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Love you guys, hope you're all having a FANTASTIC day.

Two and a half hours into walking, I fell to my knees in the snow, my hands catching me. I was feeling the cold in the slightest, just a tiny bit. I was wearing down, tired. My adrenaline was gone. I was weakening. I looked at the Rose I dropped when I fell, it's colors so defiant against the white.

I took a deep breath and then coughed, my throat was dry. I laid down in the snow, letting it cool my body off. I started drifting off, comfortable.

I heard the snow crunching and someone slid next to me.

"Mom!" Someone yelled out. I looked up and saw a boy peering down at me with near familiar brown eyes. "Are you okay?"

He looked at me with respect and adoration. He wasn't 20 yet, he wanted to be what I was. He could feel my blood humming still. All underages could feel a Supernatural's Power. It called to them. I didn't know him, but I knew those eyes.

I sat up and felt my head get light, immediately falling back down. My body faded off to sleep.


I woke up warm, with a bright light on my face. I shot up and twisted my head around. I couldn't be back at Konrad's. No no no.

I expected a cell, a cage to lock me up like an animal. But there was no jail. It was a warm bedroom with a fire place in it. A pile of clothes sat next to me, clean and folded.

I was covered in a thick wool blanket, one that smelled of dust. The smell wasn't what bothered me though, on the ground was a bear rug, the head poking out and showing me that it was once a real animal. It sent shivers down my spine, even in the heat. I never did like bears. Something about them gave me the creeps.

I ignored everything else that was creepy and old about the room. Konrad could get here any minute. Any second. I didn't have a single breath to waste.

I looked for the nearest window but didn't find one. What kind of house was this? A hunter's lodge? Even those had windows.

I stepped out of the bed and walked to the door. I opened it and was met with a beautiful girl about to knock, her fist raised halfway up.

"Oh, hi." She said softly. She sounded familiar. Like a distant relative. I brushed it off as a, "everyone sounds familiar."

I looked down each side of the hallway, expecting Konrad to jump from behind either corner. "Uh... hi." It was dark in one direction, the other a light was on. The walls were a dark mahogany color, only one full light on in the hallway.

She was a lot taller than me, which in the first place was weird. Her hair was greying but her face was near flawless. I felt like I should've known her. She was like a dream that I knew I had but couldn't remember.

"You might want to put on those clothes." She nodded to the stack, her voice was gentle but definitely not going to take my shit. She looked sad, depressed. Her eyes held bags under them. She was tired. Tired but somehow... strong. She seemed... odd.

I shook my head. "I really must be going."

"Out there? In the cold?" She asked. "You just got here."

"Someone is looking for me. I have— I have to go." I pushed past her. I felt bad but I needed to leave.

"Konrad isn't going to get you, Eve. You're safe here." She was trying to be calming but her statement only made goosebumps arise on my skin.

I spun around quickly, far too quickly. My head rushed. I had to ignore it, had to pretend like nothing was wrong. "Who are you?" I snapped. "How do you know my name?" How did she know his name?

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