Homesick At Space Camp (Patrick's P.O.V.)

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"Hey Pattycakes! What's up?" Pete asked into the phone. Where did I start? I decided I would start with Elisa, and work my way into what happened with Iris.

"I found out Elisa was cheating today." I muttered into the phone.

"But she was amazing. She loved you man. Really loved you. How?" He asked rambling about how much she loved me. I think that was the worst part. She loved me, I loved her, we had a kid, but it wasn't enough for her.  I looked out into the sky. The stars refused to shine tonight. The clouds covered them.

"Something about her being so lonely on tour. He was my replacement." The words were dipped in venom. I shuttered. It was so dark out tonight. Tonight started out to be great, and had a huge turn around. So many things happened in one night it was crazy. If what comes around goes around, what did I do to deserve this? I loved Elisa with my whole heart. She was my whole world. Her, Declan, and now Iris was all I needed. 

"That's sick." He whispered into the phone. I heard him mutter something to Meagan who was his girlfriend, and heard her respond. I must've done something wrong. But I didn't recall doing anything. The only thing I wanted to do was have a family, and make my music. Was that being to selfish?

"Yeah, but on a happier note I adopted a daughter today." I tried to sound cheery, but I only sound miserable. I wish I could sound happy. From what I knew, she was a great kid. One of the best. She was everything anyone could ask for.

"That's cool man, but something's off. I can tell." He stated.

"Well she lost it today. Elisa ended up throwing a vase at her head. And it just missed her. She suffers from serve anxiety, and depression. I can't get to her. It's like she holds a safe, and locks it when someone asks about her past. All I know is her mom left when she was five. And her dad beat her for five years, that's when child services stepped in. If it wasn't from knowing, and being there for you, I don't know what I would've done. The only person I have ever seen this bad was you." I explained, and heard him suck in a breath.

"Holy shit. How old is she?" He asked. I could basically hear his nerves.

"Fourteen, as of twelve days ago." I answered. He sucked in another breath, before slowly letting it back out.

"Did you check her wrists?" He asked.

"No, do you think-"

"If its that bad, I grantee she is finding a way. That's a lot for an adult let alone a kid." He interpreted me.

"What if she's not cutting?"

"That will be great. But Patrick, there are other things you can do. I can come, and help out tomorrow, but if she's being closed off to you, there's no grantee she'll even slightly warm up to me." He explained.

"I get it. I should do it. I just hope she'll let me. She hates it when people touch her. I bet it has something do to with her father. " I muttered into the phone.

"Hey, sorry, I got to go. Saint just woke up, and won't go back to bed. Goodnight Pattycakes!" He hung up using his nickname for me. I walked over to Iris's new room. I noticed that she was laying in bed, but not sleeping just staring at her hands. I opened the door, and crawled into the bed beside her. She stayed on her back not moving an inch other than turning her head to look at me.

"Can I see your wrists?" I asked. Her eyes went wide. She dropped her hands at her sides.

"Why?" She asked her voice was small. She was scared. My heart broke seeing someone like this. She was so small, and young, she didn't deserve this.

"I just want to see something." I answered, reaching my hands out. She was hesitant, but she slowly moved her wrists into my hands. I turned them upside down, and pushed up the sleeves. On her wrists weren't cut marks, but pinch marks. Some were just bruises, some had broken the skin, some were little red marks, some were fresh, some where old. Tears were slowly making their way down her cheeks.

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