used too.

"What do you mean after him next?" I hissed.

He took a deep breath, about to break bad news. "He's working for Konrad." He said and I felt my heartbreak. I had the fair warning from Konrad that he was, but hearing it confirmed by Kasparov made it so much more real.

"No." I whimpered out and fell back onto the bed, Colin was awake now and was staring at me like I was a fragile china plate. "No you're lying, I don't believe you."

"Four." He said. "He's killed four Alphas. He went from Montreal in Quebec, to Sandy Lake in Ontario, to Winnipeg in Manitoba, to Grenora in North Dakota." He said places that I couldn't picture on a map, about a person I couldn't picture hurting anyone.

I closed my eyes. "Christmas is in 6 Days." I rubbed my temple, thinking that if Kasparov wasn't lying, maybe this was the present we'd be given. The death of Alpha Arlis, the man who's blood killed Konrad in the first place. "I think you should go to Sovereign Pack on Christmas." I concluded. Going now wouldn't make a difference.

How was Konrad killed the first time? Well, as Becker tells the story. He stabbed Arlis Barron with a special dagger that sucked blood from Arlis into it. In order to kill a Salem Of The Old Witch, you have to either have a Salem Of The Old Witch dagger, or the blood of someone born from the first ever supernatural to kill a Salem Of The Old Witch.

The Barron family was the first to succeed in killing a Salem Of The Old Witch.

As Konrad has destroyed all Salem Of The Old Witches' daggers, Arlis's blood had to do.

Constance, Arlis, and Becker all worked together to kill him, tossing the dagger to each other so they each had a chance.

In the end, Becker stabbed Konrad in the heart with it and bound him to chains that kept him locked in Hell. Only way to break the chains is to be a Salem Of The Old Witch, as to why he needs Becker.

I almost dropped the phone.

"Four." Colin coughed into his hands, stretching his arms. "As of right now considering it's 3am. You slept a very long time not only here but in the hospital too."

I didn't care that I apparently slept longer than I should have. That was a minor detail compared to everything I was learning now.

"I got it." I said, laughing out loud.

"Your time is seriously messed up, Eve. Why are you laughing?" Kasparov asked.

"They're a distraction." I said, nodding my head. "He's playing with our heads and distracting us. We haven't been asking the real questions."

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