Everytime We Fall To Pieces (Iris's P.O.V.)

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Back To Earth By Steve Aoki (featuring Fall Out Boy)

"You ready to go home?" Dad asked when I woke up. It has been five days since I woke up. Nothing has healed. It stopped swelling, but nothing was healing. My cuts were scabs, but still visible. My ribs were still broken, but not nearly as sore. Sometimes if I moved too fast, or laughed too hard they would begin to become really sore, but it was going away.

"I can't wait!" I cheered into the air, pumping my hands in the air. I'm a total dork, I know. Dad only laughed at me, and handed me some water. I hadn't seen Tianna, or Emerson since the last day of school. I really missed them. Dad said that Uncle Pete said that Emerson had been phoning the house, and one time Uncle Pete picked up, and told them that Dad took me on a surprise road trip, and I forgot my phone. They still had no idea that Patrick Stump was my Dad. I was kinda surprised they hadn't put two, and two together yet. Tianna was a huge fan. Emerson was a fan too. But then again, nobody knew Dad adopted me. Dad, and I had kept things hidden from the press. I was shocked for how long we've gotten away with it. I didn't have any social media, and Dad hadn't really been on anything lately either. Besides I wasn't ready for the spotlight. Not yet. Soon.

"Apparently your friends called again. They're really missing you. Maybe we could have them over." Dad suggested, and my face lit up. I saw him smile. He had this planned. He probably already set up the dates, and times with their parents. He knew me too well.

"Can we? They don't know you're my Dad so that's going to be a huge shock on them." I laughed, and Dad raised an eyebrow at me.

"They don't know?" Dad asked sitting down beside me.

"No, and that's what makes them such great friends. They weren't in it for the whole I'm friends with Patrick Stump's daughter bla bla." I pointed out. Dad nodded, and laughed at me being silly. I was beginning to feel like myself again. It took a while. I can remember everybody's names now. It was really good. The Doctor said she was expecting more damage, but I managed to pull through. The way she said though sounded like she didn't think I was going to make up in the first place. It felt cool to beat the odds.

"Sometime next week though. I want you to feel comfortable at home again, and you might need some time to you know, heal." Dad pointed out. He was right. I needed time to heal, and feel comfortable. As much as I wanted to go home, I felt really nervous. Which was really silly because nobody knew where I lived. It should be my safe place. But for some reason I was overly nervous.

"I have to pick Declan up from his Mom's tonight. That way he can spend the next three weeks with us! It was our agreement. Three weeks on, three weeks off, during the summer. And one week one, one week off, during all the other seasons." Dad explained. I had wondered where little Declan went when I started school. But I never asked. It made sense. Declan needed some time with his Mom. As far as I knew Patrick, had only talked to Elisa to talk about Declan. I still wouldn't ask. It was a touchy subject. And I didn't want to be the nosy must know all the drama daughter. It wasn't me.

That would mean I would be home alone. And suddenly I couldn't breathe. I didn't want to be home alone. What if Jack found out where we lived, and did this all again? What if he made things worse? It felt like every bad thing that could happen was flooding my mind. I didn't want to be left alone.

"No, you can't just leave me alone." I cried. It was selfish. I was being so selfish. This was my little brother. His kid. And here I was telling him no, you can't go pick him up, because I'm a selfish spoiled brat. Why, was I always selfish? It didn't matter what I did. No matter how many times I told myself, you're being selfish. I always would be selfish. It was just who I was. And I hated it.

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