The IV And Your Hospital Bed (Patrick's P.O.V)

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Camisado By Panic! At The Disco

I explained everything to Pete. Pete phoned Joe, and Andy who rushed to the hospital. Pete explained it to them. They all told me she was going to be fine. But that did nothing to calm my nerves. I was pacing, Pete was bouncing his knee, Joe was clenching and unclenching his jaw, Andy was wringing his hands. We all hadn't moved. We barely talked, there was nothing to say.

"Mr.Stump?" A Doctor called, I instantly rushed over, the boys followed me. The Doctor was a lady with silly red curls. She smiled a small smile at me.

"Iris is going to be fine as far as we can tell. But there were a few issues that we have to address. Her tox screen came up negative for any alcohol, but the rapist who did this to her gave her enough drugs for it to be an overdose. We're thinking that she has a tolerance for drugs, the rapist got impatient, and kept upping how much her give her each time. We had to give her a mild sedative, to calm her down. She wouldn't stop asking for you, and we needed her to calm down. She is in very rough shape. The amount of drugs is what caused the bleeding. The rapist clearly got a kick out of making her feel pain, because she has multiple cuts, and burn marks. Some of the cuts needed stitches, without proper care the burns will scar, and never fade. She has numerous bruises covering her body, and three cracked ribs. She has a fever of 109. That is the body fighting off the drugs. We couldn't cover her with a blanket for that reason. She is currently asleep. Rest is what is best for her right now. But there is still a chance that the drugs will take a toll on her, and she may slip into a comatose state. If that happens there is absolutely nothing we could do to prevent it from happening, and only she can bring herself out. You may go see her if you like." The Doctor explained.

We all nodded, and followed her into the room. The walk lasted forever. It was silent besides the sounds of the hospital. There was Iris. She was laying on her side. The nurses set her up like that, so that she wouldn't choke, the doctor explained, but I wasn't really listening. Iris. Her hair had fallen down her back, she wasn't facing us, but it was undoubtedly her. Her legs were pale, and she looked frozen. There were cuts, burns, and bruises all along her arms, and legs. The hospital gown was big on her, so she looked so small. She was small. Her face was a bright red. That had to be from the fever. They had hooked up an IV to her arm, but that was it. They said they couldn't do anything else because it could send her body over the edge.

"I'll grab us some drinks." Joe muttered before leaving the room. We all nodded, but no one said anything. I sat down in a chair, and pulled it up beside the bed. Pete, and Andy sat at the end of the room on a couch over there. I reached out, and held onto Iris's hand.

"Iris, baby girl, my everything, my whole world, you have to wake up. Okay? It doesn't have to be now, but you still have to wake up. Don't sleep forever. You still got such a life to live. I love you. I shouldn't have yelled at you. I'm so sorry. I should've let you explain. Believe me if I could do anything, it would be take back those words. I can stand you being mad at me, and I can stand you ignoring me, but I can't stand seeing you like this. So if you do anything wake up. Get mad, ignore me, do whatever it takes, but baby girl wake up for me okay? Please just wake up." I whispered. I felt a tear slide down my cheek, and quickly brushed away. Joe came back with bottles of water for everyone.

I fell asleep clutching Iris's hand.


"Look Dad I'm the Queen of the world." Iris laughed as she climbed up onto the roof of Declan's playhouse. I looked up at her sitting on the roof. She had on her sunglasses, jeans, and a white t-shirt. Her hair was down around her shoulders. She looked like she belonged up there.

"Yes you are, but now you need to come down." I agreed with her. She shook her head at me.

"Look Dad, your Queen is dying." She hissed. I looked back at her, and there Iris in a hospital gown. She had the cuts, bruises, and burns as the Iris that was in the hospital. This was not what happened. This was my imagination. This wasn't real. Except she had a darker tone. Almost like there was a black presence above her. "Keep telling yourself that. But I am real. You should've been there for me. Now your Queen is gone. Your Queen is not yours. She hates you. Look at what you did to her. You didn't even let her explain."

Iris jumped down from the playhouse, and she was back to her normal self. I smiled at her.

"The Queen orders her servant, to make her something to eat. Please." She politely demanded before disappearing, just like the rest of the dream.


I woke up to find that I was the only one up. Pete fell asleep on the floor, Andy was sitting up against the wall, and Joe crashed on the two person couch. Iris, hadn't even moved. I wasn't sure what I expected. I think a part of me was hoping that she would've moved or something. But she didn't.

Something about that dream was off. It was a memory of the night before this all happened. But then she changed. She was mad. It had to be my own mind, because of the way she went from talking about herself in first person, then to third person in the blink of an eye.

A nurse walked in, and took Iris's temperature, she said that she would be back when the rest of the guys woke up, to change the dressings on her burns, and cuts. It was protocol that only close family was in the room. And the guys weren't didn't qualify as close according to protocol. Iris's temperature was going down. It was now at 103. Still to hot for a blanket, but still a great sign.

I accidentally knocked over a cup, and all the guys jolted awake.

"I'm sorry, it was only me." I whispered. They all nodded, and looked at the clock. It was 11:56. I explained to them what the nurse had said, and they all beamed.

"That's great." Joe assured.

"She doing better already!" Pete exclaimed.

"She'll pull through this." Andy whispered.

They all left to grab some lunch. The nurse scurried back in. She shut the door, locked it, and pulled the blinds shut. She pushed her little cart toward the end of the bed, and grabbed a piece of gauze the size of a sheet of paper. She talked me through everything she did. She had to pull the gown up over her head. She needed me to lift Iris for that. Iris was wearing a bra, and panties, so she would be okay to look at. My stomach dropped.

All across Iris's stomach was one huge burn. It went from her left shoulder to her right hip. There were cuts the size of rulers running down her sides. Three out of the ten had stitches. There were purple bruises forming on her ribs. The nurse reapplied new dressings, and ointment.  There was a burn in the inner of her left thigh the size of an index card, that was way too close. A cut that curved around her right leg, that was level with the burn. After the nurse finished reapplying dressings were put a new hospital gown on her.

"How could someone do this?" I asked to no one in particular.

"I wish I knew. I see way to many girls who show up looking like your girl. But none of them have ever been this bad. She is the worst I've ever seen." The nurse replied. Of course I knew other girls were raped, but why so many, and why wasn't anything ever down to stop the next rapist?


It's been one week.

Her Iris no longer has a fever, so they gave her a blanket. Nothing has healed though. They said it was because of badly she was wounded there is no possible way for her to heal that fast. They said give her one month. Iris still hasn't woken up. The guys stayed with me most of the time. I tried to get them to go be with there families, but they only refused.

"Hey, I brought you a salad." Andy chimed in. He walked over to sit beside me. He handed me the salad, with a plastic fork.

"Thanks Andy, where are the others?" I asked.

"They had to go home." Andy answered. I nodded. It has been a week since they've seen their families. I was happy they were going to see them. It was what I had been asking for.

We spent the time eating in silence.



Okay so that's like four chapters in two days? yay! Anyways, actually the chapter that came before this one, I had written when I first started the book. All I had to was publish it. So that chapter was easy. I added a few parts as I wrote the story, but I'm sorry, since day one, that was going to happen. Everything from the party, to the fight was roughly done, in the beginning. No I wasn't raped. That is purely for the story. Yes part of the dream was a flashback. Thank you to all my readers. Vote, comment, whatever.

Kylie Rae Nelson.

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