Betty's POV
"V, what the hell is Haley doing here?" I questioned as a combination of emotions ran through my body.It was confusing as to why Haley was here, we aren't on the best of terms and she knows that and how dare she think that she could turn up after what she confessed to me. I could feel the frustration building up inside of me, the more I thought about this.
"Archie invited her, he thought you'd love if she came but that was before we went to that house and she practically said to your face that she was trying to take Archie from you." Veronica explained as she placed her two hands on my arms while looking me directly in the eyes.
"Look you can't be mad at Archie as he had no clue what was going on at that point in time. So just don't speak to her too much tonight just hang around Archie and me and everybody else. It'll be fine. Trust me." Veronica stated as she embraced me in a comforting hug before pulling back and squeezing my face in her two hands.
"Now I don't know about you but I need a drink and to dance." Veronica said just as I saw Fred coming down the staircase with a present in his hand.
"You go ahead, Ill catch up with you later I'm just gonna speak to Mr.Andrews." I stated as I gave Veronica a warm smile before she walked off leaving me by the stair case. I turned on my heel so that I was facing Fred.
"Happy birthday Betty." He said as he wrapped me in a hug before pulling back and leaning against the staircase.
"Thank you Mr.Andrews, it's being a good one so far." I stated as I took a small step backwards before linking my hands and resting them in front of me.
"Well I would hope so, Archie has being rambling on about this for months and constantly panicking, more so recently than before. You've got yourself quite the handful with that one I'll tell you that Betty." He said with a laugh and a smile which he obviously passed down to Archie. I turned my gaze to find Archie in the crowd only to see he was already looking back at me, delivering the smile that I feel in love with.
"Yeah but he's my handful." I said with a smile that almost came off my face as I turned my gaze back to meet Mr.Andrews.
"Anyway this is for you, it's nothing fancy. I just saw Archie looking at it earlier and I figured I'd make a copy and give it too you." He explained as he handed me the present, I quickly unwrapped it to reveal a picture frame holding the photo of me and Archie from New Years Eve.
"I love Mr. Andrews! Thank you so much." I stared as I hugged him once more before he slowly slid past me.
"Well I've got to go into the office but you kids behave and watch Archie for me." Fred said as he grabbed his coat from the hanger and slid it on his arms. I let out a laugh as the words left his mouth, catching Archie's attention causing him to walk over to us.
"I will Mr.Andrews don't worry." I stated as he stood in the doorway before closing the door behind him. Suddenly I felt Archies arm snake around my waist as his warm body came in contact with the side of my body.
"What where you laughing about?" He questioned as titled his head down so he was looking in my eyes.
"Oh nothing, it's just something your dad said. Look at what he gave me." I stated as I handed Archie the picture frame. He took it in his big yet soft hands letting out a laugh and a huge smile.
"This is my favourite photo of us. It's funny how we already look like a couple here even though we weren't." He stated as he leant his head against mine while my head leant on his shoulder.
"I love it too, we both look so happy." "Alright well I wanna dance so I'm going to put my stuff upstairs and come back down." I explained only for Archie to stop me and grab my stuff in his own hands.
"No, no, I'll do it. You go join Veronica on the dance floor, I'll meet you there in a minute." He stated with a warm smile as he looked into my eyes. I quickly placed my hand on the back of his neck and pulled his face towards mine giving him a short peck before running off onto the dance floor.Archie's POV
After watching Betty walk into the crowd of the party, I quickly leaped up the staircase and into my bedroom, placing all of Betty's items on my desk before exiting the room and speeding down the staircase. I gently slid my blazer off and hung on the hanger by the door leaving me in a white shirt and a tie before making my way into the living area where everyone was gathering. Trying to find betty was like trying to find a pin in a haystack. I continued walking around and scanning the room only finding Kevin and Jughead. I could see Jughead talking to Haley, ever since that afternoon after leaving Betty's when I saw Haley I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable and knowing that Betty was concerned about Haley being around made me worried for Betty. I couldn't let Haley ruin her evening. After minutes of wondering and trying to find Betty I felt these two hands clasp over my eyes slightly pulling me back a little.
"Guess who?" They whispered into my ear into a deep voice, even with a altered voice it was still obvious that it was Betty.
"Uncle Gerald?" I question with a loud laugh as I began moving my hands behind me to Betty's waist and began tickling, making Betty squeal and laugh as her hands quickly removed themselves from my eyes before I turned around wrapping my arms around Betty's waist pulling her body against mine.
"Got you." I said slightly out of breath due to the laughing with a smirk plastered on my face. I could see Betty smirking back at me as her hands found there way to my link themselves behind my neck as she slowly leaned up a little so our faces with at equal level.
"That you did." She said before slowly leaning in a moulding our lips together as her hands slowly ran into my hair tangling themselves in each individual strand. I wrapped my arms tighter around her waist slightly pulling her off the ground smiling against the kiss before deepening the kiss only for Veronica to come in between and pull Betty away.
"You'll get her later Andrews, it's cake time now." Veronica said as she grabbed Betty's hand and guided her to the dinning table. I quietly laughed under my breath before following and going onwards into the kitchen and grabbing the cake from the island laying it out on top of the dinning table. Kevin quickly lit the candles while I moved around the table and placed myself behind Betty wrapping my arms around her waist.
"Everybody quiet! Alright start singing." Veronica shouted, shutting up the whole party for a total of 3 seconds only for everyone to start singing happy birthday to Betty a second later.
"HIP HIP! HURRAY! HIP HIP HURRAY! HIP HIP HURRAY!" Everyone shouted before clapping as Betty began blowing out of the candles. The clapping continued to echo throughout the entire house after Betty blew out the candles though it slowly died down as everyone walked off to resume what they where previously doing. Slowly gathering the cake and matches from the table I took it all back into the kitchen and placed it all on the island only to be distracted by the sound of the most beautiful laugh I've ever heard. I slowly turned on my feet leaning against the island watching Betty as she hugged and laughed with her friends, it was impossible to take my eyes off her. After having spoken to everyone who was around her she looked around and scanned the room only for her eyes to meet mine. A smile grew on her face as she approached me placing both of her hands on my neck while her thumb grazed over my jawline.
"Your quite the party planner you know." She stated as she smiled at me with her eyes full of love as a light laugh slipped out of her mouth.
"Well I always thought about considering it as a career outside of school." I jokingly stated as I moved my hand to the small of her back pulling her body closer to mine. "Though I wouldn't do much at the parties except stand there. I'm not much of a dancer as you know." I explained in a more serious tone though the smile on my mouth still remained.
"Well as the birthday girl, I demand that you dance with me." She demanded in a flirty tone as she began stroking her fingers up and down my jawline making me weak at knees. I hated that she knew every single one of my weaknesses. I let out a light groan with a sad face in restraint while trying to hide the feeling of enjoyment that ran through my body as her fingers traced over my skin. Betty clearly noticed as a smirk grew on her face as she pressed her lips lightly along my jawline almost breaking me with the feeling of lust running through my veins.
"Fine, but only for you." I stated as her eyes came to meet mine while she grabbed my hands and dragged me to the lounge where everyone was dancing.
The space that existed between me and Betty was non existent making the heat between us radiate. I gently placed my hands on Betty's waist while Betty's arms swung in the air with both our bodies moving in sync. As our heads got closer together to the point where they where touching, I could feel Betty's hot breath against my lips making my body go crazy in many ways. As the song went on I could feel sweat dripping down my skin as Betty's hands rested on my shoulders while her hips swayed closer and closer to me making me breathless. The temptation was slowly increasing the closer our bodies got, I swiftly moved one of my hands to the back of her upper thigh while the other rested on her back just above her lower body, pulling her body against mine as our lips crashed against one another. The passion was on another level as the we both slowly deepens the kiss with Betty's hands taking fistfuls of my shirt while one of my hands where half wrapped around her lower back with the other holding her right leg against the left side of my body while my hand rested on her thigh as it bent against the side of my body. We both slowly pulled away meeting each other's eyes while smirking knowing exactly what was going through each other's mine.
Betty quickly grabbed both my hands as I let go of her leg and lead me out of the lounge and up the stairs. We quickly arrived at my bedroom speeding through the door before I turned to shut and lock the door as Betty walked over to my desk placing herself against it. We both stood at opposite ends of the room with smirks twice as wide as ever. I slowly approached the desk closing the space between Betty and I, slowly stopping half a meter away from where she stood. Both of us had a ridiculous shade of pink growing on our cheeks that was impossible to hide. Betty slowly reached up and grabbed my tie in her hands slowly pulling me towards her resting my hands on either side of her on the desk as the gap between us slowly closed as our lips moulded together in a steamy fashion. My hands moved from desk and slowly slid up the side of Betty's thigh, gently but quickly picking her up as her legs wrapped around my waist and her hands moved to my cheeks before gently leaning her back onto the bed. The intensity and lust grew stronger as our lips parted as Betty's hands slowly slid down my chest and began untieing my tie as well as unbuttoning my shirt while her fingers traced down my torso. Our lips slowly crashed together again only for my to slowly pull back again making Betty's lips slowly trail down from my lips to my neck.
"Betty, Betty, Betty, Betty, wait a second." I said quickly as I slowly straightened up while resting my hands on Betty's waist as she placed her self on top of me. Betty looked at me with furrowed eyebrows and concern in her eyes as her eyes met mine.
"You okay? What is it?" She questioned moving her hands to my neck while gently placing with loose hairs on my neck.
"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine, I just remembered that I had one more thing to give you and I thought now." I stated as Betty slid off me and placed her self next to me, resting one of her small hands on thigh, before reaching to my bedside and pulling out the blue velvet box that I had looked at earlier on and gently handing it to Betty before she quickly opened it, creating one the biggest smiles I've ever seen on her face.
"Arch, it's beautiful. Oh my god! It's absolutely stunning and it matches my eyes. You've done too much for me today. Thank you. I love you." She explained as she turned her head to face me with a large smile plastered on her face before cupping my cheek with her hand and planting a passionate kiss on my lips. I gently pulled back, keeping our lips attached for as long as possible before leaning my head against here's before quickly standing up.
"I need to go check on Vegas, he's in the garage. But you stay right here and don't move your gorgeous self anywhere and I'll be right back." I quickly stated while buttoning up my shirt leaving the top 3 buttons undone before leaning down and pecking her one last time before rushing out of the room.I quickly entered the garage to see Vegas curled up on his bed by an amplifier, only for his head to shoot up as I shut the door making him quickly run over to me.
"Hey buddy, hello! Only another hour I promise." I stated in a childish voice while ruffling his fur and playing with his ears, to the point where I wasn't aware that someone had followed me into the garage.
"Hey Archie." I heard, making me quickly snap my head around to see Haley standing by the door. Though I invited her I couldn't help but feel paranoid about her being here since hearing Betty's worries. "Oh, hey Haley." I stayed with a small smile as I slowly stood up and turned to face her. "You having fun tonight?" I questioned as I crossed my arms over my chest while leaning against the arm of the arm chair. "Yeah, it's pretty good. Lots of familiar faces. What about you?" She questioned slowly moving closer towards me, creating an uncomfortable feeling in the air. "Yeah, yeah I am. Betty's having fun and that's pretty much all I care about. So if she's happy I'm happy." I stated with a large smile just thinking about Betty before standing up and straightening out my shirt and placing my hands in my pocket. "Why aren't you with her now?" Haley questioned with a raised eyebrow and a smirk making me suspicious as she took another step closer. "I just was, I just had to come down here and check on Vegas. Actually I should probably get back to the party." I explained quickly walking towards the door only for Haley to stand in front of my blocking my path. "Now come on don't you want to stay here with me?" She questioned while moving her hands up to my chest lightly rubbing up and down my shoulders. I quickly took a step back removing he contact from her. "No I really wouldn't. I'd rather be inside with my girlfriend, so excuse me." I demanded with a louder voice as frustration grew inside me while I tried to make my way for the door only to fail by Haley pushing me back a little, frustrating me even more. "Now come on Arch, I know you don't love Betty, you love me." She stated while tracing her fingers on my bare chest while unbuttoning one button of my shirt. I quickly grabbed her hands pushing them away with anger. "Look I love Betty. You and me that was years and years ago, it didn't matter. Now I'm happy with Betty and I wouldn't want anything else." I yelled lightly while clenching my jaw.
"You sure about that?" Haley question with flirty tone before crashing her lips against mine before I quickly backed away only for the side door to garage to open one second earlier, revealing the one person who mattered most to me.
"Betty."Betty's POV
Archie had being home for a while, I knew he wasn't going to be quick but I at least thought that'd he'd be back by now. I could feel paranoia growing inside me as I slowly waited in his bedroom while tapping my foot against the floor before quickly standing up and rushing out of the room and down the stairs. I quickly searched the whole of the party for Archie scanning each room trying to find his fiery red hair somewhere in the crowd. My eyes eventually landed on Veronica who was caught up in a conversation with Jughead, I quickly walked over to the both of the in hope that either of them had seen Archie.
"Hey have either of you seen Archie? He left for the garage over 10 minutes ago to check on Vegas but I figured he'd be back by now. So I was curious as to whether you'd seen him come back inside." I questioned in a concerned fast paced tone while fiddling with my fingers in a agitation. Both Veronica and jughead could see the paranoia on my face, causing there gazes to become a little concerned. They both gently placed a hand on my shoulder as a form of support and comfort.
"Sorry B. Neither of us have seen him since he went outside. He could still be there just go check and if it come back and let us know and we'll help you find him." Veronica stated gently pulling into a side hug to try and calm me down before I looked over to Jughead to see him giving me a reassuring smile. I didn't say a word I just, quickly left them and headed towards the back door. I quickly made my way down the stairs leading to the backyard a walked towards the garage in a fast pace, quickly opening the door to see a sight I prayed I'd never see. Archie's lips on another girl, let alone Haley.
NOOOOOO! Has Haley ruined everything between Archie & Betty? Will they be able to work through this? Or is it over? Find out on the next update. I'll make a deal with you. If this chapter reaches 20 votes within the next 24 hours I will update this story again when the 20 votes have being reached. Anyway hope ya'll enjoyed it and please remember to vote and comment it means a lot to me!

It's Always Being You
Fiksi PenggemarArchie and Betty have being best friends since they could remember. While Betty's feelings for Archie are in the open, what will happen when Archie begins to develop feelings for Betty. Will this friendship develop into something more? Or will there...