Chapter 10: The next morning

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Ashley's POV

I slowly opened my eyes as I felt the bright sun rays hitting on my face, I yawned still feeling sleepy and looked around as I felt someone's presence on the bed beside me.

What I'm not alone on the bed, I asked myself as confusion raised in me.

I looked beside me only to see Kevin sleeping peacefully like a little child wait what is he doing here in my room on my bed And then everything drowned me as I sighed at the realization.

Oh god will we sleep like this on the same bed everyday from now onwards.

But you were the one who didn't had any problem in this when he asked you about sleeping on the same bed last night and now you are complaining, my subconscious said like a teacher scolding her student.

Hey I'm not complaining I was just wondering and yeah I only agreed on this last night but because I was really tired but now I think it's fine, not a big deal because it's not like we have never slept on the same bed but back then we were just friends but now we are husband and wife.

I sighed thinking this and looked at him...he's looking so adorable while sleeping although I don't know if I should be praising him or not.

I was staring at him and was so involved in my own thoughts that I didn't realize that he was awake now and was looking at me confused as if asking why are you gazing at me like this but then his expression changed from confused to a teasing one and that look was a warning for me that I better run away before he starts teasing me about staring at him. But before I could do that the strong urge to throw out all that I have eaten raised in me and I covered my mouth with my palm and rushed to the bathroom.

As soon as I reached the bathroom I throwed up all that was rushing up to my mouth while leaning down and just then a hand softly pulled all my hair behind while rubbing my back gently, of course it's not difficult for me to guess who it is, although I didn't wanted him to see me in this situation because he might think it's so disgusting but I'm thankful and kind of happy that he cares for me even if a little bit.

Yes he does cares...well maybe, I thought as my heart did a jumping dance before settling down again sadly at my last words.

When I was done I washed my face and turned towards Kevin who was looking concerned.

"Thank you but please next time if this happens don't come near me" I said before moving out.

"Why" he asked with a frown forming on his face and I just gave him a look which said like you don't know why before going into the closet and taking my clothes before heading to the bathroom completely ignoring Kevin who just stood there frowning at me.

After taking a quick shower when I came out I didn't see Kevin around so I quickly headed downstairs feeling hungry as my stomach is totally empty after throwing up, I don't know if this thing is going to continue every morning or even in the day maybe but I just wish it doesn't.

No one was present in the dining room other then the maids, Mathew uncle must have left for work I think.

I should wait for Kevin to come down so that we can have breakfast together as I'm not habitual to eat alone.

Suddenly while waiting for Kevin I remembered how me, mom and dad used to have breakfast together and it's then I realized how much I'm missing them already.

"Oh come on Ashley it's not like they stay in China, they just stay in the mansion across this one so you can meet them whenever you want" I said to myself first sarcastically then giggled at my own silliness but stopped when I heard his voice.

"You are talking to yourself again" he said shaking his head.

"Kevin wait" I called out when I saw he was about to leave.

"What" he asked.

"I was waiting for you I thought we would have breakfast together as you know I don't like to eat alone" I replied suddenly feeling nervous if he'll wait or just laugh at me and leave thinking that I'm stupid to wait for him.

"Okay let's eat although I'm late for work but doesn't matter because I'm the boss" he said with a sigh as a smile made it's way on my lips and we had breakfast together before I finally tried to ask the question which was roaming in my head since morning, note my words tried.

"Uh Kevin I was nothing you can leave for work now" I said when we finished eating, I wanted to ask him when we'll leave for our honeymoon but also didn't wanted him to know that I'm looking forward to it.

And he was about to leave but stopped "And by the way we'll be leaving this evening for our honeymoon" he said with a smirk on his face while stressing on our honeymoon before leaving.

While I was left surprised with a smile on my lips thinking he knew exactly what I wanted to ask.


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