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"I can play chess perfectly fine." The son said, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

Konrad hummed, shaking his head. "Not really, son."

They sat on opposite sides of a glass chessboard, their chairs almost throne like. The lights were turned off in Konrad's manor, only the fireplace illuminated their faces.

Two people sat next to each other in a hard chair in front a piano, laughing as they took turns bragging about their skills. One of those people was his half-brother, Becker Reinheart. They had different last names, and the son swore he would never consider Becker family. He'd never admit it out loud. The other was a girl with raven black hair with a bright smile and an evil glint. The son snorted, at least he wasn't related to her.

The son ran a hand through his hair, gulping. He looked so much more like his mother than he did his father. He was glad. He wouldn't have gotten this far if he was a spitting resemblance of Konrad.

"You gave me the girl. Thank you for that." Konrad moved a Rook and captured his son's Queen.

The son stood up and glared at Konrad. "You have Becker now, and Constance. Give the girl back to me." At their names, the two people at the piano looked up, watching the conversation with mild intent.

Konrad stood up too, barely taller than his only blood child. Becker was much taller than Konrad however, taking after Kasparov Dawn. "Hmmm... that's not a good chess move, son." He shook his head. "I could still need her. I gave up the children for Becker, now I can't have my Hunter army like I wanted."

The son rolled his eyes heavily. "And who's fault is that!? Give me my—"

"No. She's fine. She's being treated like a Queen here, a Princess." Konrad smiled. "You call her that, don't you, son? Princess."

He clenched his fists. "Leave her alone. She's a little girl!"

Konrad ran at his son, grabbing his son's throat. "Do you know what she's capable of? Marvelous things! She's a Salem Of The Old Witch, my blood and Polyphema's runs through her veins!" His son would have fought back, but Konrad hadn't risen yet. He was still only partly here. His chains were broken but his he still wasn't fully risen from Hell.

The piano began playing again, a morbid and deeper tune to Fur Elise.

The son was not a witch. He changed into a vampire when he was younger, back when he ran around with Terrance and Kasparov Dawn. "As does mine! I have done everything you asked for."

"Clay, you do not understand chess! You do not see what I'm doing here. I'm pathing a new world. A better world. The humans and mutts and filthy fae will be GONE!" Konrad yelled, narrowing his eyes. "You could have been a Salem. You could have joined me in my—"

"I don't care about power!" Clay Gold screamed. "I don't care about you, or my wife, or the stupid fools I'm in Quebec with! I care about my children. Colin may not see it, but I care about him too."

"If you cared about him, you would have let him turn Salem instead of Hunted trash." Konrad reasoned.

Clay snarled. He hated that term, Hunted. It was a slur, a terrible name. "I didn't want him to be used by you."

Konrad widened his eyes. "Salem children are... the most impressive. You should have seen Becker. God that boy, when he'd cry I felt the Earth shatter. Colin could have had that!"

Clay shook his head at his father, taking a deep breath. "My daughter will no longer be a part of this. I'm taking her home. I've done my job."

"How's the war coming along?" Konrad asked, taking a step to Clay, his frame blocking out the fire light.

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