Trouble Seems To Follow (Iris's P.O.V)

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Save Rock and Roll by Fall Out Boy featuring Elton John

One Week Later

Have you ever felt like everything has been taken away from you? And it doesn't matter how much you kick, or scream for it back, it won't. They tell you it's for the best. One day you'll have it back, jut not today. Because it's right when things start to get good, suddenly everything turns back around, and everything's gone. You once had it all, and now nothing, cold turkey.

How many times are things going to go wrong, before they go right? How much longer until do I have to keep waiting for it to get better? It seems as soon as good things start to happen, the worst only follows. I should've learnt that a long time ago, but I was foolish, and kept thinking that maybe this would turn out different. But it never changed. Not since the day my mom left. Not after the day my father started to beat me. Not after I was in the orphanage. Not after Dad adopted me. Not after Elisa was caught cheating. Not after I started school. Not after the night of the party. Not after I woke up. Not after Elisa claimed me as hers. It was never going to change. It didn't matter where I went, trouble seemed to follow.

"Have you heard about Patrick Stump, and that mysterious girl hanging around him?" Tianna's voice filled my phone speaker. I wanted to laugh. Have I heard? Yeah I heard. I remember every detail to that day, when it was all over the press. The day everything got ruined.

Dad had got me a cell phone, that way we could talk whenever without  me having to use Uncle Pete's phone. I was currently talking to Tianna, and Emerson because Dad told me to phone them. Dad gave me their number when I talked to him this morning. Today Dad was in court fighting Elisa for rights over Declan, and I. It was already eight thirty at night, and I hadn't heard anything from him on how it went. I told myself I would phone him in the morning, he was probably just tired.

"Yeah, I heard. She looked like she our age, I wonder if we know her." I played along. I'm not sure why I kept playing along. Sooner or later the truth was going to come out, I couldn't hide from the press forever. I think it was so that when they finally got to come over, and they got to meet Dad, I wanted to see their faces. I wanted to see the shock on their faces. I didn't want something to take that away from me too.

"You're right. Maybe she even goes to our school. We could know her, and not even know it." Emerson piped in. I smiled to myself. I was honestly surprised they hadn't put two, and two together yet. But then again when Emerson brought up that Dad, and I had the same last name, I told him that there must be a lot of other Stump's. Maybe they brushed it off as a coincidence. Still with everything being all over the press, it was still shocking that they hadn't figured it out yet.

"Well the photo is kind of a crappy shot." I continued.

"Anyways, Tianna, and I are going to the mall tomorrow afternoon, is there any possible way you might be able to come with us?" Emerson asked into the phone, "Besides Tianna really misses you." He quietly added, and I heard Tianna slap his arm. "Ow, you crazy woman." He hissed, and I laughed.

"The worst I can get is a no. Just hold on one second, I'll go ask my Uncle." I said, before putting the phone on mute. I walked out of the temporary room Uncle Pete gave me, and ran straight into Uncle Pete. I fell backwards landing on my butt. "You little snoop! You were spying." I lectured Uncle Pete, while laughing. He couldn't contain his laughter. He was basically bursting.

"Yeah, I'll admit to snooping, and yes you can go. I'll drive you, just get the details." He laughed. I jumped into his arms, and gave him the biggest hug I could give. "Hey! You're pretty light, you know that?"

"Yes. And thank you so much!"

"It's just good to see you smile again. I think this is one what, the fourth time, since you've been here." Uncle Pete stated. It was true. I hadn't really smiled much since we got here. It wasn't that I didn't want to smile, it just felt like I couldn't. I was really trying, but nothing was working. I would force a smile all day long, but that didn't count, and Uncle Pete knew that. He could also see right through my fake smiles, and forced laughs.

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