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"You really are a specimen to behold." Konrad stalked into a cell, nobody by his side. He was angry and alone, but he had been in much worse positions.

A pretty little blonde girl with flawless skin and glacier eyes sat in the middle of the floor. She looked so much like her mother, like Marinda. The exact opposite of her little sister, Everly. Lotus chains tacked her to the ground on her knees. She didn't answer Konrad, just left her head hanging down. Konrad smiled.

"You're stronger than Constance, aren't you?" Konrad bent down to her level and when he was close enough, Fiona lurched up.

Her eyes had gone milky white, blood fell from her eyes in tears. A lotus flower grew from the side of her mouth, burning her skin. Black smoke fell off her lips.

Konrad recoiled, the sight of this girl gone Dividus was not something he wanted to see. But he knew why she was doing it. If she did it, she thought Konrad would leave her alone. But... still. Seeing her monstrous side come out, seeing her human self tucked away, was sad. She was too pretty to turn into this. But she thought wrong, Konrad wasn't going to just leave her alone.

Konrad narrowed his eyes at her. "Detorqueo." He said, and watched as the little flower fell off Fiona's skin. The black smoke evaporated, her face healed, and her eyes went back to the blue. But... she was screaming all the while that the shift happened.

He was doing a hard spell, he'd be a little tired after that. He just turned her back to the regular Hunter.

Konrad smiled at her. "There are those baby blues. Now, I have a question. Or two. Or three. And you're going to answer all of them." Konrad put his hand on Fiona's neck but didn't tighten it, his smile fell at it showed raw and pissed off anger. "Or this will not be a fun time here. I'm already pissed because I lost Leslie, I lost Becker, and I lost your cousin, and I gave back the kids already. It would take weeks to get them all back."

Fiona smiled a great smile at him. "And I am so proud of my family and Becker for doing those things."

Konrad yawned, his eyes tired and weighing him down. Yet he was still smiling. "Oh, so you don't know?"

Fiona shrugged. "I guess not."

Konrad moved his hand up to Fiona's chin, his thumb lightly rubbing her bottom lip. "Becker isn't my son."

Fiona began laughing, a laugh that made Konrad angry yet at peace. Her laugh was beautiful.

"Oh really!? And who's the sorry sap you killed when your wife cheated on you?" Fiona chuckled, unknowing of her uncle's acts.

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