Open Up Again I Believe In Second Chances (Patrick's P.O.V)

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Second Chances By Imagine Dragons

I was testing some of the lyrics I wrote when I heard a door slam. I thought nothing of it, Pete knew where I kept the spare key. It was probably only him.

"Dude! Really?" Pete barrelled into the studio interrupting me. He looked at me, and shook his head. "Isn't there something you should be doing?" Pete asked, and I shook my head no. Not that I could think of. "Or someone?"

"Iris!" I shouted. He nodded.

"She waited an hour for you! She only phoned me, because nobody else was there. You freaking messed up." Pete explained as we raced towards her room. He didn't really say freaking, but I think you can fill in the blank. I really messed up. How could I forget about her?

"Iris?" I knocked on the door.

"Oh, look you remembered. Just go away. Maybe you'll forget about me longer next time." She hissed through the door. I winced at the words. I never should've forgot. I never should've went into the studio. I should've gone early if anything. I should've been the first one in the parking lot.

"I'm sorry, I forgot-"

"Dude! Not what she needs to hear. She doesn't want to you admit you forgot about her." Pete shook his head at me.

"Wow, great. Seriously, forget about me. Please do us both a favour." She shouted. I could hear her moving around the room. She was looking for something.

"Please open up?" I asked leaning my head, against the door.

"No! You forgot about me, just like my mom. Just like the rest of the world. The only thing that makes you, and my mom any different is you aren't an addict!" She hissed. Petes eyes went wide along with mine. I had no clue her mom was an addict. This was a new form of information, that she clearly didn't want us to know. I heard her slam a drawer, and groan in frustration.

"Iris come on, let me explain." I pleaded. I heard her walk towards the door, but she didn't unlatch the lock.

"I'm listening." I could hear the anger in her voice slowly fading.

"I lost track of time. I was singing, and got caught up in the moment. I never meant to forget about you. I promise I didn't forget. I just lost track of time. I didn't think it was time yet." I explained.

"I phoned you! Pete phoned you! What do I mean to you? Was I only for the publicity? The good karma? Because let me tell you, adopting a broken girl looks great. You're a real good guy." She hissed through the door. She was back at the drawers. She was still looking for something. "What happened to my book? I left it right here?" I heard her mutter under her breath. She was looking for the little black book she carried around everywhere. She always had it.

"No, baby girl, no. You mean the world to me. Please just let me in." I pleaded. I heard her choke back a sob. She unlatched the door, but slammed the bathroom door, locking herself in there.

"She did let you in." Pete said, and I glared at him. Her room was not how she left it this morning. She made her bed, now it was torn apart. Some drawers were open. Books were scattered all over. Her guitar was laying on the ground off of its stand.

"He's right, I let you in. Now leave!" She hissed. But her anger was fading. She was growing tired of it. If I waited it out long enough, she would come back out. She had too.

"I'm not leaving you, baby girl." I whispered. I didn't know what else to say. And then it hit me.
"I'm outside the door,
invite me in?" I sang.

"Nope." She shot back popping the 'p.' But she was no longer angry. That was a plus. But how else was I supposed to get her out. I tried everything. What else was there to do. Pete stepped up to the door.

"Iris, open up please?" Pete asked. I heard Iris take in a shaky breath.

"What's the point?" She asked. Her voice sounded so broken, so small, so empty. My heart crumbled.

"The point, I honestly can't tell you. But let me tell you Kiddo, the world is such a great place. I'm not going to tell you to look for the good in everything, because sometimes there isn't an upside. But you can be the good. You can be great. Please just open the door." Pete assured Iris. Iris unlatched the door, and ran into Pete's arms.

"Thanks Uncle Pete." She whispered as they embraced. He let go of her, and she walked up to me. "I'm sorry, I was frustrated. Please don't forget about me." She whispered.

"Oh, baby girl, I can never forget about you. You mean too much to me." I whispered, and hugged her. She hugged me back. We stayed that way for a few moments, until I felt her begun to cry again. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, just promise me, we'll never fight like that again, and you'll never forget about me." She whispered.

"I promise." I whispered. And held onto her tighter.


"Oh, Dad, guess what?" Iris asked as she scrubbed the dishes, and I put them away. We had vegetarian pizza for supper. Iris's pick. Pete had left after he got a phone call from Meagan. She needed help moving some stuff around the house.

"You have a boyfriend?" I teased her. She scrunched up her nose, and laughed.

"As if. I got invited to a party. It's in two weeks. The day after school gets out. To celebrate the beginning of summer holidays." She explained. It was still so odd. She just started school out here, and it would be over in two weeks. She had basically finished all the classes in the orphanage, and was only preparing for finals. She was ahead of most of her class out here. I couldn't imagine how bored she must be.

"That's awesome. But you cannot drink, or do drugs if you go, understand?" I asked her. She nodded as she finished the dishes. I was okay with her going to a party as long as she didn't drink, do drugs, or break curfew. I knew what it was like. She probably would sneak out, if I didn't give her the okay. We sang along to random songs that popped into each others head. But I could tell that something was still bothering her. "What's wrong?"

"I didn't mean to compare you to my mom. You're nothing like her. It's just when you didn't come pick me up, I thought you left me. That's how she left. She was supposed to come pick me up from school, my dad was working. She never came. Later that night my dad came and picked me up. He wasn't always the monster he turned into. He used to be a great guy. I wish I knew what happened." She muttered. It made so much sense. That's why she freaked out. That's why she got so mad. That's why she locked herself away like that. That's why she compared me to her mom. I understood where she was coming from.

"I'm sorry, it will never happen again. And if I can't make it, I'll get Pete, or Joe, or Andy to come get you. That will never happen again. I promise." I whispered.

"Okay Daddy." She said. Before going up to her room for a shower. By the time she was done it was nine. And she went to bed. It was a long day.


Sorry this is such a short chapter, but a lot happened in it. Plus I still have a lot more coming. Vote, comment, whatever. Read on. And thank you to all my readers. Every time I check the number goes up. Thank you so much. I cannot say thank you enough. And yes, something huge will come out of the party coming up. I already wrote it. It's going to be great.

Kylie Rae Nelson.

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