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I was a disgrace. No matter how I looked at it, I had done too much to deny that term. Sure, I wasn't terrible and it wasn't my fault what happened, happened. But I was still going against my family name with every step I took.

Here I was, a Hunter in love with a vampire who hated her. I was running from a fight, not towards one. I was walking with vampires to a werewolf pack to seek protection. I just wasn't... a Dawn. None of my siblings would have ever done what I'm doing. So why was I doing it?

I looked over at Cassidy. She was pissed Sergei wasn't dead. I had never seen someone blood boil so hot. She was just waiting for someone to say something smart to her so she could fight.

Konnor was... well... Konnor. He was still goofing off, saying funny things under his breath. Neither Cassidy nor I laughed at his comments.

"This day didn't go the way I had planned, that's for sure. I wanted some healthy jogger under my teeth but no. No vegetables for Konnor." He chuckled to himself.

I didn't understand how he was related to Colin or Clay. Both were serious and steady. Konnor was wild and rickety. Maybe Konnor was just able to stay bright through the dark times while Colin and Clay's humor subsided.

"Konnor. Shut up." Cassidy shook her head.

King Anaforo teleported us as as close to Sovereign as he could. Which was, sadly, a thirty minute walk away from where we landed. My legs hurt so bad I thought I was going to fall down after every step.

The sun was rising off to the side, a symbol to how I can make it another day. It resembled how the longest journeys became the most beautiful. If the earth could travel around the sun every day, I could walk for thirty minutes.

"Do you not like my jokes? I think they're hilarious." He said sarcastically.

Cassidy stopped and Konnor stopped behind her. She turned around and glared at him, pulling her hair. "I almost had him. I almost killed him."

Konnor's face fell as he set a hand on her shoulder. "I... I know, Siddy." He pulled her to his chest and ran his hand through her hair. "I know."

I didn't want to intervene. But I had to ask, "Why is it so important that you kill Sergei specifically?"

Cassidy pulled back from Konnor and looked at me. In her eyes, I saw spirits rise in her irises. Something haunted her, something dark and wicked. "I was human. Once. I was naive. I was blessed to not know about this world. And then Konnor found me... loved me from afar. Dating outside your species... was a sin. Still is." She smirked at me and winked. "Sergei was very close with Stone... very close. They had the same ideals. Instead of killing Konnor, he killed me. Mostly. Konnor brought me back. I went with revenge to kill Sergei many years ago, surprised with my being alive. He has one scar on his body, a tiny cut hidden under his shirt on his throat. We almost killed each other but... well... actually your father came in Eve. And said that this wasn't the way. He told us to bid ways."

My father stopped a fight? Between a Hunter and a Hunted? "My dad... saved a Hunted?"

She snarled at me. "A vampire."

I didn't mean for the slur to slip and yet it did. It was my bringing up. I had learned through my whole life that the only truly bad Hunter, was Stone. That the real scum of the earth was the Vampires. But... my parents only taught me the black and white, not the grays between.

"And yes. Your dad despised Clay for choosing to become a Vampire... for becoming the enemy. He didn't... he didn't understand why Clay did it. Clay didn't want to be like Konrad, ever." Cassidy defended. "But your dad knew what Sergei was doing was wrong."

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