If I Can Live Through This, I Can Do Anything (Iris's P.O.V)

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Champion by Fall Out Boy. Their new single on M A N I A so there isn't a video yet. Sorry.

I heard Dad rush down the stairs, and turn on the T.V. I opened my door, approaching the balcony, I saw a picture of Dad, and I on the T.V. screen. It was only eight in the morning, what was he doing up?

"Who is this mystery girl? Where did she come from? And why is she hanging around Patrick Stump? More than one source says they have been seen together at more than one place. But the question still remains; who is this girl?" A squeaky female voice came through the speaker. I watched as Dad talked into the phone, running his hands through his hair. I couldn't hear what he said, but the words from the T.V. still flooded my mind.

"Indeed Christy, what makes this girl all so special? A distant relative? A singer like Patrick Stump himself? Are we going to be hearing her voice next to Patrick's anytime soon?" I heard a now male's voice come through the speakers. What made me special? What did I have that others didn't? What did I do to deserve this life?

Nothing. Nothing made me special.

Nothing. I didn't have anything that others didn't.

Nothing. I didn't deserve this.

I went back to my room, and pulled out my guitar, and my note book. My note book held my everything. It was everything about me. In one small tiny book. Nothing special. I was such a small piece to this world. This world was huge. I was only a fingernail, in the worlds skeleton. Somebody would clip me away, and a new one would grow back.

"Iris, are you up?" I heard Dad's soft voice through the door. I closed the book, putting it down on my bedside, and put the guitar in its stand. I layed back on the bed looking out at the gloomy sky.

"Nope." I popped the 'p', but I was up. I just didn't want to be up. I wanted to lay in this bed, and just fall asleep, without waking up. I didn't want to wake up for a while. I would wake up, not today, but I would wake up. Tomorrow. I'll wake up tomorrow. I wanted to disappear. To fade away.

Dad opened the door, and sat on the edge of the bed. He ran his hand through his already messy hair. He looked worn. I was only adding to this. So much wouldn't have happened if I was never adopted. He probably would've spent an extra day in Edmonton, and he never would've found out about Elisa cheating on him. I never would've gotten raped, and been overdosed on drugs, causing him to lose at least one week of sleep. I caused so much stress on his life. I was only a burden.

"How much of that did you hear?" Dad asked before laying down beside me, trying to look into my eyes. I only looked up at the ceiling. There wasn't anything exciting about the ceiling. It was only plain white. But I couldn't help, but think how many times I looked up at a ceiling to avoid looking at someone. It was my way of getting out of a conversation, without having to say anything.

"Who is this mystery girl?" I mocked the woman in the T.V. making my voice go all squeaky, and high, "I only heard what came through the T.V. I came back in here, afterwords." I muttered still staring at the ceiling. I wanted to sink into the mattress, and disappear. I heard the soft pitter-patter of rain hitting the window. The sky was a gloomy grey, with wisps of wind catching the raindrops causing them to spiral out of control. At that moment I felt like the raindrops.  Spiralling out of control, with nothing to stop them. Maybe it would've been different if I hadn't had nightmares since for the past two nights, but I did. It was the same nightmare as last one, except Jack got farther, and my father only beat me harder.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Dad asked me. Honestly, talking about anything at the moment was the last thing I wanted to do.

"Nope." I popped the 'p' again.

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