We've Gone Way Too Fast For Far Too Long (Iris's P.O.V)

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Young And Menace by Fall Out Boy

We shopped until four, and then we were all done with the mall. We all got something. I had nearly enough to last me a lifetime. I felt kind of selfish. So many kids everyday go without the option of food, and here I was shopping with my Dad, buying whatever I liked. When I was done with these clothes, I would donate them. Someone who needs it more can use it.

We were on the way to Joe Trohman's house. I was still shocked at how fast things were happening. I was adopted by Patrick Stump. My Dad was a famous singer. I had met Pete Wentz, the bass player for Fall Out Boy. I was meeting Joe, and Andy tonight. It felt so unreal. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought this would happen. It was all so fast. I felt like I was on a fast train, and it was just never going to stop.

"Hey, you doing okay? You look a little pale." Dad asked as we turned down some street, I didn't catch the name of. My skin tone was  naturally light porcelain. I would tan in the summer, but during the winter it would fade. It was spring, so I had a light tan. But I still looked pale. So Dad saying I looked pale, must of meant I was really pale.

"Yeah I'm okay, it just feels like everything is moving so fast. Two nights ago I was an orphan who had given up on being adopted, and now here I am. I was adopted by you, I'm meeting Joe, and Andy. I've met Pete. I moved from Canada, to the U.S.A in one night. It's just so insane." I answered. I was still watching out the window, I was trying to get a grip of my surroundings. This was a whole new place for me. I didn't grow up around here. I grew up in Canada. Everything was so different.

"Hey, were just people who went out, and made their dream their life. We're just people who a lot of people know. That's about it." Dad reassured me. I knew where he was coming from. I had been telling myself this since two nights ago. It helped, a bit. But it only dulled the edge. There was still so much happening around me, and I couldn't do anything to stop it. I just nodded, and kept looking out the window. In seconds we pulled up to Joe's house.

"Okay, I'm going to take Declan with me, and go through the back door, while you ring the front door bell until someone comes and answers it. It will be great." Dad explained the plan while unbuckling Declan. It was a BBQ which lead me to assume that people would be in the back instead of the house.

I walked up to the front door. The house was breathtaking. It was like a big beach house. Then again, it was a beach house. Sort of. Without the beach. The beach was close by, but not in the backyard like most. It had a garage, with a porch that lead to the front door. It was painted a robins egg blue. It was two levels, and had a huge front yard, with a climbing tree in the front. I walked up to the door, and rang the doorbell like crazy.

"Alright, alright I heard you the first hundred times. Wait, who are you?" Joe opened the door scratching his head. We hadn't thought it this far through. Good thing I was great at improv.

"I'm Iris, I'm supposed to be doing the interview. You know the one about the under appreciated side of Fall Out Boy. You said you, and Andy would be up for it. Really it won't take long." I instantly knew how to play this.

"Sure. Okay well come on in. Have a seat. I'll get Andy." Joe invited me into the house. Wait, he's willing to let some stranger into his house, because they said they planned an interview. Oh, this was going to be fun.

As soon as you walked in there was a staircase that lead upstairs to your left, and what looked like a meeting area to the right. It had chairs, and guitar stands, with guitars on them on the wall. There were five different guitars. Two acoustic, and three electric. It was mind blowing.

"Wait, how'd you get in so fast?" Uncle Pete asked coming around the corner. I smiled at Uncle Pete.

"Told him I was interviewing him, and Andy. He seemed confused at first, but then let me in, which only confused me. Who lets a fake interviewer into their house?" I sarcastically asked.

"Joe." Pete answered taking a seat across from me. We heard a door open, and close, which meant they were in the house. We shut up not wanting to blow my cover.

"Hey guys I'm going to watch this interview, if that's okay?" Dad stated coming around the corner with Joe, and Andy. He sat down beside Pete, and Joe, and Andy sat on the other couch.

"Okay so I gathered up a few questions that the fans normally ask people their fans of, so let me start with, if you could  be an animal what would you be?" I asked pulling out my journal, that's always with me. I don't think that ever since I was in the orphanage I let it out of my sight. I always knew where it was. I always had it within my reach for when I needed it.

"A snake." Andy answered, I wrote it down even though I didn't see the point. It was all for fun. I saw Dad, and Pete smirk at each other.

"A sloth." Joe answered.

"If you could be doing anything in the world, what would you be doing?"

"Just what I'm doing right now, besides the interview. I'm not really a fan. No offence, but I'm not sure why I agreed to this." Joe answered.

"Me either, I mean come on. I clearly didn't set up an interview, I'm only fourteen. And yet you went along with it. It was odd." I said back. Pete, and Dad burst out laughing. Joe, and Andy just glared at them.

"Wait so who are you really?" Joe asked me.

"I'm Iris Grace Stump! It's a pleasure to met you." I introduced myself again, holding my hand out for them to shake. Joe, and Andy both looked at Dad.

"You have a daughter?" Andy asked, at the same time Joe asked, "Who'd you screw?"

"Adopted daughter." Patrick said, and the same time I said, "Ew!"

Everybody burst out laughing, including myself. It felt so natural. Almost like we all had known each other for years, and this was just another average day.

"Well, I think we have to give her a proper introduction to the family, don't you think so, Patrick?" Joe asked smirking. I looked around, and saw everybody grinning at me. Not the welcoming smile, but the something's up smile. Dad only nodded. And Joe threw me over his shoulder.

"Hey, put me down!" I giggled. I was playfully kicking, and punching him. Everybody laughed as Joe carried me through the house. By the time we got outside I had given up.

"Joesph Trohman! What are you doing?" Marie came around, and asked. She was so pretty. She had brown hair like mine, but with bangs. She was wearing jeans, and black t-shirt. Her eyes were the prettiest shade of green. She was just so pretty.

"Relax, this is Iris the newest addition to the Stump family! I've got to give her a proper welcome." Joe calmed Marie down. She shook her head laughing. Joe carried me away. Then I noticed the pool. And my heart dropped. "Three! Two! One!"

And I was in the water in seconds. I screamed the whole time. The water was ice cold. It felt like someone took a sheet of ice, and placed it over top of me. I couldn't believe it. I was dunked into a pool. I came up for a breath.

"I haven't heard someone scream that loud since tour." Andy shrugged, and helped me out of the pool. Dad had brought me a towel. It was nice outside, so I figured I'd air dry my clothes.

"Welcome to the family Kiddo!" Uncle Pete exclaimed, and everybody gathered into a group hug. In that moment I felt like I finally belonged.


Okay, okay, kinda short. I know I'm sorry it's just I didn't know what to put here. Like I didn't want something to go wrong in this chapter. I wanted this be a great happy chapter. And I think I did a good job of that. It was kinda a filler chapter, but it's a great filler, and it needed to come in here. I'm not sure if this is what Joe's house really looks like, I'm basing it off of my Aunt Jane's place (which is beautiful I might add.) anyhow.
Vote, comment, whatever. Um thanks to all my readers. Please enjoy, that's the only thing I really want to get out of this.

Kylie Rae Nelson.

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