11-Confiding And Planning

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Archie's POV
I could feel this soft touch stroking circles over my shoulders. I let out a deep breath as I slowly began to open my eyes, only to see Betty looking directly at me with the most gorgeous green eyes I've ever seen. I turned my gaze to the window and saw that it was still dark out.
"What time is it?" I asked in a husky voice as turned my gaze back to Betty whilst resting my hand slightly below her waist.
"Just after midnight, you've being asleep for 2 hours." Betty said as she played with loose hairs on my neck.
"Have you slept at all?" I asked looking at her with concern
"No, I haven't being able too, I've being thinking too much and  you looked so peaceful just watching you sleep made my heart melt." I couldn't help but let out a light laugh as Betty said this but I was still worried about her.
"What you thinking about?" I asked with intrigue
"I never thought This would happen and that we'd be here together." Betty said as she looked deeply into my eyes, the eyes that stole my heart and had me completely hooked.
"Well that makes two of us." I said as started stroking circles on her upper thigh. Betty looked at me quizzically.
"What do you mean."
"If you asked me a year and half ago, what I'd be doing, I probably would've said single, focusing on music and traumatised by the memories of heartache I've caused, you know. Especially after that night of the dance, seeing that pain in your eyes and the hurt I caused you made me realise just how much I loved you but then you and Jughead slowly started becoming closer and I thought any possibility of being with you in the future had vanished. Then me and Veronica happened and while I thought I liked her, it was never the same as how I felt about you. Me and you we have so much history and chemistry and you believe in me and challenge me to be better than I am and I thought I'd lost that. Veronica saw it as well, how much I loved you so that's why we broke up a few months ago and since then my feelings for you had become more evident and I just needed to be with you. And we here we are. Just two best friends who happened to fall for one another and I couldn't be happier." I said as I felt a tear slide down my cheek as I smiled at Betty, her beautiful green eyes staring back at me.
"I couldn't be happier either Arch." Betty said as she gave me a passionate peck on the lips and then snuggled into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her frame and held her close to me, letting my body heat radiate on hers as we lay under the duvet.

Betty's POV
I woke up to smell of bacon and chocolate chip pancakes filling my nose. I rolled over expecting to feel Archie's toned chest and warm body but just came in contact with the sheets. I looked over at my phone and checked the time to see it was 7:50 in the morning, I stretched my arms above my head and rolled out of bed and began walking towards my bedroom door, completely forgetful of the fact that I was completely naked. I soon realised and ran to my drawers and pulled out some clean underwear, sleeping shorts and a simple singlet.
As I walked down the stairs to the entrance of the house, I could hear this singing coming from the kitchen. I slowly made my way way through the lounge and dining room, only to see Archie standing by the stove in nothing but a pair of faded jeans. He's beautiful voice filled the house and  echoed throughout the house.
I approached the kitchen island and propped my elbows on the island and rested my head in my hands as I watched him longingly. I slowly walked over to him and wrapped my arm around his and kissed him on the cheek.
"Morning." I said as I walked to the other side of him and went to grab two glasses and two plates from the cabinet before setting them on the dinning table.
"Good morning gorgeous." Archie said as his gazed followed me around the kitchen. It was so adorable and funny about how I could capture his attention by doing so little. Archie then turned the gas of the stove off and walked over to the dinning table with two full plates of bacon and chocolate chip pancakes.
"I know you love both and that you can't choose between them so instead of asking you to make a decision I decided to surprise you." He said as he sat down across from me.
We spent the next 30 minutes endulging in the feast that was laid out in front of us, leaving only 1 pancake and about 4 strips of bacon, whilst taking about the craziest things, like we always did. Watching Archie talk about his passions was so beautiful, he spoke so fondly about things and people he loved and that was just one of the amazing qualities that I loved about him.
"So your birthday is in 2 days, anything in particular you wanted to do?" He said with that gorgeous smile just making me go all gooey inside.
"Um, I don't know just spend time with you, that's all I'd want." I said as I blushed and bit my lip. He gave me a little chuckle and smile that melted my heart.
"Well I was thinking, a picnic at Sweetwater river and then go out for a fancy dinner and then back here to give you your present, does that sound good?" He said as he looked at me with worry.
"That sounds beautiful Arch." I said as I reached over to grab his hand and smiled at him reassuringly.

Archie's POV
After about another 30 minutes of non stop laughter and smiles, my phone started ringing. I checked to see the caller id to see it was my dad.
"It's my dad, I better take this."
"Hey dad."
"Hey arch, sorry to bother you."
"Nah it's fine what's up."
"We're a little short of staff today, so I was wondering if you wouldn't mind coming down and helping for an hour or two."
"Yeah that's fine, I'll just head home and get changed and pop right over to the site."
"Alright thanks arch, see you soon."
"No problem dad, see ya"
I hung the phone and placed it on the table, before stretching my arms and getting out of my chair. I didn't want to leave but I knew it meant a lot to my dad when I helped out.
"You going already?" Betty said as she looked at me with a doe eyed look on her face.
"Sadly yes, dad needs my help on the site today and since he just got back it'd be nice to spend time with him." I said as I started putting my phone back in my jeans pocket.
"That's sweet, well before you leave you might want to put your shirt and shoes on." Betty said as she took my hand and dragged me upstairs.
"Back to bedroom. Was last night not enough?" I said with a smirk in a playful tone. Betty couldn't help but roll her eyes at me and slap me lightly on the chest.
"Very funny Archie Andrews, but I think I can control my self." Betty said as she started picking my shirt off the floor and throwing it at me. I took this opportunity to approach her and test that theory.
"Oh really?" I said as I closed the space between us, with my lips slightly grazing against hers and my bare torso pressing against her body.
"Yeah I think I can." Betty said as her voice quivered and her hands started resting on my shoulders. She bit her lip and suddenly her hands had taken fistfuls of my hair and our lips where moulding together. This continued for about 3 minutes until we heard the front door open and close.
"Betty we're home." I heard Mrs.Cooper say. We both stoped in our tracks and looked towards Betty's door. I began putting my shirt on and my shoes in a quick pace and then headed towards Betty's door until she grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards her.
"You can't go that way, are you insane!"
"What why?" I asked quizzically
"My parents don't know we're dating and if they find out you spent the night up here with me that'll give more reason to snoop on my life and stop me from going places."
"Okay we'll just tell them I slept on the couch."
"Have you met my mother? She'll analyse that couch to try and find any DNA of you to prove that you actually slept on that couch." Betty said as she rolled her eyes at me. I couldn't help but laugh at what she said, she was so right though.
"So I guess that leaves me with the window." I said as I started walking towards it. I opened it up and sat with leg both inside and outside the house.
"Call me later okay?" I said as I sat on the window ledge.
"Okay, be careful and say hi to your dad for me." Betty said as she put her hands on my cheeks and kissed me on the lips. I smiled to myself and slowly made my way down the front of the house, as I landed on the ground I turned towards Betty's window and looked up to see her looking down on me. She gave me the most beautiful smile and eyes I've ever seen and slowly closed her window. I quickly ran to the other side of the street to my house only to be stopped by Haley.
"Archie, wait up."
"Haley hey! What brings you here?" I asked as I was actually really curious, ever since Betty told me her suspicions.
"Well you never texted me the details for Betty's surprise party and I figured why not just go ask in person."
"Oh yeah sorry, being preoccupied for the past 24 hours and the plans only just got finalised today. But um get to mine at about 8:20 cause we won't be getting back till 8:30, oh and it's formal wear, so wear something nice." I said with a kind tone
"So like tuxes and fancy dresses?" Haley said intriguingly
"Well more suit and tie them a tux."
"I bet you look good in a suit." Haley said as she started to approach me
"I mean look at these arms and your chest it'd just fit so nicely." She continued saying as she placed her hands on my arms and then my chest, making me feel very uncomfortable.
"Um yeah I guess, I've never really thought about it." I said as I backed away slowly getting out of her reach
"Anyway I really need to get going, so I'll see you in 2 days. Bye Haley." I said as I walked up towards my front door.
"Bye Archie." She said as she looked at me flirtatiously, I couldn't help but think Veronica and Betty where right. But nothing is ever going to come between Betty and I, I won't let it.

Is Archie suddenly realising Hayley's objectives? I guess we'll find out in the next chapter! Hope you enjoyed it, please vote and comment it means so much to me!

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