And I'd Promise You Anything For Another Shot At Life (Patrick's P.O.V)

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Disloyal Order Of Water Buffaloes by Fall Out Boy

They found Iris's pulse again. Right now she was in surgery. She was getting her ribs snapped back into place, her lungs emptied, and stitched back up. They said because of the way her father was carrying her she was choking on her own blood for several minutes. When she lost her pulse it was for two reasons, one they couldn't get the blood of out her throat because it would've done more damage, and she was drowning in her own blood. She had drowned.

"But it was a kidnapping right? I mean we can rule this out under kidnapping, right?" Joe asked momentarily stopping from pacing the waiting room. Andy was sitting to my left, and just staring out into space. Pete had gone to get us all water. I could tell he just didn't want to be in the room. He was blaming himself.

"It's more sticky than that. Because first she ran away, then she was beaten, and finally she was kidnapped. And now here we are." Andy explained. Joe nodded his head, before resuming the pacing. It was funny. Only three weeks ago we were doing the same thing, in the same room, for the same person, just a different reason. Deja vu.

"Here." Pete said placing a bottle of water into my hands. I nodded my thanks to him, and he took a seat beside me. I just don't know what to say. I feel like if I say anything, I'll break down. And I can't break down. Not now. I had be there for Iris. Even if she wasn't anywhere near me. I had to believe she was going to make it. She had to make it, right?

"You know she would always say it felt like she was drowning. It was how she described it when she got an anxiety attack, or her depression would get really bad on some days. She would always say it felt like she was drowning inside herself, and she just couldn't get enough air. Who knew she was actually going to end up drowning inside herself?" I whispered into my hands.

"Don't say that." Pete whispered back. I knew it was more like a don't think about that, think about how she woke back up thing. But it didn't matter. I snapped.

"Why the hell not? It's the truth Pete! She ended up drowning in her own blood because it was stuck in her throat. She died today Pete! She stopped breathing! She stopped beating! She just stopped!" I snapped. We were lucky we were the only ones in the waiting room, because I'm sure we would've gotten a few glares from others. They all looked at me. All of their faces flushed. Andy held his eyes closed. Joe shook his head. And Pete, well Pete's Pete and he ended up getting up, and walking out of the room.

It was nearly noon. Iris had been in the OR for five hours already. I just couldn't think. My mind was jumping from one thing to the next in a matter of seconds. A small girl was wheeled past us. She had brown hair just like Iris's. She was laughing at some joke her dad told her, completely ignoring the fact that she had serval tubes coming out of her stomach. She was so happy. It brought a little spark of hope to the rest of us.

"I think it will be best if I stay with you, Patrick. When Iris gets out. You might have to go somewhere. And she might run for it again. Plus you might need the extra help." Andy stated out of thin air. I nodded. It made sense. Andy would stay with us for a while. I'm sure Iris would love that. I hoped Iris would get the chance to love that.

"Thanks Andy." I nodded, agreeing with him.

"Mr. Stump?" A nurse called. In unison we all snapped our heads to her. I got out of the chair, and basically ran across the room to her. "Follow me." She said before turning on her heel, and waking away. We all followed. It took us no time to spot Iris.

She was wide awake, playing with threads in the blanket. There were tears that had fallen on her cheeks, that she wiped away. The second we stepped into the room, her head snapped up, and she burst into tears.

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