I Don't Know Where I'm Going, But I Don't Think I'm Coming Home (Iris's P.O.V)

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Alone Together by Fall Out Boy

"Wait your telling me, you were a fan before you got adopted?" Joe asked when I was telling him, and Andy stories of what life was like in the orphanage. I had told them all about it. From how one time I accidentally dropped a whole lasagna on the ground when I was helping out the kitchen, to how I got the best grades in my class.

"Yeah, I liked you guys long before I got adopted." I laughed when they both looked like I had just told them the cure for cancer or something. Honestly they were acting like I held the key to the universe.

"Really, you don't act like it." Joe said. Now it was my turn to look like they had told me the worlds secrets. "Our fans are normally like, wait a minute." He walked out of the room. I looked at Andy for a hint at what he was doing, but he looked as lost as me. Joe walked back into the room with his shirt all tied like a belly shirt, and screaming on the top of lungs. I couldn't help, but laugh. "Oh My God! Oh My God! You're Andy Shirley or something! You're amazing! Can I get your autograph on my forehead!" He screamed running beside Andy and jumping up and down while clapping his hands, and squealing. Andy just looked at him like he was crazy. I laughed way to hard, I started wheezing. Literally. I had to grab my puffer. It was quite the sight to see. I knew my ribs were supposed to hurt when I laughed, and they probably would after I got out of here. But for now I was enjoying the laughter.

"They aren't that bad." I insisted once I had caught my breath. Andy looked away, and Joe shook his head at me.

"Don't get me wrong I love our fans. But it's the other type of fans I don't really enjoy. Just the other day I was Andy Stump from Get On Boy. Those are the ones I'm talking about here. I told her she must've been very confused." Joe went on. I nodded my head understanding. I couldn't imagine what it must've been like. Who ever it was didn't get even part of his name right, and only got the Boy in Fall Out Boy. Hearing people say that must be heartbreaking.

"I get it. But can you please wear your shirt like a shirt?" I asked gesturing to the fact that it was still tied up. They both laughed at me.

"Why, is it to much to handle?" Joe asked even though he pulled his shirt back to normal. Both Andy, and I burst out laughing. "Wait which one of us was your favourite?" Joe poked my leg. My face must've flushed all its colour, and then went a bright shade of red. I could feel the heat on my cheeks. "Was it your Dad?" He asked. I shook my head. "Was it Pete?" Nope. "Andy?" No. "Oh it's me!" He cheered, as I nodded my head and hid behind my hands. He got up, and started doing a dance around the room.

"I'm her favourite! I'm Iris's favourite!" He cheered while doing his dance around the room. Patrick, and Pete walked back into the room, and stood in the doorway in shock. Joe didn't seem to notice them, and continued to dance around like a fool. "I'm her favourite! I'm the best! Oh yeah!" He cheered, and we all burst out laughing. Pete had pulled out his phone and started recording it, and was bellowing with laughter, Andy was bent over, and I was clutching my sides because it hurt so much. It was Joe's turn to go red in the face.

"Is it true?" Pete acted mock hurt. He put a hand over his heart, and walked over pretending to wipe away a tear. "Did you really choose him over the greatest bestest Uncle in the whole wide world?" He asked clutching my hand.

"Yes I did." I said matter of factly. Pete gasped and pulled his hand away like I burned him. I couldn't help but laugh. "Wait I'm still allowed to call you my Uncle?" I asked. This time Pete actually looked hurt. The whole room did.

"Yes. We're all still your Uncles. Just like your Dad is still your Dad. You made a mistake, people make mistakes. Just because you made one mistake doesn't mean we don't love you all the same." Pete explained sitting down beside me. The whole room seemed to have sobered up. This wasn't what I wanted. I wanted the happiness back. Not this. I should've just shut my mouth.

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