Chapter 3: I'm leaving

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Kevin's POV

"And now she is mad at me" I said and Ben just nodded.

I was sitting in my office thinking about how to apologize to Ash because I have never apologized to anyone and that is when Ben came, he is my friend since we were in college. Seeing me thinking so deeply he asked what's wrong so I told him about last night.

"But dude why are you so tense it's no big deal, it's nothing you have not done before" Ben said casually.

"It is a big deal Ben, she's my friend and now I'm feeling like I broke her trust" I replied.

"Then you should..." Ben was saying something but he stopped when my phone started ringing, I looked at the screen and it was my dad so I answered it.

"Kevin listen, there's some deal that need your attention so you have to be here by tomorrow morning" dad said from the other side, oh no I don't want to go.

"But dad I can't, who will handle the business here" I replied finding a perfect reason to stay here.

"Don't worry about that son, I'll be there till tomorrow night" dad said crushing my last reason to stay here.

"But dad..." I tried to say something but dad cut me off saying "This deal is really important and I know only you can handle it".

I sighed and said "Okay dad I'll be there" before hanging up.

Ben gave me a questioning look and I said "I'll have to leave for New York this evening".

"Oh but you still have time to talk with Ashley" Ben replied.

"Yeah" I said and called my assistant Jenny in.

"Jenny cancel all my meetings for today and I need to go to New York this evening so arrange everything" I said as she walked in.

"Okay, anything else sir" she asked.

"No, you may leave now" I replied and she walked out.

"Dude she's hot" Ben said grinning and I just shook my head at him, he doesn't leave anyone.

After few minutes Ben left and then I left for home too.

"Ash please open the door, we need to talk" I said loudly as I was standing in front of her room banging the door.

"No, I don't want to talk please leave" she replied angrily.

"Look I'm leaving for New York today, I don't know when I'll be back so please open the door. Stop over reacting now" I said still banging the door.

"Keep banging I don't care I'll not open the door and I'm not over reacting it may be a normal thing for you to break your friends trust by sleeping with her when she's not in her senses, but it's not normal for me" she replied.

"Okay then do as you wish, I'm leaving" I yelled once again banging the door before walking out.

Ugh this girl is born just to irritate me. She's clearly over reacting. Now I don't know when I'll get to talk to her face to face.

Hello mister she's not over reacting, she's a girl who wanted a fairy tale type love story for her self and you ruined it.

My subconscious spoke up.

"Kevin what are you doing here, usually this time you are at work" Ash's mom Emily said walking towards me.

"Nothing, I'm leaving for New York today so I wanted to meet Ash" I replied.

"Oh I want to ask you something, what's going on between you two I mean Ashley is acting a little weird and now the sadness on your face is proving that something's definitely wrong" she asked.

"Sorry but I can't talk about it now" I replied looking down.

"Okay then, have a safe journey to New York son take care" she said with an understanding look I'm glad she didn't force me to tell.

"Thank you and take care of Ash she's not in a good mood" I replied smiling as she nodded and patted my shoulder before walking away.

And I took a deep breath before leaving.


Ashley's POV

What does he thinks of himself, he should say sorry but he said that I'm over reacting, well then go to hell I don't care monkey huh.

Right now I need someone to talk with, thinking so I dialed Kelly's number.

"Ashley I was about to call you..." I cut her off saying "Kelly can you come over my place I need someone to talk".

"Okay I'll come, but what's wrong" she replied from the other side.

"You just come over I'll tell you everything" I said as tears formed in my eyes making my vision blurry.

"Okay bye I'll be there soon" she replied before hanging up.

After some time Kelly came straight to my room and said "Hey, we never met after your birthday right and by looking at your face I think that there's so much we need to talk about".

"I don't know how to say this but..." I started talking but she cut me off and said "But you need to share it with someone so say".

"Actually I got really drunk on my birthday night and then Kevin and me I mean we..." I trailed off not knowing how to say, what will she think about me if she knows.

"Oh my god you slept with Kevin, you finally did it kiddo" she said excited with her eyes wide open.

"I'm so worried and here you are all excited" I replied with my face in my palms.

"Why are you worrying yourself so much, it's not a big deal, girl it's twenty first century you need to grow up" she said while taking my hands away from my face.

"Well maybe you are right" I replied looking down, she's right maybe I'm just over reacting.

"Look at me" she said and I looked up at her as she continued "So tell me every single detail, how was your hot Kevin on bed huh" with a teasing look while winking at me.

"Kelly" I yelled as my face flushed and started hitting her with the pillow playfully as she ran around the room with me chasing behind her.


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Bye for now :)

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