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*3 hours*

-Gray’s POV-

I woke up to find Juvia sitting on the mat. I looked out the window and saw that the sky was dark. When I fell asleep the sun had almost fully set. “Have you been sitting like that the whole time?” I asked. “Well I did fall asleep, but only for a few minuets” she told me fidgeting.

“So Juvia why do you call me ‘Gray-sama’?” I asked trying to break the ice. “I don’t really know, it’s like a special name cause I don’t call any one else by sama” she said. “Who was the guy you liked?” I asked. “Not telling” she teased.

“At least give me some hints?” I asked. “Nope, you asked me two questions, so know I get to ask you two questions” she replied. “Ok” I said giving. “How does the girl you like look?” she asked. ‘CRAP!!! I WALKED RIGHT IN TO THAT ONE!’ I thought. “Well she has long hair, dark blue eyes and a blue fairy tail mark” I said blushing.

“ you” I heard her whispered. “What.....what did you just say?” I asked shocked. Juvia was staring at her feet as her face turned red. “Nothing” she said trying to back away. “No seriously what did you just say?” I asked again grabbing her wrist.

She looked at my hand and then looked up at me and when our eye met her face turned redder. “” she said looking down blushing extremely hard. My eyes opened wide as I pulled her in for a hug as a reflex. “I love you too Juvia” I said.

“No way.....Gray-sama loves me” she said crying and covering her mouth. I slowly moved her cold hands away and slowly kissed her on the lips. “It’s like a dream.....I love you Gray-sama” she repeated crying tears of joy. “I love you too Juvia” I said as we hugged each other in the moonlight that was coming from the window.

‘Wait.....a window’I thought. “Gray-sama there’s a window” Juvia said. “If we combined our powers, you could turn my water into ice and we can slid down” Juvia said perking up.We tried to open it, but it wouldn’t budge. I than made an ice crowbar and broke it open. Juvia then made a water slide and made it rush out the window as I turned it in to ice. I hugged her tightly and we slid down.

“How are we gonna explain that to master” Juvia said looking up at the broken window. “We’re really going to get killed” I said a little scared on the thought of what he was going to do. “Well I need to walk you home” I said. “Thanks Gray-sama” Juvia replied blushing. “I would do it even if you weren’t injured” I whispered. “Your so sweet Gray-sama” Juvia said smiling at me. “Y-you think” I said blushing.

-Juvia’s POV-

‘I can’t believe I confessed to Gray-sama’I thought blushing as I felt his warm hand grab mine. “I wonder how we’re gonna tell people about this?” I said laughing. “Yeah, they’re gonna be freaking out” Gray said laughing and scratching his rosy red cheek. “So where officially together? I still can’t believe it” Gray said.

“Me too......I never thought being locked in a room with the person that I love would get me together with him” I said as he pulled me in. I could of sworn my heart was about to burst out of my chest and my face was turning bright red as I could feel Gray warmth next to my body.

-Gray’s POV-

I could feel my face turn red as Juvia said “I never thought being locked in a room with the person that I love would get me together with him” and it didn’t help that I pulled Juvia closer to my shirtless body. Juvia was as red as me. I could tell her leg still hurt because she was still limping.

I quickly grabbed her and carried her like a princess. “Gray...Gray-sama it’s ok I can walk” she said blushing. “No you can’t, your leg is really hurting and no matter what you say I am not putting you down until we get to the apartment” I said determined. “Thanks Gray-sama, but you can’t enter the girls apartments” Juvia reminded me.

“Oh crap I forgot, don’t worry no one will see me” I said perking up as we made it out side the hotel I yelled for help. “Gray what happened?” Levy’s head suddenly popped up from the window. “Juvia are you okay?” she tried not to yell. “I’ll be right there” she said as she disappeared back in to her room.

“Thanks Gray-sama” Juvia said kissing me on the cheek. “No prob” I said flushed. Levy soon came out and helped Juvia inside. “Thanks Gray you can go home now, Juvia is safe here” she said as she slowly helped Juvia up the stairs.

-Levy’s POV-

“What room are you in Juvia?” I asked. “Just two rooms down from yours” Juvia said. As I knocked on the door a bed-head Aki opened the door. “OMG! JUVIA WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? WHAT HAPPENED!?” she yelled as she notice Gray’s shirt around her leg. “Shhhh Aki” Juvia said I’ll tell you everything. “Thanks Levy I’ll tell you about it later” Juvia said hugging me. “Night” I yelled walking back in to my room. “Night” they waved back.

-Aki’s POV-

“So what happened? When we got back, the guild was still half cleaned and you and Gray were gone. We decided to come back to the apartment, but you weren’t here so we looked all over town. When we came back we were so tired we just collapsed on the bed” I said. “Me and Gray got trapped in the HUGE supply closet on the second floor” Juvia said exaggerating the word huge.

“YOU GUYS WERE ALONE!!? AND HOW DID YOU GET INJURED!!?” I yelled again. “SHHHHH” she said. “I got injured when I fell over and something cut my leg, but Gray took his shirt and wrapped it around my leg” Juvia explained. “So Gray was shirtless?” I said nudging her ribs and heading for the bathroom to get a bandage.

“Continue on” I said walking into the room and wrapping her leg with the bandage. “So then we con....confessed our feelings, kissed and now we’re dating” Juvia said as she was waiting for me to scream, but when she looked at me she was surprised. I can see why because my face was red from trying to keep my excitement bottled up.

“OMG! JUVIA! I can’t believe that you and Gray got together, finally” I started yelling, but then whispered. Lola was listening to us the whole time. “I’m so happy for you Juvia” Lola said hugging her. “Gosh Lola you scared the crap out of me” I said jumping in fear. “Oh sorry” she said laughing.

We all jumped up and down with joy whisper screaming as quietly as we could. “We just don’t know how to tell everyone” Juvia said. “Don’t worry we’ll figure that out tomorrow” Lola said heading to bed. “Lola is right, lets get some sleep now” I said as I looked at the time, it read 9pm. “Ok night Aki” Juvia said walking in to the bathroom and turning on the shower.

-Juvia’s POV-

I got out of the shower to realize I forgot my pajamas. I covered my body with the towel only to realise it was too short. ‘I just have to sneak out and it’s dark so they wouldn’t see me and if they do we’re all girls’ I thought walking out and grabbing my pajamas. I quickly changed into my pajamas and hopped into bed.

‘I can’t believe this is happening, it feels like a dream.....WAIT!’I thought as I pinched my cheeks. “Nope not dreaming” I whispered as I rested my head on the pillow and slowly feel asleep.

Adventure, Love and Life [A Fairy Tail FanFic Book 1] @FTWATTYAWARDS!Where stories live. Discover now