I've Got A Bad Idea, And A Dark Alley That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth

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*Trigger Warning: Rape!*
I don't get to far into it. In fact I don't describe it at all. It's just the implied fact that she was raped. If you want to skip this chapter that's okay. I'll leave out the details in the next chapter and just give you the gist of it.


Tonight was the night of the party.

I was wearing my black skinny jeans, with a black, and white baseball tee. The knees of the jeans were ripped. The sleeves of the baseball tee were black while the shirt was white with black writing that said 'Stronger Than Yesterday.' Dad had got me the outfit last time we went shopping. I saved it for a special occasion. It was my first party.

"Iris, your friends are here." Dad called up the stairs. I finished putting on my black heels, and rushed down the stairs. The moment Dad turned around his jaw hit the ground.

"Iris, just remember two things, no drinking, and no drugs. You're only fourteen. Okay?" Dad asked me. His eyes were pleading for me to be safe. They held the fear of a dad. I smiled at him, and kissed his cheek. "And pour your own drinks."

"I don't want to any of those things, I promise. I'll be home by midnight." I whispered hugging my dad before I left. He waved a small wave good-bye. My heart warmed at how much he cared. I wanted to make him proud so badly it hurt. I would do whatever I could to never let him down. I was so happy when I got invited to the party. So why was there a hole in my stomach telling me to turn back around?

I brushed it off as nerves. After all it was my first party. I had every reason to be nervous.

We arrived at the party, and went our separate ways. They weren't really my friends. They were just people who could drive me, that wasn't my dad. Tianna, and Emerson's parents wouldn't let them go. It was understandable. I was shocked my Dad let me go. I went into the kitchen and ran right into something.

"Shit! I'm so sorry. My name's Jack. Let me get you a drink. What would you like?" The thing I ran into responded. I looked up to see eyes the colour of chocolate, and blond hair just like my dads. He was muscular, and tall. He must be at least sixteen. Part of me was telling me to befriend him. The other part of me was telling myself to run in the opposite direction. I listened to the first part of me.

Once again I dropped it as nerves. Give the guy a chance. All because he's a teenager, strong, tall, and wants to get you a drink doesn't mean he's trying to get in your pants. Not every teenage boy was like that.

"Iris. Water please." I answered. He quickly came back with a tall glass of water. It was colourless, and it didn't smell like anything. Besides I watched him fill the cup. I only looked up when I heard my dads voice. Turns out that Young and Menace is a really great party song. I quickly downed the drink.

"Refill?" He asked. I nodded. He grabbed the cup and came back with more water. We talked for hours. Then the room begun to spin. I could have sworn I saw Jack smile as I fell to the floor.


Something was seriously wrong. It was twelve oh two. Maybe they lost track of time. Maybe they lost the car keys. Maybe they got held up in traffic. Maybe they got lost. I kept making excuses.

I went up to Iris's room. I sat on her bed and looked around her room. Her guitar was sitting up against the wall. It was a pretty shade of teal. Her favourite colour. I picked up the guitar and played the first song I'd ever seen Iris play. Miss Missing You. I sat on her bed, and just looked at how her room had all stuff in it. Her make up. Her clothes. Her books. Her posters. It was just so beautifully hers. Nothing could take this room from her. I sat on her bed for hours that felt like days, with each passing second.

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