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"Do I need help to make a dead body or hide a dead body?" A small chuckle came from the other line of the phone as I walked in the frigid Montana air, my body not reacting like it should have been but I felt everything right now. I was stressed and mentally hurt so of course I felt things like freezing weather.

Hearing Ambrosius's voice on the other end was somewhat comforting. Childhood friends always helped at hard situations. Of course, I always called Ambrosius Amber. Amber hated it though, it was too girly.

"Hey, Amber." I said weakly, a small smile on my face.

"So definitely murdering someone. Who is it?" They laughed. I heard someone yell in Dutch on the other end, and I rolled my eyes. I needed to learn a lot of languages apparently.

"No. No murders this time." I giggled. Murders were probably not something normal teenagers laughed about, but I wasn't exactly normal, now was I?

"Okay listen here Everly, you are upset I feel it in my bones." He laughed, his voice deep and low like a rumbling train. "And I see we're back to Amber. Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that?" He joked around, pushing my buttons just like I pushed his.

I rolled my eyes even though I knew he couldn't see me, he knew me well enough to know that I rolled them. "But Ambrosius is such a mouthful." I groaned dramatically.

"Who are you talking to?" I turned and glared at Colin, who, apparently followed me out of the house. I flipped him off and popped my knuckles.

"It's better than a woman's name." He grumbled playfully.

Colin tried to grab the phone from my hand but I slapped his wrist away. He glared at me but it only empowered my pettiness.

"Would you rather it be Rose? Or Brosi?" I mocked, smiling sweetly at Colin and sticking my tongue out.

Ambrosius scoffed. "Amber it is. So what's up, Eve? Not that I don't love hearing from you but what's with the phone call?"

I shrugged. "Oh you know... it's always good to hear your voice."

Colin was fuming at this point. His ears were a strange red and his mouth twitched. But his eyes... his eyes were sad.

"You haven't said that in a long time, Eve. Are you drunk?" He asked concerned. "Are you okay? I know we didn't speak last on good terms but I'll still murder someone for you." He wasn't lying. He's done it before. He was, after all, almost a year older than me.

Colin looked like he was going to rip my phone from my hand. Too bad. I sighed into the phone. "I actually called to ask you about those wolves. Dad said you bagged two." Colin relaxed and then I smirked. I wouldn't let him relax for long. "That's kind of hot." His relaxation deflated like a balloon with a hole in it.

He chuckled lowly on the other end. "Yeah. 2 Beta's kids, put up a hell of a fight." I could imagine him and his cocky attitude. It's why he got along with my family so well. "Ya know... I could always fly down there and we could hang out... just like old times."

Colin hung his head. He got down on two knees and looked up at me sadly. "I will marry you here and now if you turn him down." He stated, and I didn't feel like he was lying. "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you about Becker. And I'm sorry I left you alone. Please baby, don't—" I felt my walls of anger melt away.

"No I'm good. I meant hot as in... hard." I exhaled in defeat.

I couldn't stay mad at Colin sadly. Sure I was still ticked off and I'd forgive, but I'd never forget. He left me even though he wasn't sure whether or not his father would kill me.

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