The Best Part Of 'Believe' Is The 'Lie' (Patrick's P.O.V)

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The image above is what Iris, and her outfit looks like. And yeah, that's me.

Sophomore Slump Or Comeback Of The Year by Fall Out Boy

"Iris, come on! We have plans." I yelled up the stairs. It wasn't that we actually were in a rush, it was just that I liked teasing her about how long it took her to get ready. She didn't take as long as most girls, but it was longer than Declan, and me combined. I heard her shuffle in her room, before she quickly rushed down the stairs. Let me tell you, she looked stunning.

Her brown hair was wavy, and fell around her shoulders perfectly. She was wearing the same black dress that only reached right above her knee, with black tights. On top of the dress was wearing a grey cardigan, that cleverly tied behind her back, and tucked it so it looked to be a part of the design. She sat on the stairs, and put on the heels from before. The were like sandals with black laces that ran up the middle. She tied the laces by wrapping them around her ankle, tying the knot, and sticking the ends into the shoe. She looked up at me, and smiled.

"Where's Dec?" She asked me, while pulling on her sleeves.

"Pete picked him up. He wanted a play date with Saint anyways. Today it's just you, and me, Kiddo." I explained to her, and she nodded. She had no idea what I had planned. The only thing I told her was that we were going out, and she should dress up. And believe me, she did just that. Here's the thing about Iris, on the outside she a really sunshine, happy, colourful girl, but if you chip away those layers you'll begin to notice the sadness that soaked through her, and into her heart. She really is a sweet girl, she didn't dress in all black all the time, and she didn't let a lot of emotions show. It seemed like she just wanted to be happy, but her mind got the best of her. She was just a little ray of sunshine, with a really dark mind.

"But you just got him, he just got here two days ago." She muttered shaking her head, her back stiffened, and she looked around the room. I realized what she was doing. She thought she was being selfish, even if I made the plans on my own. How many times have people called her selfish, for everything to be her fault? Every time she even asked for a little bit of help, to her mind it was selfish. She didn't feel like she deserved what she got. She really wasn't that selfish, in fact she was very selfless. She always wanted to do something for the rest of the world, and not her self.

"Yeah, but he asked, don't worry about it. He wanted to." I reassured her, holding out my hand. She grabbed it giving it a little squeeze while nodding. We walked out the door, and she squinted up at the sky, before flicking her sunglasses onto her head. She always wore those things when it was bright out, and if she forgot them she would squint the whole day. "Are you light sensitive?"

"Just a bit, only the sun, and extremely bright lights bother me, gives me a slight headache, that's why I always wear these things. Oh, and I'll end up with the Grand Canyon in my forehead, if I squint too hard." She laughed it off. I smiled down at her, as long as it still wasn't bugging her. I didn't want her to get a headache every time we went out in the sun. I opened the cara door for her, she blushed, "Thank you, but where are we going?"

"Nope, that is a surprise. One that no one is going to spoil this time." I laughed, as she shook her head. I started the car, and instantly I Want You by Elvis Costello hummed through the speakers. My hand shot up, to change the station, then I heard Iris start singing along. I was shocked.

I want you
I want you
I want you

Iris finished singing. She must've noticed me watching her out of the corner of my eye, because she hid her face in her hands. Her ears were turning a bright red.

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