I Want To Live Life From A New Perspective (Patrick's P.O.V)

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New Perspective By Panic! At The Disco

The last thing I wanted to was leave Iris the way she was. I knew Pete, and Joe wouldn't hurt her. They would both protect her with everything they had. But it didn't stop the dread of leaving her. It was not even five minutes after I left, that I got a text from Pete.

She's up. She's okay, were distracting her the best we can.

A smile crept to my lips. At least she was okay. The pit in my stomach still failed to fade away. I should've stayed with her. She needed me, and again I wasn't there for her. A part of me was eating away at my core, but the other half told me it would be better to have Declan around the house. He would lighten the mood. He would take both of our minds off of the  past weeks. It was odd how one person could change the way you saw the world.

I pulled into a strip-mall parking lot. The sun was beginning to set, and everything was seen with an orange glow. There was a boy, and girl on the corner. The girl had wrapped her arms around herself, and the boy slipped off his baggy jacket, handing it to her. She smiled, and threw it on herself. The boy was left wearing a long sleeved shirt, and jeans, while the girl rested his head on his shoulder. They smiled at each other, I watched as they walked away.

I watched as an old lady's bag ripped, and the contents spilled across the concrete. I watched as a teenage girl stopped her conversation with a group of friends, to instantly help this lady. The teenage girl had light pink hair, that matched the sunset. The lady smiled at the teenager, when the teenager took whatever was in her bag, and gladly gave the now empty bag to the lady. I watched as the lady walked away, thanking the teenager one last time, and the teenager smiled at the ground before turning back to her friends. I noticed the way her friends laughed at her, but she only shrugged it off.

I watched as a Mom picked up her sleeping baby girl before placing her in a  pink small car seat. I watched as she gently shut the door making sure not to wake the baby. I watched as she got into the drivers seat, and placed her head on the steering wheel. I watched as she started the car. She smiled at the baby, while wiping away a stray tear. I could help, but wonder what her story was.

I jumped out of the car the second I saw Declan. I ran to him, and he jumped into my arms. His chubby little cheeks were stretched into a smile. I felt his little hands graze my sides in a hug, and I realized how much I missed this little dude. Elisa cleared her throat, and I picked Declan up putting him on my hip.

"I feed him, at six. He should be ready for bed in an hour. And he missed you." She rambled giving me all the information I needed. I nodded at Elisa, and she walked in the opposite direction. It was only a month ago, I had kicked her out. I understood why she was mad, but did she really need to act that way in public. I mean sure I kicked her out, but I also made sure she had a place to live, food, and whatever she needed. Also she cheated on me. Didn't I have the right to be mad, not her?

We drove back home, and like always Declan passed out in his car seat. I quickly texted Pete.

On our way home. Give us half an hour.

It was moments after that I got a response.

Sure thing! Joe is having a blast! We finally got her to sing, and omg she is amazing.

I laughed. He wasn't wrong. Iris had an amazing voice. I didn't understand why she hated it so much. But I saw where she was coming from. She was afraid of her own voice. I used to be too. Her voice was just so pure. Every note held a message. A message she didn't want the world to figure out. I had mentally promised myself to break that code, before it fully broke her.

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