Mr. Benzedrine (Patrick's P.O.V)

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20 Dollar Nosebleed by Fall Out Boy featuring Brendon Urie

"I hate not being in there with her." I muttered to myself. I knew that Andy knew what he was doing, but I still wanted to be there with her. I wanted to be the one holding her in my arms, comforting her. But I was standing in the other side of the glass, watching from a distance. Pete, and Joe both nodded their heads.

"I get it, but she did say she wanted to talk to Andy when you gave her that option. Besides she probably won't talk if we're in there. She just needs sometime. And it's best if she starts talking to him now, than when you guys get home and she closes off completely." Joe spoke up. He was right.

I watched through the glass as Iris shifted comfortably on Andy's lap. Her hands wrapped around Andy, and I felt a smile tug at my lips. They seemed to be taking turns talking. She was actually talking about what was going on. It wasn't long before Iris laid down, and Andy came out to stand with the rest of us.

"Is she okay?" Pete beat me to the punch. Andy shut the door, and nodded. We all let out a breath of relief none of us knew we were holding.

"She's scared. This whole thing is only making her anxiety worse. She said it used to just be flashbacks, but now it's voices. She'll get through this, but it's not going to be easy." Andy explained. I heard Pete suck in a breath. He knew what it was like. He could relate to a certain level. He had an idea of what she was going through.

"It's that bad?" Pete asked. Andy could only nod his head. I heard Pete curse under his breath. "It's bad Patrick, really bad. We got to get her on something. Talking just not going to cut it anymore. We have to get her help." He basically pleaded. I nodded, and walked into the room. They stayed behind. I had to convince her to see a therapist. She was going to freak, and we all knew it.

She shot up, and waved a small wave at me. I sat down beside her bed, and gripped her hand in mine. She looked at me raising her eyebrows as if to ask what was wrong.

"Iris, you need to see a therapist." I looked up at her. Her eyes went wide. She shook her head madly. Her now auburn hair falling from her light ponytail around her face.

"No." She didn't even consider it. She just answered. No thinking.

"Iris, your anxiety is only getting worse. They can put you on some meds to help." I tried again.

"I don't want to. Please, I already said I'd talk to Andy." She begged. Her hands had begun to shake. She used her free hand to pull the ponytail out of her hair, and ran her hand through her hair multiple times, in attempt to calm herself down. It didn't work. The hand I was holding was only shaking harder.

"Iris, they can do a better job then all of us combined." I pushed. I noticed tears playing on the brink of her eyes that were now shades of blue. She was on her breaking point. I hated seeing her like this.

"No. No. No. I won't. No." She mumbled.

"Just try, once. If you don't like it, I won't  make you go again." I pleaded. She shook her head not trusting her voice. Why was she being so stubborn? She was always stubborn, but this was a whole different level. She was always stubborn, from the way she did her hair, to the way she did the dishes. But this, this was something else. "Why?" Was all I asked.

"Because I did therapy. When they placed me in the orphanage. They thought it was best too. I hated it. They just thought me how to hide it better. It only made me worse. If you think this is bad, you should've seen me after the sessions. I completely shut down. I can't do that again." She whispered tears spilling on her cheeks. I had no idea. This was why she didn't want to go back, she was afraid that it would make her worse. "Please don't make me go through that again." She pleaded. I nodded, and hugged her. She hugged me back. Clinging to me like I was her life line.

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