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After Kasparov came back into the house, everyone was silent.

He looked at my dad with a panicked face. "She's gone."

My dad nods solemnly. "Where did she go?" He asks, his voice barely a whisper.

Kaspar shrugs. "I guess I'll never know. She got a weird phone call and now she's gone."

Kaspar pulled a chair out from under the kitchen table and sighed. "Let's focus on Fiona. She's in danger. Connie is fine."

My mom softens her eyes. "It's alright, Kasp."

Zachariah runs up to me like he just noticed I was there and threw his arms around me, clutching on to me like I was his life source.

I hugged him back, picking him up. "Hi bud." I cooed.

He rolled his eyes. "I'm not six, anymore."

I shrug. "Pshh. I don't care. You're still my little bud."

I set him on the floor just as Dallas wraps me in a hug. "I though you died." He muttered into my hair. "I was so scared."

I closed my eyes. "I'm fine. And I killed Colin Gold, so... that's something."

Why was I still defending him? His family killed Felix. While I believe he had no part in it, it still was his family.

But he said they weren't up to anything. Maybe he didn't know? Maybe he did know and he was lying to me.

I'll have to ask him tomorrow.

Dallas nods, releasing his hold on me. "Yeah. That's good."

My dad sets his hand on Kaspar's shoulder. "Me and you can go to Ireland tomorrow morning."

"How do you know it was Clay?" I ask, feeling stupid just asking the question. They have to have some way of knowing.

Kaspar shrugs, surprisingly. "We don't. But he's the only one I can think of who would do something like that."

"But we helped his family. With... Colin." I say.

Kaspar sighs. "I mean, you killed his son."

I bring my eyebrows together. "Yeah, but there's no way he made it to Ireland that fast."

My mom wipes her eyes, sniffling. "I'm not letting you guys go to Ireland by yourselves. Whoever took down Felix, Moira, and Fiona has to be experienced."

"Send me." Dallas says, taking a deep breath. "I'll go with them."

"I was gunna go with Terrance and Connie but Connie isn't here so... yeah. Come wi—" Kas was interrupted.

My dad cuts off Kaspar. "No. No, Dallas. You are not coming. And neither is Connie. Dallas you need to stay here to take care of Everly and Zach. Miranda, I know you want to go with us. Connie will come back and when she does nobody will think of attacking this household."

Kaspar glares at my dad. "Brother. That has to be the worst idea you've ever had."

My dad nods. "Miranda is right. Whoever this is, whether it's Clay or not, they're obviously strong enough to take down Felix, Fiona, and Moira. We'll have a better chance if we have a third person go with us. But I will not take my son, or my daughter, or my niece."

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