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I woke up on Colin's silk sheets. I didn't remember walking to the bed, but I didn't really care. Colin probably brought me here.

"Morning dear." He said, kissing my temple and crawling out of bed. I watched him change his shirt, tugging on a plain black one over his back muscles. With a view like this, I could deal with the terrible pet name.

I smirked when he caught me looking. "You didn't think I wouldn't look, did you?" I asked, smiling slightly.

He shook his head. "Heavens no, I was hoping you looked." He took off his jeans and I looked him up and down, no regrets, no shame.

I sat up and threw my feet over the side of the bed, but I got light headed and had to sit down, my head hammering with a migraine. I don't get migraines, so what the hell, head?

"Careful, Eve." Colin walked to me and raised an eyebrow. "Are you okay, I didn't drink that much did I?"

My hand immediately went up to my neck and I shrugged, finally remembering what happened last night.

One kiss led to another kiss, and that other kiss led to him marking me again, and then... then I probably just past out like last time.

I felt the two little bumps that would heal before I went home. Hopefully.

"By the way, I put your phone on the charger." Colin said, somehow holding a plate of pancakes. Where'd he get pancakes? "Oh and my mom made breakfast. I grabbed us a plate when you were checking out my bite."

I looked to the side of me and noticed a plate of pancakes, butter and syrup on them in the perfect amount. "How'd you know I liked syrup?" I asked, picking up the pancakes and taking a delicious bite.

"Because I like syrup." He responded, running and swooping me up into his arms bridal style.

I laughed as he spun us around, finally stopping to set me back on the bed. "Someone's in a good mood." I giggled as he leaned over me, his bright smile warming up every cold part about me.

He nodded. "My Dad is going to talk to Kasparov today. He thinks he has a lead but... it's really hard to enter Witch Coven territory."

I tilted my head, pursing my lips. "Witch Coven?"

He nodded. "Yup, over in Quebec, something about them having stole children the first time." He was happier, a lot happier. "And Konrad hasn't even risen yet, so they should all still be alive, right?" He asked.

No. There could still be some that have died. And Konrad isn't going to go about doing this the same way he did all those years ago. I almost tell him this but... I can't wipe his smile away. "Well yeah, only reason they have them is for Konrad."

Colin slumped, frowning. "You don't think they're alright?" He asked.

Stupid Vampire feeling other people's feelings. I made an iffy face and shrugged lightly. "I mean... it's probably just me being a negative Nancy. I don't get what I want very often so I learned to never get my hopes up." And that was the general honest truth.

The more I thought about it, the more I denied every happy thing that came my way. Everything except Colin.

He poked the tip of my nose. "Smile, dear, frowning doesn't suit you well." I smiled over his use of dear, both giving in to my feelings and his wishes.

"Does that mean you're coming to my house?" I asked, thinking about a family get together built on lies and disrespected trust.

He nods. "I already told my dad about the whole 'too scared to kill each other thing'"

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