Golden (Iris's P.O.V.)

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I filled the sink with hot water, and soap. The kitchen staff loved it when I helped clean. It was the best I could do. They cook all day for us. They make great meals, and hardly ever get Thank-you's. It was my way of repaying them. And it took my mind off things when things got bad.

"Iris! My girl, how's that guitar coming?" Lynn asked. Lynn was the head cook. Hard headed, but soft hearted. She never let her emotions get in the way of her work, and never let her work get in the way of her emotions. She always seemed to love it when I came into the kitchen. She would talk all the time. I know all about what her kids are up to. Just like she knows all about how serious I take my guitar. She was really the only person who cared.

"It needs work. You're not going to see my name up in lights yet, Lynn." I called back that way she could hear me. I could basically hear her sigh from where I was standing. It wasn't an I'm disappointed in you sigh. It was a what did I tell you about talking yourself down sigh. Lynn was like a best friend to me. I don't know where I'd be if it wasn't for her.

We talked long after I finished the dishes. We talked about me learning a new song. We talked about her kid Ivy joining the softball team. We talked about nearly anything, and everything. I couldn't help but smile.

"Iris?" Martha called from the kitchen doors. I looked at my watch and realized the time. It was nearly lights out. I gave Lynn a hug before scurrying by Martha.

"I'm sorry, I lost track of time. I'll be off to bed." I rushed out of the kitchen. Martha laughed. I stopped mid step, nearly landing on my face. Martha never laughed about serious matters. She was fun, and awesome, but serious when she needs to be. Like enforcing lights out. If you let one person stay out past lights out, the rest of the world does too.

"No need for that. Iris, there is a great man who's out in the lobby waiting for you. In fact you can choose to pack your things first or met him first. He doesn't care which."  Martha beamed down at me. My jaw hit the floor. Literally. I fell over onto my face. Martha laughed at my little slip. I ran back to Lynn.

"I heard! That's so great for you. I don't want to see in this place again though, unless it's to come  visit me." I laughed at Lynn, and gave her one last hug. I couldn't run fast enough to my room. Martha followed me the whole way there.

"What's he like?" I asked, grabbing my mom's old guitar case, and putting my mom's guitar in the case. I'd die without it. It was one piece my mom left behind. It was one thing I had of her. She gave it to me. She said she wouldn't need it. I shake my head at the memory. Not now. The last thing I need is a tear fest.

"He plays guitar like you, sings, has a kid, a boy, and a wife. He's sweet. You're going to love him." Martha explained as I finished packing. I did a double check of the room, making sure I didn't forget anything. I didn't. I let Martha lead the way. It would be my last time ever walking down these hallways. I traced the walls with my bare fingers. I never thought I'd leave. I thought I was going to be stuck here forever. I was that one kid nobody wants.

The door to lobby opened. I held my breath. I wanted to remember this moment for the rest of my life. I wanted to remember the smell of the air. The feel of the doors opening. The way the colours seemed to be ten times brighter. The taste of the salty water. And the sound of the late night traffic.

Martha stepped aside, and there he was. I blinked a few times. I looked at Martha back to him. Did she know who this was? The man not give feet away from me was Patrick Stump. The Patrick Stump. My heart stopped. I must've looked crazy. I was only wearing sweatpants, and a baseball ball tee. I was just gaping at him. I should say something.

"Hi?" I said but it came out more of a question. I'm such a dork. He smiled at me. Full on smiled. Like it was the happiest day of his life. We were practically the same height. I was only a few inches shorter than him. He just looked so happy.

"Hello. I'm Patrick. A.K.A your new dad." I laughed at him. He laughed a long. It felt so good. We were in a little bubble of happiness. I'm pretty sure we were literally projecting happiness out of our pores.

"I'm Iris. A.K.A your new daughter." And we both laughed harder. Even Martha was smirking at us. Lynn has come out. I swear to god I saw her wipe away a tear. But maybe that was just my imagination.

"Here, let me take your bags." Patrick held out his empty hands. I put my bag in his hand, but held onto my guitar. It was silly. Patrick wouldn't try to break my guitar. He would understand, how much a guitar meant to someone. But he nodded, and I left the doors of the orphanage for the very last time.

Once we got my stuff in the back of his car we drove to the airport.

"Are you afraid of planes?" He asked looking at me from the corner of his eyes. I still couldn't believe it. I was adopted. Not only that, but by Patrick Stump.

"Nope." I said popping the 'p' like I always do. I'm not sure why I did it, but it felt natural. I did it on yup too. I've done it since I was a little kid. Patrick laughed.

"You know, I pop my 'p's' the exact same way." He commented making me giggle. I shook my head like it was a question. He smiled at me as we pulled up at the airport.

"This is where we find our way around, and hope we make it out alive." He whispered. I laughed as I grabbed my guitar. I went to grab my suitcase, but Patrick had it first. I don't know why, but at that moment I felt guilty. I felt like him carrying my bags was a bad thing. I was capable of doing it myself.

"I can take my bag." I stated. Patrick smiled at me. I felt so small. Like a bug just waiting to be squished underneath someone's boot. It made me want to run and hide, but at the same time I felt safe. How can someone experience two polar opposite emotions, at the same time?

"I know you can, but I am your dad, and this is something dad's do." He explained while waving his free arm in front of the suitcase. I smiled back at him nodding my head. We made it to the doors, but the second we stepped inside everything was different.

I wasn't some little orphan anymore. I wasn't waiting at the orphanage for someone to bypass the warnings on my profile. I wasn't being called a shut in, and being stomped on by the rest of the world. I was a girl with a dad now. I no longer had to wait for someone to bypass the warnings. I was at the top of the world. And in that moment nothing could bring me down.


Okay so I know this is a lot for one night. But I've been debating writing fanfic. To me Patrick wouldn't be a lover or something like that, he would be like a father figure. So that's what I made him. Soon you guys will see the great highs and lows of Iris's life. I know, I know, you want me to tell you like right now. But then where would all my fun go. Soon we will see into Iris's past. We kinda already see why Patrick was looking for a daughter. (And oh yeah if that ever happens in real life I promise it is just some random fluke in the system.) but why was Iris in the orphanage? Why does she have the problems she has? (Yes I already know the answers.) (no I will not tell yet.)

Thanks for reading.

Enjoy Kylie Rae Nelson

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