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I screamed out as Leslie threw me down on the floor, some of my hair ripping from my head. I got up immediately, running at her, just as Lotus chains wrapped around my wrists, dragging me back.

"Konrad is going to have fun with you. I hope you understand, Fiona. I have to. I need to be in his good graces." Leslie said, her brown eyes almost apologetic.

Her apologies could go to Hell with her. Lord knew I'd be sending her there the first chance I got.

"My family trusts you!" I screamed.

She couldn't give me to Konrad. She couldn't. I wouldn't beg, but God I had never felt like begging more than I did in this moment. The moment I was given to Konrad— my life was over. He'd rape me, torture me, make me want to die. I couldn't go there.

"He'll kill me!" I screamed at Leslie.

She wiped tears from her eyes as she put a hand up. "I'm so sorry." She ran from the room. She bounded up a series of steps before slamming a door shut.

All of the light cut from the room, drenching me in blackness.

The lotus burned my hands but I didn't care— it only made me pull harder— fight stronger. I screamed as I pulled the chains, demanding them to break. They didn't, and they wouldn't.

I gave up and snarled at nothing but the emptiness in front of me.

"I'll fucking kill you!" I screamed out. "You're dead, Leslie, DEAD!" My breathing was so heavy I sounded like a bull trapped behind a gate— I felt like a bull trapped behind a gate. And when I got out, Leslie's body was my china shop.

Once I stopped rattling my chains and calmed down, I heard the faint sound of someone crying. It almost sounded like a little girl.

"Hello?" I said out.

I heard chains rattle from behind the wooden wall next to me. Someone tried to move closer to me but ended up crying more.

"Sophia?" The little girl asked.

"No, my name is Fiona Dawn," I responded, my heart drooping. How old was she? "Here, back away from the wooden wall?" I didn't mean to sound like I was ordering her, but I wasn't used to talking to children. Sure, Zach, but he was so different from other kids. He was a Dawn, just as tough as the rest of us.

I heard the girl shuffle.

I positioned myself so I could kick at the wall. And that's what I did. On the first kick, the flimsy wooden wall between us exploded back.

A little girl came into my view, curled into a ball. Her eyes were deep brown, her skin tanned and dirty. Her long dark brown hair cascaded down her frail frame.

"What's your name?" I asked. She looked as though if a flower landed on her she'd shatter into a million pieces. I needed to be more soft.

The girl gulped. "Gracie Barron."

I almost backed up from her. "Barron?" I asked.

She almost cried again. "Yes," She whimpered out.

"Oh no, it's okay, it's okay. I'm friends with Arlis." I think Constance mentioned something about him having an adopted kid, a kid she actually liked. "Constance is my cousin." Maybe I could gain some trust.

The girl perked up. "Like my Aunti Connie?" She asked.

I nodded, smiling slightly. "Yes, her."

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