Go Boy, Go Boy, Run For Your Life

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Rat A Tat by Fall Out Boy featuring Courtney Love.


We had spent the whole afternoon shopping. I had bought everything I'd need in order to run. I had gotten some clothes, some food, bottles of water, and still had money left over to spare. Dad had given me two hundred bucks when I left with Uncle Pete, in case we did go shopping. I'm sure this is not what he had planned when he gave me the money, but it sure was going to come in handy. But if I was going to do this I had to do it now.

"We should go see a movie." Tianna suggested. This was it this was the perfect time. It was only two. Uncle Pete said he would be here at five to pick me up, he had a meeting of some sort to go to. That gave me three hours to get the heck out of dodge. I pulled out my phone acting like I got a text.

"Hey guys, sorry, My uncle just texted and told me that the meeting he was in ended early. I got to go." I lied. I hated this. But it had to happen. I needed to keep Dad safe, if I can even call him that anymore. He's probably going to hate me after this. I'm going to hate me too. I had to keep Declan out of harms way. The last thing he needed was to get hurt, because his sister comes from a messed up household.

"That sucks. We'll see you later, right?" Tianna said giving me a hug. I gripped onto her. I was going to miss her. She was the best friend I could never ask for. I was not going to cry. Not here, not now. It would only blow my cover.

"Definitely." I lied again. My stomach twisted into knots as Emerson hugged me.

"Stay out of trouble. We'll see you when school starts, if not earlier." He whispered into my ear. I laughed, but nodded. Emerson was as much as a dork as I was. I was going to miss them both so much. I hated this. I hated it all.

"I will. Thanks for being such great friends." I thanked the both of them. They had no idea it was going to be the last time I would ever see them again. They nodded, and I turned around, and walked out of the doors. That's when I ran. I ran pat the mall parking lot, for a few good blocks. Once the mall was out of sight, I begun to walk.


An alarm went off on my phone. Five o'clock. I had to find a place to stay. I looked around, and found a small little Super 8, on the light up sign if said Now Hiring. Perfect. A place to stay, and a job. If I get it. I ran into the hotel, and rushed up to the counter.

"I need a room please." I said pulling the left over money out of my pocket. A lady with white curls, and a larger frame stood up. I looked at her name tag. Lily. Manager. It read in big bold letters.

"How many beds?" She asked typing something into the computer.

"One." I answered looking at the counter top like it was the most interesting thing I've ever seen. A sheet of paper caught my eye.

Full time housekeeping service needed. Must be fourteen years or older. And have no criminal record. Please ask Lily, the Manager, for more details.

I was perfect for the job. I just had to convince Lily of that.

"How long?" She asked. That was something I had considered.

"For a few months." I muttered. "But I'll work it off, I swear. I'm really good at house cleaning, and you can work me to the bone. Please, I really need a place to stay." I pleaded. She seemed to consider this.

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