Betty's POV
My body was on a complete high after exiting the truck, just watching Archie as I approached my house and taking in all of him was heart stopping every time. As I entered the front door I came face to face with half a dozen baby pink balloons.
"Oh my god! What the hell!" I exasperated as I stumbled back a few steps before gaining a clear vision of the sight in front of me before feeling a body crash against me as these two thin arms wrapped around me, taking the wind out of me.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY B!" I heard Veronica scream as her hold on me tightened. A laugh escaped my lips as I returned the
"Thanks V! God this day just keeps getting better and better!" I stated before taking a deep breath to regain oxygen. I could see the smile on Veronica's face getting bigger as she began to giggled before hearing the loud clapping sound of my mothers heals coming from the kitchen.
"What is with all this screaming?" Mum said as she stopped in the archway between the main entrance and the lounge area. You could see the stern look on her face from a mile away but if you looked closely a small smile existed underneath.
"Oh sorry Mrs.Cooper. Just existed for this ones birthday. Only one year away from the big 18!" Veronica stated as she began slightly nudging my arm with her elbow.
"Yes, it is all very exciting isn't it. Only one more year with my little baby." Mum said as she turned her stern look into a bittersweet smile as her eyes started becoming teary. She quickly wiped under her eyes and returned her arms to hang down her body while her hand linked in front of her. The classic Alice Cooper stance.
"So any big plans for tonight? I'd love to take you out! We can have a cute girls night and go dancing and have dinner. It'd be a amazing!" Veronica stared with excitement in her voice. As much fun as that sounded, I couldn't contain my own excitement for my evening with Archie.
"I'm sorry V, that sounds so great but Archie already planned to take me out for dinner tonight. Though we can still go out next weekend. I promise." I stated as I reached out and rubbed my hand up and down her upper arm before she took a glance at her watch letting out a gasp.
"Crap I've got to go meet Kevin. We're picking up your present. Well enjoy yourself tonight and make sure to call me tomorrow and tell me everything." She stared with a sly smirk as she exited the house. I couldn't help but bite my lip at that comment. Just thinking about Archie sent my body into a lust full frenzy. I was snapped out of my frenzy by the sharp sound of my mothers voice
"You're spending a rather large amount of time with that boy, I've noticed. More than your usual time hanging out with Archie. Something going on there?" My mother queried as her eyebrow slowly raised in suspicion. I know I should tell her but I couldn't, not yet at least. There's so much passion with Archie and I at the moment I don't want anyone ruining that.
"No mum nothing. It's just Archie being Archie. Nothing different from the usual. We've just grown closer than we where before. That's all."
"Well then why did Veronica look so cheeky."
"That's just Veronica being Veronica. Anyway, Archie is picking me up in 3 hours so I need to get ready." I stated in a confident tone as I proceeded my way up the stairs before turning into my bedroom, leaving my mother at the bottom of the stairs.Archie's POV
"Dad! Have you seen my tie? The dark blue one with spots on it?" I questioned in an frustrated tone as I pulled out each individual drawer from my closet while throwing clothes everywhere. The tie was a key element to the outfit and it was important that I had it tonight. The frustration began growing inside of me as I could feel my jaw slightly tightening as slammed my hands against the closet door before sliding back onto the floor and leaning my back against my bed. I grabbed my phone from my pants pocket to reveal the time was 5:30. The panic was growing inside of me, I still had to style my hair and find the tie and I had to pick Betty up in 30 minutes. I couldn't let this day go down hill, it'd had being so amazing so far. I slowly pulled myself to my feet and began approaching my bedroom door only for it to open before I got there to reveal my dad standing in the frame holding the one thing I needed.
"Looking for this?" He questioned as he waved in front of my face a dark blue tie with white spots on it. A wave of relief swam over my body as I gently slid it out of his hands and clutched it in my own. "Oh my god! Thanks dad! Where was it?" I questioned as I turned to my mirror, sliding the tie around my neck and draping each end over one side of my chest before beginning to tie it.
"It was in the trunk in the hallway. Must of got jumbled up with several blankets in the wash or something." He stated with a light chuckle as he leant up against the door frame before turning me around and fixing my tie.
"There. A half Windsor looks better than a full Windsor." He chuffed as he patted me on the shoulder and turned me around so that I was looking at my reflection in the mirror. A smile grew on my face as I my eyes landed on a picture of me and Betty from New Year's Eve last year. Even though we weren't a couple during this time we sure did look like one in this photo. The way my arms wrapped around her waist and engulfed her in a hug as she sat on my lap with her arms wrapping themselves over mine with a huge smile which she only did when laughing was planted on her face as my lips where connected to her cheek, it sent a warm feeling throughout my body and just made me realise how much i love this girl and how long I've loved her for.
"There's nobody quite like her is there?" Dad muttered behind me as he looked at me staring at the picture in the mirror. He was right. There is no one in this world who is quite like Betty Cooper. The way her hair flows, her smile radiates, her eyes glow and the delicate touch of her hands. It was like fireworks every single time one of these things happened.
"No. No there's not. I've never felt about anyone the way I feel about her. We lost over a year of being together because I was too afraid to hurt her to the point of claiming there where no feelings for her at all. But we're both here and I never want to let her go." I said with a loving tone with a slight laugh in my voice. I gently placed the photo back on the mirror and turned to face my dad as I let out a deep huff before reaching to grab my blazer from the coat hanger, hanging on the door knob. After gently sliding the jacket over my shoulders and straightening the blazer out I quickly jogged over to my bedside and grabbed a small pale blue velvet box which held a silver chain with the letter B inscribed with a emerald diamond to match her eyes. As I gently placed the box back on the bedside table. I turned and walked past my dad towards the bathroom before grabbing the hair product from the shelf and applying a minimal amount on the tips of my fingers. I quickly ran the product through my hair, styling it into a neat yet messy hair style just the way Betty liked it.
"Alright, dad I'm off. Jughead, Veronica and Kevin should be around at about 6:30 to start setting up for the surprise party tonight and me and Betty will be back around between eight thirty and nine." I said as I reached the front door just after descending down the stair case.
"Alright, well I should be around when you guys get back but after that I'm heading to the site to get some paperwork done. So be good and make sure Alice gets photos of you and Betty before you leave for dinner." He stated as he stood up from his armchair which he'd only bring sitting in for a short period of time.
"Of course Dad. I'll see you later." I stated with a wide smile on my face as I exited out the front door and jogged down the pathway, across the road and to Betty's front door. As I rang the doorbell to Betty's house a combination of nerves and excitement flew through my body along with anticipation for someone to open the door. All I could think about what was what Betty was going to be wearing tonight and how beautiful she was going to look. I was brought out of my imagination as the front door opened to reveal Mrs.Cooper on the other side, during the whole Polly and Jason scenario she hadn't taken a particular liking to me but over the past six to seven months things have really changed.
"Hello Mrs.Cooper, i'm just here to take Betty out tonight. Is she ready yet?" I questioned as I remains on the doorstep not wanting to overstep and just walk into the house.
"Hello Archie, um no she's not yet. She'll be about another five to ten minutes." She stared with a friendly tone as she opened the door to its full proximity. I took a quick glance down at my watch to see what the time was to read that it was five-fifty.
"Oh right, well I guess I am a little early. I can just come back in ten minutes when she's ready." I stated as I began turning to walk back down the pathway.
"Oh nonsense, just come and wait inside. It's a lot easier." She stated before moving out of the doorframe allowing me space to enter through the front door. "Alright." I said as I slid past her and entered the house, taking in the surround song I had seen so many times before. I heard the front door close behind me as Alice walked past me and proceeded towards the kitchen.
"So do want anything? A soda? Water? Juice?" She questioned as she opened the fridge as I remained in the main entrance of the house. "Just water would be great thanks." I stated with a warm tone as I began looking at the pictures hanging on the wall. Alice quickly came back and handed me a medium sized glass of water. "Thanks" The front door suddenly flew open to reveal Hal walking in with a simple shoulder bag slung over his shoulder. "Archie! Hello. Well don't you look nice." He stated as he dropped the keys in a bowl and placed his bag on the floor before leaning his hand out to shake my own. "Hey Mr.Cooper. Thanks." I said as I shook my hand firmly in his before taking my hand back and placing it in my pocket. "Im just gonna quickly put this back in the kitchen." I stated before making my way to the kitchen and placing it in the sink. I quickly returned back to the main entrance as Hal began asking me a question.
"So how's your dad. He told me he was going to Chicago." "Oh his great, yeah. Just had to finalise the divorce with my mum." I stated quickly as I could feel a lump forming in my throat.
"Im sorry about that Archie. Your parents still love each other. You know that right?" Mrs.Cooper said as she placed a hand on my shoulder in comfort. "Yeah I know. It's just the way things are meant to be I guess." I stated while delivering a small smile. "Anyway, so how's the register going?" I questioned while turning my gaze between the two of them. "Pretty good, everything seems to back to normal and ever since the whole Jason blossom fiasco last year our sales have increased." Though I think we passed all our good writing down to Betty. Her writing seems to be doing a lot better than ours." Alice stated with a laugh as she walked over to a closet and pulled out a camera. "Yeah that's definitely got some truth to it. Shes always writing any point of any day." I stated with a warm laugh. "A lot of the time at school, when she's not in class she's either writing or at vixen pra...." I began saying before I saw the Betty coming down the stairs out of the corner of my eye. I could feel my heart start racing and my mouth slightly parting. She looked beautiful. The way her hair hung down just past her shoulders, the way her dress wrapped around her body, the way her smile radiated and how her skin shined, made my heart skip a beat.
"You look beautiful sweetheart." Hal said as he took Betty's hands and gave her a kiss on the cheek before allowing her to fully descended down the stairs. The camera shutter kept going off behind me, indicating that Alice was taking photos. I couldn't take my eyes off Betty, I was completely in awe just looking at her.
", you look gorgeous betts." I said as i approached her and I took her hands in mine and turned her on the spot. "Why thank you Arch, you don't look so bad yourself." She said as she moved my hands from mine and straightened my tie before linking her green eyes with mine and giving me the smile that stole my heart. "Okay guys before you go just some pictures." Alice stated as I moved one of my hands in my pocket and the other around Betty's waist as she rested her hand on my chest. We took the usual pictures such as the stereotypical couple photo, cuddle photo, funny face photo and a candid laughing photo similar to the one on New Years.
"Alright we better get going, the table is reserved for 6:15. Bye Mr and Mrs Cooper, have a good evening." I stated as I placed my hand on the small of Betty's back and began walking towards the door. "Okay have fun you kids. Archie make sure she's home before midnight." Alice said as she turned to hug Betty before closing the door behind us. "Sure thing." I said as both Betty and I proceeded down the pathway to the car. I quickly ran ahead and opened Betty's door for her holding it open. "Why thank you. Such a gentlemen." Betty said as she approached the car lightly brushing her hand over my shoulder sending shivers down my spine before she slowly slid into the car seat. I quickly ran around the other side and entered before shutting the door behind me and turning my head towards Betty, looking at her in complete awe.
"What?" Betty asked while looking back at me with those deep sea green eyes before placing my hand on her thigh and leaning forward and pressing a light kiss on her lips.
"You look absolutely breathtaking." I stated with a smile as our eyes linked together. Betty placed her small hand over my cheek and lightly stroked her thumb over my skin while delivering the most beautiful smile. We slowly began driving off down the street heading towards the restaurant as the golden sunset seeped through the trees and the sky radiated a combination of purples, blue, pinks and oranges. It was beautiful.Betty's POV
Two hours had passed since leaving for dinner and only now where Archie and I heading home. It had being the most amazing night, we laughed so much and only spoke about thing that the two of us would understand. I we truly lucky to have him and I hadn't being this happy in a long long time. As we exited the restaurant and began walking back to the car I hadn't noticed that Archie stopped walking in the middle of the car park and just started staring at me from behind. I quickly turned around after noticing he wasn't next to me to see him smiling at me with his hands in his pockets while his eyes glimmered in the moon light. I slowly approached him with a suspicious smile growing on my face and raised eyebrows. As I reached him I placed my hands lightly on his chest and gently ran them from his chest to his shoulders in a soothing manner.
"What is it?" I questioned as he continued to smile at me only this time letting out a laugh turning his face to ground before turning it back up to meet my gaze.
"Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?" Archie questioned as he rested his hands on my waist, while moving his head closer to mine.
"You might of, expect I'm not too sure can I hear it again." I let out with a light laugh as I moved my hands to link behind his neck pulling our bodies closer together. Archie stifled a laugh under his breath as he leans in and moulded our lips together before pulling back and looking back into my eyes. "You look beautiful. You always look beautiful." He said with a charming tone in his voice as he gave me his signature half smile before I pulled his head closer to mine once more moulding our lips together again.
Several minutes had past and I could feel the swelling on my lips growing. The lust, passion and heat that was radiating between me and archie right now is indescribable.
"Alright as much as I love this, we better get going. Don't really want to get hit by a car or have your parents hate me." Archie said as his lips left mine, causing me to frown due to the missing contact of his lips against mine.
"Archie it's only 8:30, we have until midnight." I stated moving my hands from his neck to his stomach and lightly tracing his abs with each of my fingers. I could feel his body tense up and shudder, causing me to bite my lip.
"Yes true, but I have one more present for you and it's at my house plus my dad wants to give you something as well." He said reaching down and grabbing my hand as we walked towards the car.
The entire drive home both mine and Archie's hands where linked and resting in my lap while I stroked my thumb constantly over his rough yet soft skin. The more I looked at Archie the more I realised how much I love him and how I'm always finding new things about him that just make me love him even more. We came to a slow stop as we reached our houses, parking right out the front of Archie's. After exiting out of the car, Archie quickly locked the car before engulfing me in a bear hug from behind while nuzzling his head into my neck, pressing a light kiss against my shoulder sending euphoria throughout my entire body.
We eventually reached the front door, only for it to be completely dark on the inside.
"Are you sure your dads home? It's pretty dark in there." I questioned turning to Archie who was fiddling with his keys trying to find the one that fit the front door.
"Yeah he should be. He might of fallen asleep upstairs when reading." Archie said as he placed a key inside the keyhole unlocking the door. Being the gentlemen that he is he allowed me to go in first before following after me and shutting the door.
"I don't know Arch, it's pretty quiet if you ask m-" I began saying before getting startled by the sound of over 30 people yelling surprise as the lights turned on.
"SURPRISE!" I quickly jumped backwards, hitting Archie's body while letting out a light scream. I could hear Archie laughing behind me as he wrapped his arms around my waist, engulfing me in a tight hug before Veronica, Kevin, Jughead and Cheryl came forward and all gathered around me and Archie. Archie quickly began talking to Jughead as they walked into the living room while Kevin and Cheryl where caught up in conversation.
"V! You knew about this?" I questioned as I pulled her aside while I wrapped my arms around her neck squeezing her in a tight hug. I could feel her laughing as her body shook against mine.
"I might of." She said as a cheeky smile formed all over her face. "But how did this happen. How did you manage this?" I questioned as continued looking around the room in complete shock.
"It wasn't me I was just a helper it was all your boyfriend over there. Archie organised this whole thing before you guys where even together and when you guys got together it just made it more perfect." Veronica explained as she let a light laugh. I turned my gaze to find Archie in the crowd to find him still talking to Jughead. This boy was amazing, he spoilt me when he didn't even need too. I found myself staring at him completely love struck only for my mood to change to anger when I caught a glimpse of a certain individual. I quickly grabbed Veronica's arm and pulled her closer to me whispering in her ear. "V, what the hell is Haley doing here?"
DRAMA! What do you all reckon is going to happen at the party? I'm currently halfway with writing the next chapter so that could be up tomorrow if we're lucky. Anyway hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please make sure to vote and comment I love hearing your guys thoughts and feedback. More drama next chapter so stay tuned.

It's Always Being You
FanfictionArchie and Betty have being best friends since they could remember. While Betty's feelings for Archie are in the open, what will happen when Archie begins to develop feelings for Betty. Will this friendship develop into something more? Or will there...