Chapter 7: Decision

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Ashley's POV

The next morning mom, dad, Kelly and me were having breakfast together when Kevin entered the dining room. Oh he doesn't have any work to do or what.

"Hey can I join you all" he asked sitting on the chair beside me as my mom said "Of course".

"No you can't" I whispered but he heard me I guess.

"Did you say something" he asked looking at me and I just shook my head in denial.

"So what have you decided" he asked and everyone's eyes and attention moved towards me.

"I...okay I'll marry you" I said with much hesitation. The idea of getting married to my childhood friend is still not settling well with me.

"Great" he said smiling.

"I'm happy for you both" my mom said.

"Yeah you took the right decision" dad said and I stared at them in disbelief they should be mad at Kevin but here they are happy how can my parents be so nice to the boy who knocked me up. But I just choose to ignore their happy faces and continued eating my breakfast.

"I forgot to ask you, how far along are you" Kevin asked.

"What do I know" I replied shrugging my shoulders.

"You are pregnant and you don't know how far along you are, did you even went to a doctor" he asked.

"How do you think I would know I'm pregnant with out going to a doctor" I argued back, does he thinks I'm so stupid that I won't visit a doctor.

"Simple by..." he spoke but mom cut him off.

"Stop arguing you both, I think you both should go to a doctor today" she said.

"Yeah and that's why I came here but she just loves to argue right" Kevin said turning towards me "Anyways let's go, I'll fix an appointment with the doctor" he added.

"I'll not go with you, I can go alone or Kelly can accompany me" I replied.

"I'm not the daddy of your baby Ashley he is, you should go with him" Kelly said while grinning.

"Look stop arguing because you'll lose in the end and you can't stop me from coming with you" he said.

"Ashley if you keep fighting and arguing with him on these small small things then trust me it's not going to work and if you really care about your baby then you'll have to make it work" mom said.

She's right if I have decided to marry him then I should give a chance to us and make our relationship work.

"Okay I'll go with you" I replied with a sigh after thinking a bit.

After breakfast me and Kevin left to whichever doctor he is taking me to.

"Well the report says that you are just four weeks pregnant, congratulations Mr and Mrs.Diaz" the Doctor said who's name is Mary Johnson as I remember while looking through the test reports which they took when we came here.

"Ms.Lewis not Mrs.Diaz" I corrected her and she gave me a sorry look.

"But soon she'll be Mrs.Diaz" Kevin said and a gave him an irritated look, what was the need to say that.

"Okay so take a good care of yourself because in early pregnancy there are high chances of a miscarriage and come again after three or four weeks for an ultrasound" Mary said and I was about to leave when Kevin stopped me and asked the doctor many questions about what I should eat and what not and soon we left.

I thought that he wants to marry me just to save his reputation but now I think that maybe he really cares for the baby and for me too well a little bit.

Of course he cares for you stupid because you are his childhood friend don't forget that, my subconscious spoke in my head and I nodded my head in understanding.

"Why are you nodding your head" he asked as we sat in the car and he started driving towards home I guess.

"I didn't nod my head" I lied, he saw me nodding my head now he might think that I'm gone crazy talking to myself.

"Liar, you were talking to yourself I guess" he said chuckling a little while shaking his head.

"No I was not, I'm not that stupid to talk to myself" I replied.

"No it's totally okay we all do that" he said.

"Stop talking to me and focus on driving I want to reach my home not the hospital" I replied while looking out of the window and he stayed quite for some time.

"I have decided the wedding date" he spoke after a while, what how can he decide that without discussing with me about it.

"How can you decide that alone" I asked turned towards him.

"I know I should have discussed with you before" he said.

"Then why you didn't do that" I replied and he sighed, he and my family are deciding everything for me without even asking me now a days.

"What has happened to you Ashley, you are arguing with me on every little thing it's not like I have asked you to marry me right now in this car, right. I thought we might discuss about it now but you..." and he trailed off.

"Okay I'm sorry I won't argue now" I apologized because now I'm feeling like I have been over reacting since the morning.

"I know that you don't want to marry me well the reason is still unknown to me and believe me I didn't wanted this too but because of our current situation we have to do this. So maybe we could try to make this work, just give a chance to our relationship and I promise I'll try to be a good husband and father" he said while stopping the car on the side of the road.

"The reason I don't want to marry you that I'm scared of losing our friendship while trying to become a good and perfect wife for you and I don't know about you but our friendship is really precious to me no matter how much we have been fighting since our childhood" I replied telling him every single thing that have been disturbing me.

"Ashley look at me, I care for you and that's one of the reasons that I have decided to marry you I don't want you to raise the baby alone and believe me our friendship is really precious to me too and I promise we won't lose that I'll always be your friend before being your husband, there's no need to be scared about that okay now stop worrying so much, it's not good for your health" he said making me feel a little relieved and kissed my forehead before starting driving again.

I know he is not a bad guy, maybe our marriage can really work after all everything happens for a good reason.

Maybe we are just meant to be together, I thought while closing my eyes and leaning my head against the seat.


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