All Your Fears Come To Life And Leave You (Iris's P.O.V.)

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* Trigger Warning: Rape Flashbacks*

Hey, I'm Sorry By Blink 182

"Daddy?" My voice was small. My throat felt like sandpaper. My whole body ached. The world felt so heavy. I opened my eyes to see my Dad, and a stranger sitting next to him. The stranger had shorter red hair, and a longer beard. There were tattoos covering his arms, his neck, and some one his fingers. Something told me I knew him, I should know him, but I couldn't remember.

"Iris?" Dad asked. I nodded, and tried to lay down on my back. I only hissed in pain. Why did it hurt so much to breathe? Dad looked awful. He had bags under his eyes, his hair was ruffled up, and his skin was extremely pale, even for him. "Slow down, you don't want to hurt yourself anymore."

"Patrick give her this." The stranger put a cup in my Dad's hand. My Dad tilted the cup towards my lips, and I drank the whole glass.

"Thank you, but who are you?" I asked. I moved so that I was sitting up. It hurt like hell, but I couldn't lay down like that. It was overly uncomfortable at the moment. My Dad helped me sit up, and I felt embarrassed. I was fourteen, I should be able to sit up on my own.

"You don't remember?" My Dad asked me.

"I remember lots, just some names, I can't remember. I remember everything that happened. My mom, my father, me being in the orphanage, you adopting me, meeting a little boy who looks a lot like you, meeting Uncle-, you guys and another with crazy hair all play in a band, but um see that's what I can't remember. It's the names." I explained. My Dad nodded, and sat down on the bed beside me.

"That's Andy. We play in a band called Fall Out Boy, the one with crazy hair is Joe, and the one you call Uncle, his name is Pete. Do you remember what happened the night you ended up here?" Dad asked me. I nodded, and looked down at my hands. My arms were covered in gauze in places, others weren't bandaged so I could see burn marks, cuts, and bruises. It was the one thing I wanted to forget.

I wanted to forget that whole night. The party. Jack. The fight with my Dad. The after effect, and Dad bringing me here. If I could forget anything I wanted it to be that. I didn't realize I was crying until I felt something wet on my cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Iris, I'm so sorry." Dad whispered, as her wrapped his arms around me. I covered my face with my hands, as I sobbed harder. It hurt, everything hurt. I wanted to curl up in a ball, and disappear.

A Doctor walked into the room, and I pulled away from my Dad. The Doctor had soft red curls, blue eyes, and tanned skin. She smiled at me. I gave a small smile back.

"It's good to see you up Iris. I know you just woke up, but I'm going to need to speak to you alone." The Doctor said. My Dad nodded, and Andy had already left to grab me something to drink. I madly shook my head no. I didn't want to be without my Dad. He was the only thing that made me feel safe. I held onto my Dad's hand for dear life.

"It's okay, I'll be right outside the door. Nothing will happen to you. I promise." He whispered, and I let go of his hand. He left, and closed the door behind him. It felt so far away. He was too far away.

"I need to ask you a few questions about the night that caused all of this, and then a nurse will come in, and help you shower." The Doctor said, making my eyes snapped back to her. She sat in a swivel chair, and pulled it to the other side of the bed. She had a chart, and pen in her hands. All I could do was nod.

"Do you remember your name?" She asked.

"Wait which one?" I asked.

"Your full name." She answered writing something down.

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