I'm Naming The Voices In My Head (Iris's P.O.V)

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Paralyzed by Against The Current 

I was the only one up. Both Declan, and Dad were asleep. I decided to take this moment to go out for a run, or walk since I couldn't run very much just yet. I quickly changed into my sweat pants, and a black Fall Out Boy shirt. Yes, I'm wearing my Dad's band shirt, but it was a birthday present from Lynn. I walked down the stairs with more ease than yesterday.

I entered the kitchen, and left a note saying that I was going for a walk, and I would be back soon. I just hoped Dad found the note, and didn't freak out that I wasn't home. I took a water bottle out of the fridge, and went out the back door. I slowly closed the door, hoping no one would hear it close. Luckily it didn't make a sound. And with that I was off.

I sprinted out of the backyard, and down the street until my ribs screamed at me. I slowed down to a light jog, and found a cute little park. It had two swing sets. Each swing set held two swings. And a little purple slide, with pink monkey bars leading you to a bright blue platform. Even the air smelt like lilacs, it was refreshing. It wasn't much, in fact it really wasn't anything at all, but it was beautiful. In the sand were small little buildings made out sand, that the weather had yet to crush. It was mostly just hills, but it was so neat. I took a seat on the bench, and took a sip of my water bottle. I looked at my watch, and realized I had been gone for twenty minutes. I had to get back soon.

I ran the whole way home. My ribs didn't bother me as much, but I still was cautious. When I arrived, I entered the same way I left. The house was silent. They were still sleeping. My note was on the table untouched. I laughed to myself. I crumpled the note, and threw it in the trash. I quickly went to the stairs, and showered. Then I remembered the ointment. It was sitting on my bathroom counter. I stared at it with a burning hate. Maybe I could do it myself just this once.

Then I heard shuffling. Crap. Someone was up. I prayed on all my lucky stars that it wasn't Dad. It could be Declan. Declan would up around this time. I really didn't want to have someone else apply the ointment. I was a big girl I could do it myself. Then a knock confirmed it was not Declan. The knock was from the upper part of the door, and it held the authority. I groaned in frustration, before opening the door.

"Good morning Sleeping Beauty." I answered my the door with a sarcastic remark. Dad's hair was sticking up on its end, and his glasses sat lazily on his nose. He was only wearing a tee shirt, and plaid pants. He smiled a small very funny smile.

"Morning to you too. I heard you in the shower, and I remembered the ointment." He reminded me while yawning. I looked over at my alarm clock, and realized it was already 9:46. I had been up for nearly three hours. And he was just getting up now.

"Yeah, yeah. The ointment. I can always do it myself." I groaned, and Dad shook his head. He wasn't going to let me do it myself. I groaned again. Before going to grab it off the counter. It would be easier if I just did it on my own.

"It's best if you lay down, now, um, you kinda have to take off your shirt." He stated. I nodded and threw off my shirt. I was wearing a tank top, and bra underneath so it wasn't too revealing. He rolled his eyes, at me. "And the tank top."

"No. I will roll it up, but I will not take it off." I protested. Dad gave me a look. You probably know the look. The Dad look. Yeah, that one. Where it's like fine, don't listen to me, and it leaves you feeling guilty. Like you know you should be listening to them, and taking their advice, but you don't. It was that look. The look. "Fine," I sighed giving in. I laid down on the bed, and pinched my eyes closed.

"Oh, man this stuff is nasty." Dad pointed out causing me to laugh. "No, I mean it's sticky, and it's green, and yuck." He chuckled along with me. He was right, it's sticky like honey, and was a pain to get off of your body. It was like syrup, and honey had a kid. Then there was the smell. At first it only smelt like baby powder, but after a day it devolved this gross awful odour. It was kinda like body odour, and the bitterness of rubbing alcohol. This stuff was the definition of nasty.

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